Stochastic Models for Flow and Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media

Stochastic Models for Flow and Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media
Author: Amir Hossein Delgoshaie
Total Pages:
Release: 2018

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Modeling flow and transport in porous media is an important part of the decision-making process in managing crucial resources such as underground aquifers and hydrocarbon reservoirs, subsurface disposal of contaminants, and the design of battery systems. The multiscale nature of porous media, the heterogeneity of their properties and the uncertainty of our knowledge of these properties pose significant modeling challenges that have been the focus of extensive research. In this work, four important contributions are made to the modeling of flow and transport in porous systems. First, a non-local formulation is rigorously derived to find the average flow solution in multiscale porous media. Second, the stochastic representation of the flow problem is used for quantifying the flow uncertainty in cases with heterogeneous conductivity fields. An algorithm is proposed for using the Feynman-Kac formulation for one-dimensional elliptic problems with piecewise constant conductivity and various schemes were explored to improve the efficiency of particle tracking algorithms for both stochastic and deterministic flow problems. The third contribution of this work is the introduction of the stencil method, a discrete temporal Markov model for modeling transport in networks representing porous material. The stencil method simplifies the temporal models used to simulate mean transport in porous media. Finally, a fast discrete temporal Markov velocity process is introduced to simulate ensemble transport in highly heterogeneous continuum scale conductivity fields. This is the first stochastic model to simulate dispersion in high-variance conductivity fields for both Gaussian and exponential correlation structures.

Stochastic Models for Nonlinear Transport in Multiphase and Multiscale Heterogeneous Media

Stochastic Models for Nonlinear Transport in Multiphase and Multiscale Heterogeneous Media
Author: Farzaneh Rajabi
Total Pages:
Release: 2021

