Quantum Critical Phenomena of Valence Transition

Quantum Critical Phenomena of Valence Transition
Author: Shinji Watanabe
Publisher: Springer Nature
Total Pages: 220
Release: 2024-01-27
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9819935180

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This book comprehensively presents an unconventional quantum criticality caused by valence fluctuations, which offers theoretical understanding of unconventional Fermi-liquid properties in cerium- and ytterbium-based heavy fermion metals including CeCu2(Si,Ge)2 and CeRhIn5 under pressure, and quasicrystal β-YbAlB4 and Yb15Al34Au51. The book begins with an introduction to fundamental concepts for heavy fermion systems, valence fluctuation, and quantum phase transition, including self-consistent renormalization group theory. A subsequent chapter is devoted to a comprehensive description of the theory of the unconventional quantum criticality based on a valence transition, featuring explicit temperature dependence of various physical quantities, which allows for comparisons to relevant experiments. Lastly, it discusses how ubiquitous the valence fluctuation is, presenting candidate materials not only in heavy fermions, but also in strongly correlated electrons represented by high-Tc superconductor cuprates. Introductory chapters provide useful materials for learning fundamentals of heavy fermion systems and their theory. Further, experimental topics relevant to valence fluctuations are valuable resources for those who are new to the field to easily catch up with experimental background and facts.

Superconductivity, Magnetism, Quantum Criticality, And Hidden Order In Quantum Materials

Superconductivity, Magnetism, Quantum Criticality, And Hidden Order In Quantum Materials
Author: Dom Lal Kunwar
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2022

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The heavy fermions (HF) are strongly correlated electron systems consisting of intermetallic compounds of lanthanides and actinides ions with f -electrons unfilled shells. These systems are very rich in physics and the interplay between competing interactions results in various interesting physical phenomena such as heavy fermion behavior, unconventional superconductivity, non-Fermi-liquid behavior, coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism, and quantum criticality. The origin of such phenomena comes from the interaction of itinerant conduction states with the partially filled 4f - or 5f -electron states of rare earth elements. The study of such important physical phenomena can be possible by tuning the system using nonthermal control parameters, such as chemical composition, magnetic field, and applied pressure. So, studying the chemical pressure effect on heavy fermion systems with or without magnetic field is an intriguing idea to construct various phase diagrams and study their phase transitions. We performed heat capacity (HC), magnetoresistance (MR), and resistivity measurements on the Ce-based 115 and U-based 122 heavy fermion materials at low temperatures. We studied the nature of the quantum critical point, second-order phase transition, and the possible interplay between superconductivity and magnetism. First, we were motivated by the possibility of observing the coexistence of magnetism and unconventional superconductivity in the heavy fermion Ce1-xSmxCoIn5 alloys. We performed specific heat, MR, and resistivity measurements in different magnetic fields. We investigated how the samarium substitution on the cerium site affects the magnetic-field-tuned quantum criticality of stoichiometric CeCoIn5. We have observed Fermi-liquid to non-Fermi-liquid crossovers in the temperature dependence of the electronic specific heat and resistivity at higher external magnetic fields. We obtained the magnetic-field-induced quantum critical point (HQCP) by extrapolating the crossover temperature to zero temperature. Furthermore, we performed a scaling analysis of the electronic specific heat and confirmed the existence of the QCP. According to our findings, the magnitude of (HQCP) decreases as the samarium content rises and ultimately becomes zero. The electronic specific heat and resistivity data reveal a zero-field QCP for xcr = 0.15, which falls inside the antiferromagnetic and superconducting coexistence region. Next, we performed measurements of the heat capacity as a function of temperature in a single crystals URu2-xOsxSi2. Our experimental results show that the critical temperature of the second-order phase transition increases while the value of the Sommerfeld coefficient in the ordered state decreases with an increase in osmium concentration. We also observed the increase in the magnitude of the heat capacity at the critical temperature and a broadening of the critical fluctuations region with an increase in Os concentration. We analyze the experimental data using the Haule- Kotliar model, which identifies the 'hidden order' transition in the parent material URu2Si2 as a transition to a state with nonzero hexadecapolar moment. We showed that our experimental results are consistent with this model. In conclusion, we studied the interplay between superconductivity and magnetism in Ce based 115 and U based 122 single crystal alloys using heat capacity, magnetoresistivity, and resistivity measurements in both cryogenic systems including He-4 and He-3. The understating of various phenomena in these heavy fermions could be helpful in developing higher transition temperature superconductors, energy storage devices, quantum computers, and memory devices in the future.

