Theoretical Studies of Atomic Transitions and Inter-atomic Interactions

Theoretical Studies of Atomic Transitions and Inter-atomic Interactions
Author: Alexander Dalgarno
Total Pages: 97
Release: 1971

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The results of theoretical calculations of radiative transition probabilities in positive ions of atomic nitrogen and oxygen are presented. Results of a theoretical multi-state impact parameter calculation for the cross section of the mutual neutralization reaction, H(+) + H( - ) yields H + H are given and compared with experimental data. (Author).

Advances in the Theory of Atomic and Molecular Systems

Advances in the Theory of Atomic and Molecular Systems
Author: Piotr Piecuch
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 288
Release: 2009-09-30
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9048129850

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Advances in the Theory of Atomic and Molecular Systems, is a collection of contributions presenting recent theoretical and computational developments that provide new insights into the structure, properties, and behavior of a variety of atomic and molecular systems. This volume (subtitled “Dynamics, Spectroscopy, Clusters, and Nanostructures”) deals with the topics of “Quantum Dynamics and Spectroscopy”, “Complexes and Clusters”, and “Nanostructures and Complex Systems”. This volume is an invaluable resource for faculty, graduate students, and researchers interested in theoretical and computational chemistry and physics, physical chemistry and chemical physics, molecular spectroscopy, and related areas of science and engineering.

Electron Correlation Dynamics in Atomic Collisions

Electron Correlation Dynamics in Atomic Collisions
Author: J. H. McGuire
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 304
Release: 2005-12-15
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9780521018593

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This graduate/research level text introduces the theory of multi-electron transitions in atomic, molecular and optical physics, emphasizing the emerging topic of dynamic electron correlation. The book begins with an overview of simple binomial probabilities, classical scattering theory, quantum scattering and correlation, followed by the theory of single electron transition probabilities. Multiple electron transition probabilities are then treated in detail. Various approaches to multiple electron transitions are covered including the independent electron approximation, useful statistical methods and perturbation expansions treating correlation in both weak and strong limits. The dynamics of electron correlation are strongly emphasized. The text contains a comprehensive summary of data for few and many-electron transitions in atoms and molecules, including transitions on different atomic centers, fast ion-atom and electron-atom interactions, and recent observations using synchrotron radiation. Emphasis is given to methods that may be used by nonspecialists.

Theoretical Atomic Physics

Theoretical Atomic Physics
Author: Harald Siegfried Friedrich
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 513
Release: 2005-09-02
Genre: Science
ISBN: 354025644X

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This established text contains an advanced presentation of quantum mechanics adapted to the requirements of modern atomic physics. The third edition extends the successful second edition with a detailed treatment of the wave motion of atoms, and it also contains an introduction to some aspects of atom optics that are relevant for current and future experiments involving ultra-cold atoms. Included: Various problems with complete solutions.

Theoretical Studies of Electron and Photon Interactions With Atoms and Ions

Theoretical Studies of Electron and Photon Interactions With Atoms and Ions
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1997

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This grant has contributed to the establishment of a strong group in Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics at Clark Atlanta University. The general thrust of the group has been: (l) the development of novel theoretical methods for application to electron scattering at small-scattering angles, propulsion technologies and planetary atmospheres; 2) the calculation, using extensive configuration-interaction wave functions in sophisticated methodologies of energy levels, optical oscillator strengths, effective collision strengths for use in plasma modeling and photoionization cross sections; and 3) the support of minority students who are underrepresented in the physical and mathematical sciences The acquisition through tho AFOSR research grant of the powerful IBM RISC 6OOO/590 workstation and attendant software as well as the support of a Post-doctoral Fellow and students have improved the research environment at the Center for theoretical Studies of Physical Systems (CTSPS) and impacted the training of students in the Atlanta University Center, the largest consortium of private HBCUs in the nation. National and international visitors and collaborators have been attracted to CTSPS, creating an excellent environment for research, thereby advancing the field of small-angle electron scattering to a level that has never been attained before. The project has been very productive. Twenty-five publications have been generated with an additional six publications submitted for publication in refereed journals. Additionally, 31 papers have been presented at national and international conferences over the past three years.