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Elucidating multiscale, multiphase and multiphysics phenomena of flow and transport processes in porous media is the cornerstone of numerous environmental and engineering applications. Several factors including spatial and temporal heterogeneity on a continuity of scales, the strong coupling of processes at such different scales at least at a localized region within the domain, combined with the nonlinearity of processes calls for a new modeling paradigm called multiscale models, which are able to properly address all such issues while presenting an accurate descriptive model for processes occurring at field scale applications. Furthermore, the typical temporal resolution used in modern simulations significantly exceeds characteristic time scales at which the system is driven and a solution is sought. This is especially so when systems are simulated over time scales that are much longer than the typical temporal scales of forcing factors. In addition to spatial and temporal heterogeneity, mixing and spreading of contaminants in the subsurface is remarkably influenced by oscillatory forcing factors. While the pore-scale models are able to handle the experimentally-observed phenomena, they are not always the best choice due to the high computational burden. Although handling across-scale coupling in environments with several simultaneous physical mechanisms such as advection, diffusion, reaction, and fluctuating boundary forcing factors complicates the theoretical and numerical modeling capabilities at high resolutions, multiscale models come to rescue. To this end, we investigate the impact of space-time upscaling on reactive transport in porous media driven by time-dependent boundary conditions whose characteristic time scale is much smaller than that at which transport is studied or observed at the macroscopic level. We first introduce the concept of spatiotemporal upscaling in the context of homogenization by multiple-scale expansions, and demonstrate the impact of time-dependent forcings and boundary conditions on macroscopic reactive transport. Proposing such a framework, we scrutinize the behavior of porous media for ``quasisteady stage time'' (thousands of years), where there is an interplay between signal frequency and the three physical underlying mechanisms; advection, molecular diffusion and heterogeneous reaction. To this end, we demonstrate that the transient forcing factors augment the solute mixing as they are combined with diffusion at the pore-scale. We then derive the macroscopic equation as well as the corresponding applicability criteria based on the order of magnitude of the dimensionless Peclet and Damkohler numbers. Also, we demonstrate that the dynamics at the continuum scale is strongly influenced by the interplay between signal frequency at the boundary and transport processes at the pore level. We validate such a framework for reactive transport in a planar fracture in which the single-component solute particle is undergoing nonlinear first-order heterogeneous reaction at the solid-liquid interface, while the medium is episodically influenced by time-dependent boundary conditions at the inlet. We also present the alternative effective transport model at a much lower cost, albeit at the regions where the corresponding applicability criteria are satisfied. We perform direct numerical simulations to study several test cases with different controlling parameters i.e. Peclet and Damkohler numbers and the space/time scale separation parameters; the ratio of characteristic transversal and longitudinal lengths $\varepsilon$ and $\omega$; the ratio of period of time-fluctuating boundary conditions to the observation time scale. A rigorous justification of the effective transport model for the given applicability conditions is demonstrated, essentially by comparing the local vertically averaged microscopic simulations with their corresponding macroscopic counterparts. Moreover, as a special case, we employ a singular perturbation technique to look at the effective model for vertical mixing through a narrow and long two-dimensional pore. We obtain explicit expressions for dispersion tensor as well as the other effective coefficients in the coarse-scale homogenized equation. Our analysis manifests robustness of the sufficient and necessary applicability constraints which validate the upscaled model as a solid replacement of the pore-scale one within the accuracy prescribed by homogenization theory. While a deterministic model is sufficiently robust for a plethora of subsurface applications, a more realistic setting is often required when dealing with other scopes of engineering applications, e.g. reservoir engineering and enhanced oil recovery. Rigorous modeling of these systems calls for sophisticated strategies for uncertainty quantification and stochastic treatment of the system under study. Such an uncertainty is inherent to, and critical for any physical modeling, essentially due to the incomplete knowledge of state of the world, noisy observations, and limitations in systematically recasting physical processes in a suitable mathematical framework. To this end, accurate predictions of outputs (e.g. saturation fields) from reservoir simulations guarantee precise oil recovery forecasts. These quantitative predictions rely on the quality of the input measurements/data, such as the reservoir permeability and porosity fields as well as forcings, such as initial and boundary conditions. However, the available information about a particular geologic formation, e.g. from well logs and seismic data of an outcrop, is usually sparse and inaccurate compared to the size of the natural system and the complexity arising from multiscale heterogeneity of the underlying system. Eventually, the uncertainty in the flow prediction can have a huge impact on the oil recovery. Consequently, we also develop a probabilistic approach to map the parametric uncertainty to the output state uncertainty in first-order hyperbolic conservation laws. We analyze this problem for nonlinear immiscible two-phase transport (Buckley-Leverett displacement) in heterogeneous porous media in the presence of a stochastic velocity field, where the uncertainty in the velocity field can arise from the incomplete description of either porosity field, injection flux, or both. Such uncertainty leads to the spatiotemporal uncertainty in the outputs of the problem. Given information about the spatial/temporal statistics of the correlated heterogeneity, we leverage method of distributions (MD) to derive deterministic equations that govern the evolution of single-point CDF of saturation in the form of linear hyperbolic conservation laws. We first derive the semi-analytical solution of the raw CDF of saturation at a given point, for the cases in which two shocks are present due to the gravitational forces. Then, we describe development of the partial differential equation that governs the evolution of the raw CDF of saturation, subject to uniquely specified boundary conditions in the phase space, wherein no closure approximations are required. Hereby, we give routes to circumventing the computational cost of Monte Carlo scheme while obtaining the full statistical description of saturation. This derivation is followed by conducting a set of numerical experiments for horizontal reservoirs and more complex scenarios in which gravity segregation takes place. We then compare the CDFs as well as the first two moments of saturation computed with the method of distributions, against those obtained using the statistical moment equations (SME) approach and kernel density estimation post-processing of exhaustive high-resolution Monte Carlo simulations (MCS). This comparison demonstrates that the CDF equations remain accurate over a wide range of statistical properties, i.e. standard deviation and correlation length of the underlying random fields, while the corresponding low-order statistical moment equations significantly deviate from Monte Carlo results, unless for very small values of standard deviation and correlation length.

Mathematical Modeling for Flow and Transport Through Porous Media

Mathematical Modeling for Flow and Transport Through Porous Media
Author: Gedeon Dagan
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 312
Release: 1991
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 9780792316169

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This book contains a selection of articles presented at an International Workshop on `Mathematical Modeling for Flow and Transport Through Porous Media'. The major topics of the meeting were free and moving boundary problems, structured media, multiphase flow, scale problems, stochastic aspects, parameter identification and optimization problems. The volume also represents a few contributions on the incorporation of chemical and biological processes in mathematical models for transport in porous media. The book is directed at researchers active in porous media, mathematical modeling, petroleum and geotechnical engineering and environmental sciences.

