Oxford don and self-proclaimed Rishi profanes Vedic Hymn

Oxford don and self-proclaimed Rishi profanes Vedic Hymn
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 13
Release: 2022-11-21
Genre: Religion

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A 13-point criticism of Max Müller’s “Matsya Sukta” by H.P. Blavatsky 1. How an Oxford Orientalist and chief defender of Hinduism makes fun of the First Avatara of Vishnu, for the sole purpose of amusing his friends. 2. Max Müller’s parody is clearly intended to corrupt the Vedas. 3. There is nothing more ridiculous than a self-proclaimed Rishi. 4. Though the Vedic Mantras are not creations of any existing being, Müller had the audacity to call his ludicrous poem a Sukta. 5. Bereft of Viniyoga, Müller’s grossly irreverent little poem serves no other purpose than insolent self-conceit. 6. And his poking infantine fun to deity cast an indelible stain on his legacy. 7. The great Vedic scholar of his day not only used the Vedic form of the Gayatri Metre in his poem, he also failed to mark his words with their proper accents. 8. Since, in every creation, the Vedas are revealed to the same men only, there is no room for new Rishis; and Müller, as his travesty of the first Avatara of Vishnu shows, is most unwise if not actually foolish. 9. His “Matsya Sukta” exposes an undistinguished scholarship in Sanskrit learning, and a marked deficiency in Sanskrit grammar. 10. The poem consists of eight lines only, but even in these few lines, passages from the Rigveda have been plagiarised. 11. For a Sanskrit poet nothing is more disreputable than to “borrow” passages from another’s works. 12. Lakshmi, the Hindu Venus-Aphrodite, is the goddess of wealth, not of happiness. 13. More! Neither the Rishis of modern nor of ancient times were acquainted even with the name of the fish. How then could it be praised by them?

Ancient Oracles and Occult Prophecies

Ancient Oracles and Occult Prophecies
Author: Veda Vyasa, Hermes Trismegistus, Hesiod, Thomas Taylor, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 13
Release: 2017-12-25
Genre: Religion

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The future is now. Might will be right, and envy will run riot among men. Heathen East will slay decadent West. Egypt shall be forsaken when divinity returns back from earth to heaven.

The Religio-Philosophical Journal is neither religious nor philosophical

The Religio-Philosophical Journal is neither religious nor philosophical
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 10
Release: 2021-04-17
Genre: Religion

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The most venomous monsters bred by calumny, envy, hatred, and revenge are former Theosophists. They, whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. The Religio-Philosophical Journal is neither religious nor philosophical. As the Indian spirit of patriotism and independence had been numbed, Colonel Olcott called upon the Japanese not to prostrate themselves at the shrine of foreign civilization.

Fame is a coy goddess

Fame is a coy goddess
Author: Hanford Lennox Gordon
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 7
Release: 2017-12-17
Genre: Religion

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Truth is exiled from the press because it is not as beguiling as falsehood

Truth is exiled from the press because it is not as beguiling as falsehood
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 17
Release: 2021-04-17
Genre: Religion

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Truth is systematically boycotted and exiled from the Press because truth is not as sensational as falsehood — it fails to tickle the reader’s bump of gossip and love of slander as effectually as a cock-and-bull story. Colenso’s insults, shielded under the cloak of anonymity, are cowardly and contemptible acts of moral violence. Human sacrifice is being offered to public prejudice by editors who know next to nothing about Theosophy, and yet each has to propitiate his subscribers, hence to besmear with literary mud all men and things unpopular in the sight of his readers. Truth pure and simple, dearly beloved Knights-errant of the quill and pencil, is often stranger than fiction. The venomous Billingsgate of the Religio-Philosophical Journal, having poisoned but itself, it is now reduced to a clawless and toothless drivelling idiot. Ignorance goes hand in hand with malevolence. A bullying descendant of Ananias, in the Agnostic Journal, pontificates that the theosophical doctrines are “phallic worship.” Can an Atheist be a Theosophist? The Theosophical Society is an international and unsectarian body of kindred souls. While showing respect for every religion and school of thought, it prides itself on belonging to none, save to the Spirit of Truth or Theosophy. In other words, our Society is a brotherhood of men and women in search of Absolute Truth — an uncompromising Republic of Conscience. Narrow-mindedness, scepticism, and worldly philosophy have no room in it. Gautama Buddha is the pre-eminent Theosophist of all ages. Haweis and Headlam transformed their pulpits into oratorial tribunes similar to those in ancient Athens, where feminine beauty in general, and Aspasia and Company in particular, were defended. There are two Jesuses: The real Jesus, a Master of Wisdom, and Jesus travestied by pseudo-Christian fancy and clad in pagan robes borrowed from heathen gods. Thus the exalted Christianity of Jesus has been degraded to “Church” Christianity.

Flesh-eating among Buddhist monks

Flesh-eating among Buddhist monks
Author: Xuanzang
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 8
Release: 2017-12-17
Genre: Religion

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The Hinayanist Brethren were allowed to eat “three pure kinds of flesh,” i.e., the flesh of animals, the slaughter of which had not been seen, or heard, or suspected by them. But the Mahayanists abhorred flesh-eating on the grounds of universal compassion, and the doctrine of karma.

Hierocles exalts wedlock

Hierocles exalts wedlock
Author: Hierocles, Thomas Taylor
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 10
Release: 2017-12-17
Genre: Religion

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Allopaths persecuting Homeopaths

Allopaths persecuting Homeopaths
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 8
Release: 2017-12-17
Genre: Religion

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An Aryan geometer was the first author of Trigonometry, which is the Harmony of the Spheres

An Aryan geometer was the first author of Trigonometry, which is the Harmony of the Spheres
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, A Master of Wisdom
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 10
Release: 2023-05-10
Genre: Religion

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The Music of the Spheres is the Voice of the Soundless Sound. When you have studied thoroughly the “Music of the Spheres,” then only you may share your knowledge with those with whom it is safe to do so. Wisdom will come to you naturally when able to attune your consciousness to any of the seven chords of “Universal Consciousness,” those chords that run along the sounding board of Kosmos, vibrating from one Eternity to another.