Heavy Fermions, Quantum Criticality, and Unconventional Superconductivity in Filled Skutterudites and Related Materials

Heavy Fermions, Quantum Criticality, and Unconventional Superconductivity in Filled Skutterudites and Related Materials
Total Pages: 6
Release: 2015

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The main goal of this program was to explore the possibility of novel states and behaviors in Pr-based system exhibiting quantum critical behavior, PrOs4Sb12. Upon small changes of external parameter, such as magnetic field, physical properties of PrOs4Sb12 are drastically altered from those corresponding to a superconductor, to heavy fermion, to field-induced ordered phase with primary quadrupolar order parameter. All these states are highly unconventional and not understood in terms of current theories thus offer an opportunity to expand our knowledge and understanding of condensed matter. At the same time, these novel states and behaviors are subjects to intense international controversies. In particular, two superconducting phases with different transition temperatures were observed in some samples and not observed in others leading to speculations that sample defects might be partially responsible for these exotic behaviors. This work clearly established that crystal disorder is important consideration, but contrary to current consensus this disorder suppresses exotic behavior. Superconducting properties imply unconventional inhomogeneous state that emerges from unconventional homogeneous normal state. Comprehensive structural investigations demonstrated that upper superconducting transition is intrinsic, bulk, and unconventional. The high quality of in-house synthesized single crystals was indirectly confirmed by de Haas-van Alphen quantum oscillation measurements. These measurements, for the first time ever reported, spanned several different phases, offering unprecedented possibility of studying quantum oscillations across phase boundaries.

Quantum Criticality and Fermisurface Instabilities Investigation by Pressure and Quantum Oscillation Measurements on Ce and Ybbased Heavy Fermion Compounds

Quantum Criticality and Fermisurface Instabilities Investigation by Pressure and Quantum Oscillation Measurements on Ce and Ybbased Heavy Fermion Compounds
Author: Mounir Boukahil
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2014

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The superconductivity had been thought to be incompatible with the magnetism, because the former originates from the weak attractive leading to the formation of Cooper pairs, whereas the latter is based on the strong Coulomb repulsive force, leading also to strong electronic correlations. Unconventional superconductors,which include heavy fermion systems, high-Tc cuprates, organic superconductors, and iron-pnictides, is a major topic of condensed matter physics. In all these systems, it has been understood that magnetism can even plays an important role for the pairing mechanism, so that both phenomena can coexist and even favour each other.Our target is on heavy fermion systems, namely uranium and rare earth compounds, where the 5f or 4f electrons which have a dual nature (itinerant/localized), play an important role. More precisely, we will focus on the ferromagnetic superconductors and their quantum criticality. In this field, new materials open new frontiers of research. The student will participate in this stream. He will learn and develop the fundamental crystal growth techniques, such as Czochralski, flux, and Bridgeman method. Since high quality single crystals are essential to elucidate the superconducting properties, a lot of efforts will be devoted to improve the quality of the samples. The next target is the quantum oscillation measurements, which allow a detailed microscopic observation of the heavy electronic state and of the topology of the Fermi surface. They require both very low temperature and high fields, like the study of the field induced superconducting phases in these compounds (like URhGe or UCoGe). The student will perform the measurements under extreme conditions, namely high fields up to 15T in SPSMS, or up to 30T in LNCMI, at low temperatures down to 30 mK, and high pressure up to 3 GPa.From the educational point of view, it is ideal that the student starts to synthesize a material, characterizes it, performs the low temperature measurements by him/herself throughout the PhD period, and get used to the exciting measurements under extreme conditions in a large scale facility like the LNCMI. Such a wide spectrum is rather rare in Europe, but our group ("SPSMS/LNCMI) can provide such a unique opportunity, helping the student to become an independent researcher. It should be noted that the experiments in SPSMS and LNCMI are quite complementary each other. For quantum oscillation study, high fields, low temperatures and high quality singles are inevitably important. In general, the precise measurements at high fields up to 15T would be enough in order to determine the Fermi surface topology and the effective mass, which canbe done in SPSMS. However, the specific case, such as Lifshitz transition, field induced quantum critical phenomena, requires higher fields than 15T, which can be achieved by the resistive magnet in LNCMI.This project is supported by the ANR (CORMAT, SINUS) and the ERC starting grant “NewHeavyFermion”.Recently in SPSMS we purchased a top-loading dilution refrigerator for the quantum oscillation measurements, and started the installation. By the end of this summer, hopefully we detect the first de Haas-van Alphen signal at high fields up to 15T and at temperatures down to 30mK. Furthermore, we started to install the flux crystal growth equipment this month, involving the reconstruction of the room for the safe treatment of uranium compounds.