Macroscale Models of Flow Through Highly Heterogeneous Porous Media

Macroscale Models of Flow Through Highly Heterogeneous Porous Media
Author: M. Panfilov
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 392
Release: 2000-02-29
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9780792361763

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The The book book was was planned planned in in such such a a manner manner that that two two basic basic goals goals would would be be reached. reached. On On the the one one hand, hand, the the goal goal was was to to show show some some new new results results in in the the field field of of modeling modeling transport transport through through highly highly heterogeneous heterogeneous media, media, based based on on the the homogenization homogenization theory. theory. Multiple Multiple new new mathematical mathematical models models of of transport transport are are presented presented herein, herein, studying studying their their properties, properties, developing developing methods methods to to compute compute effective effective parameters parameters of of the the averaged averaged media, media, simulation simulation of of cell cell problems, problems, using using new new models models to to simulate simulate some some practical practical problems. problems. High High heterogeneity heterogeneity being being subjected subjected to to the the homogenization homogenization procedure, procedure, generates generates non-local non-local phenomena phenomena and and then then gives gives a a possibility possibility to to develop develop a a new, new, non-local non-local (or (or "dynamic"), "dynamic"), theory theory of of transport transport in in porous porous media. media.

Subsurface Flow and Transport

Subsurface Flow and Transport
Author: Gedeon Dagan
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 257
Release: 1997-09-04
Genre: Science
ISBN: 0521572576

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This book describes a major method in modelling the flow of water and transport of solutes in the subsurface, a subject of considerable interest in the exploitation and preservation of water resources. The stochastic approach allows the uncertainty which affects various properties and parameters to be incorporated in models of subsurface flow and transport. These much more realistic models are of greater use in, for example, modelling the transport and build-up of contaminants in groundwater. The volume is based on the second Kovacs Colloquium organised by the International Hydrological Programme (UNESCO) and the International Association of Hydrological Sciences. Fifteen leading scientists with international reputations review the latest developments in this area. The book is a valuable reference work for graduate students, research workers and professionals in government and public institutions, interested in hydrology, environmental issues, soil physics, petroleum engineering, geological engineering and applied mathematics.

Flow and Transport in Fractured Porous Media

Flow and Transport in Fractured Porous Media
Author: Peter Dietrich
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 455
Release: 2005-12-12
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3540270124

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This book addresses the characterization of flow and transport in porous fractured media from experimental and modeling perspectives. It provides a comprehensive presentation of investigations performed and analyzed on different scales.

Mathematical and Numerical Modeling in Porous Media

Mathematical and Numerical Modeling in Porous Media
Author: Martin A. Diaz Viera
Publisher: CRC Press
Total Pages: 372
Release: 2012-07-24
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 041566537X

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Porous media are broadly found in nature and their study is of high relevance in our present lives. In geosciences porous media research is fundamental in applications to aquifers, mineral mines, contaminant transport, soil remediation, waste storage, oil recovery and geothermal energy deposits. Despite their importance, there is as yet no complete understanding of the physical processes involved in fluid flow and transport. This fact can be attributed to the complexity of the phenomena which include multicomponent fluids, multiphasic flow and rock-fluid interactions. Since its formulation in 1856, Darcy’s law has been generalized to describe multi-phase compressible fluid flow through anisotropic and heterogeneous porous and fractured rocks. Due to the scarcity of information, a high degree of uncertainty on the porous medium properties is commonly present. Contributions to the knowledge of modeling flow and transport, as well as to the characterization of porous media at field scale are of great relevance. This book addresses several of these issues, treated with a variety of methodologies grouped into four parts: I Fundamental concepts II Flow and transport III Statistical and stochastic characterization IV Waves The problems analyzed in this book cover diverse length scales that range from small rock samples to field-size porous formations. They belong to the most active areas of research in porous media with applications in geosciences developed by diverse authors. This book was written for a broad audience with a prior and basic knowledge of porous media. The book is addressed to a wide readership, and it will be useful not only as an authoritative textbook for undergraduate and graduate students but also as a reference source for professionals including geoscientists, hydrogeologists, geophysicists, engineers, applied mathematicians and others working on porous media.