Cooperative Effects in Optics, Superradiance and Phase Transitions

Cooperative Effects in Optics, Superradiance and Phase Transitions
Author: Andreev
Publisher: CRC Press
Total Pages: 500
Release: 1993-01-01
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 9780750302197

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Cooperative Effects in Optics: Superradiance and Phase Transitions presents a systematic treatment of the modern theory of cooperative optical phenomena-processes in which the behavior of many-body systems of radiators or absorbers is essentially determined by their collective interactions with each other. The book focuses on the theory of collective spontaneous radiation (superradiance) and provides a detailed physical explanation of the mechanism of collective spontaneous emission. It considers numerous models of novel nonequilibrium light-induced phase transitions in a typical quantum electronics system, including two-level atoms interacting with the radiation field and more complex systems of three-level atoms, two-bank semiconductors, and other interatomic interactions with the electrostatic and lattice displacement fields. The book uses some of these models for the interpretation of experimentally observed light-induced critical phenomena. Cooperative Effects in Optics is of great value to research workers in the field of cooperative optical phenomena, especially in the determination of the physical essence of theoretical models developed to describe cooperative effects in multi-atomic systems.

Atomic and Electronic Structure of Surfaces

Atomic and Electronic Structure of Surfaces
Author: Michel Lannoo
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 267
Release: 2013-03-14
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3662027143

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Surfaces and interfaces play an increasingly important role in today's solid state devices. In this book the reader is introduced, in a didactic manner, to the essential theoretical aspects of the atomic and electronic structure of surfaces and interfaces. The book does not pretend to give a complete overview of contemporary problems and methods. Instead, the authors strive to provide simple but qualitatively useful arguments that apply to a wide variety of cases. The emphasis of the book is on semiconductor surfaces and interfaces but it also includes a thorough treatment of transition metals, a general discussion of phonon dispersion curves, and examples of large computational calculations. The exercises accompanying every chapter will be of great benefit to the student.

Theoretical Studies of Atomic Transitions. Renewal Progress Report, April 1, 1994--March 31, 1997

Theoretical Studies of Atomic Transitions. Renewal Progress Report, April 1, 1994--March 31, 1997
Total Pages: 10
Release: 1996

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With the aid of powerful workstations and our software modified for large-scale computation, considerable progress has been made during the last few years. This progress is in the form of increased accuracy for transition probability studies along with estimates of uncertainty, the study of nuclear effects on atomic properties such as hyperfine interactions and isotope shifts, the study of relativistic correlation in some large and small systems, and the extension of spline methods to regions of higher energy where multiple continuum channels are present. This paper highlights this research. The appendix lists grant related papers that appeared since 1994, papers presented at conferences, and the papers submitted.

Electronic transitions and correlation effects

Electronic transitions and correlation effects
Author: Johan Jönsson
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
Total Pages: 85
Release: 2020-03-17
ISBN: 9179298850