Electronic In-plane Symmetry Breaking at Field-tuned Quantum Criticality in CeRhIn5

Electronic In-plane Symmetry Breaking at Field-tuned Quantum Criticality in CeRhIn5
Total Pages: 3
Release: 2017

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Electronic nematicity appears in proximity to unconventional high-temperature superconductivity in the cuprates and iron-arsenides, yet whether they cooperate or compete is widely discussed. While many parallels are drawn between high-Tc and heavy fermion superconductors, electronic nematicity was not believed to be an important aspect in their superconductivity. We have found evidence for a field-induced strong electronic in-plane symmetry breaking in the tetragonal heavy fermion superconductor CeRhIn5. At ambient pressure and zero field, it hosts an anti-ferromagnetic order (AFM) of nominally localized 4f electrons at TN=3.8K(1). Moderate pressure of 17kBar suppresses the AFM order and a dome of superconductivity appears around the quantum critical point. Similarly, a density-wave-like correlated phase appears centered around the field-induced AFM quantum critical point. In this phase, we have now observed electronic nematic behavior.

Precision Microwave Spectroscopy of the Heavy Fermion Superconductor CeCoIn5

Precision Microwave Spectroscopy of the Heavy Fermion Superconductor CeCoIn5
Author: Colin Jan Stewart Truncik
Total Pages: 105
Release: 2016

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The heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn5 demonstrates remarkable similarities to the high-Tc cuprates in many of its properties including proximity to antiferromagnetism, quasi-two-dimensionality, d-wave superconductivity, and departures from Fermi liquid behaviour in the normal state. It is also a "high-Tc" superconductor in the context of the heavy fermions. The experimental technique of microwave cavity perturbation has been used to measure the electrodynamics of a single crystal of CeCoIn5 over a range of temperatures, from 80 mK to 35 K, in a dilution refrigerator. Measurements at multiple frequencies required the development of an in-situ technique for the bolometric detection of the surface resistance. This has allowed conductivity spectra to be acquired, resulting in several important results. First, the resolution of an unexplained fractional power law in the penetration depth has been achieved by properly isolating the nodal quasiparticle contribution, revealing a previously unseen linear temperature dependence in CeCoIn5, as expected for a d-wave superconductor. Second, the temperature evolution of the microwave conductivity spectra implies that the effective mass of the quasiparticles continues to change below Tc, hinting that quantum criticality remains important even in the superconducting state. Third, conductivity spectra that are strikingly similar to those from YBa2Cu3O6+y suggest a strong connection in the underlying charge dynamics, as both CeCoIn5 and YBa2Cu3O6+y show a collapse in the quasiparticle scattering rate below Tc. Finally, the spectra indicate the presence of multiband effects.