Multivariate Algorithms and Information-Based Complexity

Multivariate Algorithms and Information-Based Complexity
Author: Fred J. Hickernell
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG
Total Pages: 200
Release: 2020-06-08
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 3110633159

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The contributions by leading experts in this book focus on a variety of topics of current interest related to information-based complexity, ranging from function approximation, numerical integration, numerical methods for the sphere, and algorithms with random information, to Bayesian probabilistic numerical methods and numerical methods for stochastic differential equations.

The Multivariate Algorithmic Revolution and Beyond

The Multivariate Algorithmic Revolution and Beyond
Author: Hans L. Bodlaender
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 521
Release: 2012-06-16
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 3642308910

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Parameterized complexity is currently a thriving field in complexity theory and algorithm design. A significant part of the success of the field can be attributed to Michael R. Fellows. This Festschrift has been published in honor of Mike Fellows on the occasion of his 60th birthday. It contains 20 papers that showcase the important scientific contributions of this remarkable man, describes the history of the field of parameterized complexity, and also reflects on other parts of Mike Fellows’s unique and broad range of interests, including his work on the popularization of discrete mathematics for young children. The volume contains several surveys that introduce the reader to the field of parameterized complexity and discuss important notions, results, and developments in this field.

Essays on the Complexity of Continuous Problems

Essays on the Complexity of Continuous Problems
Author: Erich Novak
Publisher: European Mathematical Society
Total Pages: 112
Release: 2009
Genre: Computational complexity
ISBN: 9783037190692

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This book contains five essays on the complexity of continuous problems, written for a wider audience. The first four essays are based on talks presented in 2008 when Henryk Wozniakowski received an honorary doctoral degree from the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. The focus is on the introduction and history of the complexity of continuous problems, as well as on recent progress concerning the complexity of high-dimensional numerical problems. The last essay provides a brief and informal introduction to the basic notions and concepts of information-based complexity addressed to a general readership.

Fundamentals of Parameterized Complexity

Fundamentals of Parameterized Complexity
Author: Rodney G. Downey
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 765
Release: 2013-12-03
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 1447155599

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This comprehensive and self-contained textbook presents an accessible overview of the state of the art of multivariate algorithmics and complexity. Increasingly, multivariate algorithmics is having significant practical impact in many application domains, with even more developments on the horizon. The text describes how the multivariate framework allows an extended dialog with a problem, enabling the reader who masters the complexity issues under discussion to use the positive and negative toolkits in their own research. Features: describes many of the standard algorithmic techniques available for establishing parametric tractability; reviews the classical hardness classes; explores the various limitations and relaxations of the methods; showcases the powerful new lower bound techniques; examines various different algorithmic solutions to the same problems, highlighting the insights to be gained from each approach; demonstrates how complexity methods and ideas have evolved over the past 25 years.

Tractability of Multivariate Problems: Linear information

Tractability of Multivariate Problems: Linear information
Author: Erich Novak
Publisher: European Mathematical Society
Total Pages: 402
Release: 2008
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 9783037190265

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Multivariate problems occur in many applications. These problems are defined on spaces of $d$-variate functions and $d$ can be huge--in the hundreds or even in the thousands. Some high-dimensional problems can be solved efficiently to within $\varepsilon$, i.e., the cost increases polynomially in $\varepsilon^{-1}$ and $d$. However, there are many multivariate problems for which even the minimal cost increases exponentially in $d$. This exponential dependence on $d$ is called intractability or the curse of dimensionality. This is the first volume of a three-volume set comprising a comprehensive study of the tractability of multivariate problems. It is devoted to tractability in the case of algorithms using linear information and develops the theory for multivariate problems in various settings: worst case, average case, randomized and probabilistic. A problem is tractable if its minimal cost is not exponential in $\varepsilon^{-1}$ and $d$. There are various notions of tractability, depending on how we measure the lack of exponential dependence. For example, a problem is polynomially tractable if its minimal cost is polynomial in $\varepsilon^{-1}$ and $d$. The study of tractability was initiated about 15 years ago. This is the first and only research monograph on this subject. Many multivariate problems suffer from the curse of dimensionality when they are defined over classical (unweighted) spaces. In this case, all variables and groups of variables play the same role, which causes the minimal cost to be exponential in $d$. But many practically important problems are solved today for huge $d$ in a reasonable time. One of the most intriguing challenges of the theory is to understand why this is possible. Multivariate problems may become weakly tractable, polynomially tractable or even strongly polynomially tractable if they are defined over weighted spaces with properly decaying weights. One of the main purposes of this book is to study weighted spaces and obtain necessary and sufficient conditions on weights for various notions of tractability. The book is of interest for researchers working in computational mathematics, especially in approximation of high-dimensional problems. It may be also suitable for graduate courses and seminars. The text concludes with a list of thirty open problems that can be good candidates for future tractability research.