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Macroscopic properties of real materials, such as conductivity, magneticproperties, crystal structure parameters, etc. are closely related or evendetermined by the configuration of their electrons, characterized by electronicstructure. By changing the conditions, e.g, pressure, temperature, magnetic/electric field, chemical doping, etc. one can modify the electronic structure ofsolids and therefore induce a phase transition(s) between different electronic andmagnetic states. One famous example is a Mott metal-to-insulator phase transition,at which a material undergoes a significant, often many orders of magnitude, changeof conductivity caused by the interplay between itineracy and localization of thecarriers. Electronic topological transitions (ETT) involvechanges in the topology of a metal's Fermi surface. This thesis investigates theeffect of such electronic transitions in various materials, ranging from pureelements to complex compounds. To describe the interplay between electronic transitionsand properties of real materials,different state-of-the-art computational methods are used. The densityfunctional theory(DFT), as well as the DFT + U method, is used to calculatestructural properties. The validity of recently introduced exchange-correlationfunctionals, such as the strongly constrained and appropriately normed (SCAN)functional, is also assessed for magnetic elements. In order toinclude dynamical effects of electron interactions we use the DFT + dynamical meanfield theory (DFT + DMFT) method. Experiments in hcp-Os have reported peculiarities in the ratio betweenlattice parameters at high pressure. Previous calculations have suggested these transitions maybe related to ETTs and even crossings of core levels at ultra high pressure. Inthis thesis it is shownthat the crossing of core levels is a general feature of heavy transitionmetals. Experiments have therefore been performed to look for indications ofthis transition in Ir using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. In NiO, strongrepulsion between electrons leads to a Mott insulating state at ambientconditions. It has long been predicted that high pressure will lead to aninsulator-to-metal transition. This has been suggested to be accompanied by aloss of magnetic order, and a structural phase transition. In collaboration withexperimentalists we look for thistransition by investigating the X-ray absorption spectra as well as themagnetic hyperfine field. We find no evidence of a Mott transition up to 280GPa. In the Mott insulator TiPO4, application of external pressure has beensuggested to lead to a spin-Peierls transition at room temperature. Weinvestigate the dimerisation and the magnetic structure of TiPO4 at high pressure.As pressure is increased further, TiPO4 goes through a metal to insulatortransition before an eventual crystallographic phase transition. Remarkably, thenew high pressure phases are found to be insulators; the Mott insulating stateis restored. MAX phases are layered materials that combinemetallic and ceramic properties and feature layers of M-metal and X-C or N atomsinterconnected by A-group atoms. Magnetic MAX-phases with their low dimensionalmagnetism are promising candidates for applications in e.g., spintronics.The validity of various theoretical approaches are discussed in connection tothe magnetic MAX-phase Mn2GaC. Using DFT and DFT + DMFT we consider the hightemperature paramagnetic state, and whether the magnetic moments are formed bylocalized or itinerant electrons. Ett materials makroskopiska egenskaper, såsom ledningsförmåga, magnetiska egenskaper, kristallstrukturparametrar, etc. är relaterade till, eller till och med bestämda av elektronernas konfiguration, vilken karakteriseras av elektronstrukturen. Genom att ändra förhållandena, till exempel via tryck, temperatur, magnetiska och/eller elektriska fält, dopning, etc. är det möjligt att modifiera elektronstrukturen hos ett material, och därigenom inducera fasövergångar mellan olika magnetiska och elektron-tillstånd. Mott metall-till-isolator övergången är ett berömt exempel på en fasövergång, då ett material genomgår en omfattande, ofta flera tiopotenser, förändring i ledningsförmåga, orsakad av samspelet mellan ambulerande och lokaliserade laddningsbärare. Vid en elektronisk-topologisk övergång (eng. electronic topological transition, ETT) sker förändringar i elektronernas energifördelning vilket modifierar materialets Fermi-yta. I den här avhandlingen undersöks dylika övergångar i olika material, från rena grundämnen till komplicerade föreningar. Flera olika toppmoderna beräkningsmetoder används för att redogöra för samspelet mellan elektroniska fasövergångar och egenskaper hos riktiga material. Täthetsfunktionalterori (eng. density functional theory, DFT), samt DFT + U, har används för att beräkna strukturella egenskaper. Lämplighetsgraden i att använda nyligen publicerade exchangecorrelation- funktionaler, såsom SCAN (eng. strongly constrained and appropriately normed), för att beskriva magnetiska grundämnen undersöks även. För att inkludera dynamiska elektronkorrelationer använder vi metoden DFT + dynamisk medelfältteori (eng. dynamical mean field theory, DMFT). Experiment utförda på hcp-Os vid högt tryck visar underliga hopp i kvoten mellan gitterparametrar. Tidigare beräkningar har indikerat att dessa övergångar kan vara relaterade till elektronisk-topologiska övergångar och korsande av kärntillstånd. I den här avhandlingen visas också att korsning av kärntillstånden är en generell egenskap hos tunga övergångsmetaller. Därför utförs röntgenabsorptionsexperiment på Ir för att leta efter tecken på denna typ av övergång. Övergångsmetalloxiden NiO har sedan länge förutspåtts genomgå en isolator till metall Mott-övergång. Det har föreslagits att denna övergång sker vid höga tryck i samband med att materialets magnetiska ordning försvinner och en strukturell övergång sker. I samarbete med experimentalister letar vi efter denna övergång genom att studera röntgenabsorptionsspektra och det magnetiska hyperfina fältet. Vi ser inga indikationer på en Mott-övegång, upp till ett tryck på 280 GPa. Det har föreslagits att Mott-isolatorn TiPO4 genomgår en så kallad spin-Peierls-övergång, vid rumstemperatur, när tryck appliceras. Vi undersöker dimeriseringen och den magnetiska strukturen i TiPO4 som funktion av tryck. Vid höga tryck genomgår TiPO4 ytterligare övergångar, från en isolerande till en metallisk fas för att slutligen genomgå en strukturell övergång. De nya högtrycksfaserna visar sig anmärkningsvärt vara Mott-isolatorer. MAX-faser är en grupp material med specifik kristallstruktur, som kombinerar egenskaper från keramiska material och metaller. En MAX-fas består av lager av M –metall-atomer – och X – kol- eller kväveatomer – vilka sammanbinds av atomer från grupp A. Magnetiska MAX-faser som visar magnetiska egenskaper, liknande de för lågdimensionella material, är lovande kandidater för applikation inom exempelvis spinntronik. Den här avhandlingen undersöker lämplighetsgraden i att använda diverse teoretiska metoder för att beskriva magnetiska MAX-faser. Med hjälp av DFT och DFT + DMFT undersöker vi den paramagnetiska högtemperaturfasen och huruvida de magnetiska momenten bildas av lokaliserade eller ambulerande elektroner.