Stochastic Analysis Of Flow And Solute Transport In Heterogeneous Porous Media Using Perturbation Approach

Stochastic Analysis Of Flow And Solute Transport In Heterogeneous Porous Media Using Perturbation Approach
Total Pages:
Release: 2001

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Analysis of flow and solute transport problem in porous media are affected by uncertainty inbuilt both in boundary conditions and spatial variability in system parameters. The experimental investigation reveals that the parameters may vary in various scales by several orders. These affect the solute plume characteristics in field-scale problem and cause uncertainty in the prediction of concentration. The main focus of the present thesis is to analyze the probabilistic behavior of solute concentration in three dimensional(3-D) heterogeneous porous media. The framework for the probabilistic analysis has been developed using perturbation approach for both spectral based analytical and finite element based numerical method. The results of the probabilistic analysis are presented either in terms of solute plume characteristics or prediction uncertainty of the concentration. After providing a brief introduction on the role of stochastic analysis in subsurface hydrology in chapter 1, a detailed review of the literature is presented to establish the existing state-of-art in the research on the probabilistic analysis of flow and transport in simple and complex heterogeneous porous media in chapter 2. The literature review is mainly focused on the methods of solution of the stochastic differential equation. Perturbation based spectral method is often used for probabilistic analysis of flow and solute transport problem. Using this analytical method a nonlocal equation is solved to derive the expression of the spatial plume moments. The spatial plume moments represent the solute movement, spreading in an average sense. In chapter 3 of the present thesis, local dispersivity if also assumed to be random space function along with hydraulic conductivity. For various correlation coefficients of the random parameters, the results in terms of the field scale effective dispersivity are presented to demonstrate the effect of local dispersivity variation in space. The randomness of local.

Mechanism and Stochastic Dynamics of Transport in Darcy-scale Heterogeneous Porous Media

Mechanism and Stochastic Dynamics of Transport in Darcy-scale Heterogeneous Porous Media
Author: Alessandro Comolli
Total Pages: 215
Release: 2018

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Solute transport in heterogeneous porous media in general exhibits anomalous behaviors, in the sense that it is characterized by features that cannot be explained in terms of traditional models based on the advection-dispersion equation with constant effective coefficients. Signatures of anomalous transport are the non-linear temporal growth of the variance of solute concentration, non- Gaussian density profiles and heavy-tailed breakthrough curves. Understanding and predicting transport behavior in groundwater systems is crucial for several environmental and industrial applications, including groundwater management and risk assessment for nuclear waste repositories. The complexity of this task lies in the intrinsic multi-scale heterogeneity of geological formations and in the large amount of degrees of freedom. Hence, the predictive description of transport requires a process of upscaling that is based on measurable medium and flow attributes. The time domain random walk (TDRW) and continuous time random walk (CTRW) approaches provide suitable frameworks for transport upscaling. In this thesis, we identify different mechanisms that induce anomalous transport and we quantify their impact on transport attributes. We propose average transport models that can be parameterized in terms of flow and medium properties. Among the mechanisms that induce non-Fickian behaviors, a pivotal role is played by the heterogeneity of the flow field, which is directly linked to medium disorder. Due to its importance, the impact of advective heterogeneity is studied throughout the thesis, alongside with other mechanisms. First, we consider solute trapping due to physical or chemical heterogeneity, which we parameterize in terms of a constant trapping rate and a distribution of return times. We observe three distinct transport regimes that are linked to characteristic trapping time scales. At early times, transport is advection- controlled until particles start to get trapped. Then, the increasing distance between mobile and immobile particles gives rise to a superdiffusive regime which finally evolves towards a trapping-controlled regime. Second, we study transport in correlated porous media. We show that particle motion describes a coupled CTRW that is parameterized in terms of the distribution of flow velocity and length scales. We show that disorder and correlation may lead to similar behaviors in terms of displacement moments, but the difference between these mechanisms is manifest in the distributions of particle positions and arrival times. Next, we study the relationship between flow and transport properties and the impact of different injection conditions on transport. To this end, the relationship between Eulerian and Lagrangian velocities is investigated. Lagrangian statistics evolves to a steady-state that depends on the injection conditions. We study the velocity organization in Darcy flows and we develop a CTRW model for transport that is parameterized in terms of flow and medium attributes only. This CTRW accounts for non-stationarity through Markovian velocity models. We study the impact of advective heterogeneity by considering different disorder scenarios. Finally, we quantify the impact of diffusion in layered and fibrous heterogeneous media by considering two disorder scenarios characterized by quenched random velocities and quenched retardation properties, respectively. These mechanisms lead to different, dimension-dependent disorder samplings that give rise to dual transport processes in space and time. Specifically, transport describes correlated Lévy flights in the random velocity model and correlated CTRWs in the random retardation model.