Multivariate Complexity Analysis of Team Management Problems

Multivariate Complexity Analysis of Team Management Problems
Author: Bredereck, Robert
Publisher: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin
Total Pages: 252
Release: 2015-08-10
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 3798327645

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In this thesis, we identify and develop simple combinatorial models for four natural team management tasks and identify tractable and intractable cases with respect to their computational complexity. To this end, we perform a multivariate complexity analysis of the underlying problems and test some of our algorithms on synthetic and empirical data. Our first task is to find a team that is accepted by competing groups and also satisfies the agenda of some principal. Extending an approval balloting procedure by an agenda model, we formalize this task as a simple combinatorial model where potential team members are represented by a set of proposals and the competing groups are represented by voters with favorite ballots, that is, subsets of proposals. We show that the underlying problems UNANIMOUSLY ACCEPTED BALLOT and MAJORITYWISE ACCEPTED BALLOT are NP-hard even without an agenda for the principal. Herein, UNANIMOUSLY ACCEPTED BALLOT asks for a set of proposals that is accepted by all voters and MAJORITYWISE ACCEPTED BALLOT asks for a set of proposals that is accepted by a strict majority of the voters where acceptance means that each voter supports the majority of the proposals. On the positive side, we show fixed-parameter tractability with respect to the parameters "number of proposals" and "number of voters". With respect to the parameter "maximum size of the favorite ballots" we show fixed-parameter tractability for UNANIMOUSLY ACCEPTED BALLOT and W[1]-completeness for MAJORITYWISE ACCEPTED BALLOT. On the negative side, we show W[2]-hardness for the parameter "size of the solution" and NP-hardness for various special cases. Our second task is to partition a set of individuals into homogeneous groups. Using concepts from the combinatorial data anonymization model k-ANONYMITY, we develop a new model which formalizes this task. The information about the individuals is stored in a matrix where rows represent individuals and columns represent attributes of the individuals. The homogeneity requirement of each potential group is specified by a "pattern vector". We show that some special cases of the underlying problem HOMOGENEOUS TEAM FORMATION are NP-hard while others allow for (fixed-parameter) tractability results. We transfer our "pattern vector" concept back to combinatorial data anonymization and show that it may help to improve the usability of the anonymized data. We show that the underlying problem PATTERN-GUIDED k-ANONYMITY is NP-hard and complement this by a fixed-parameter tractability result based on a "homogeneity parameterization". Building on this, we develop an exact ILP-based solution method as well as a simple but very effective greedy heuristic. Experiments on several real-world datasets show that our heuristic easily matches up to the established "Mondrian" algorithm for k-ANONYMITY in terms of quality of the anonymization and outperforms it in terms of running time. Our third task is to effectively train team members in order to ensure that from a set of important skills each skill is covered by a majority of the team. We formalize this task by a natural binary matrix modification problem where team members are represented by rows and skills are represented by columns. The underlying problem is known as LOBBYING in the context of bribery in voting. We study how natural parameters such as "number of rows", "number of columns", "number of rows to modify", or the "maximum number of ones missing for any column to have a majority of ones" (referred to as "gap value") govern the computational complexity. On the negative side, we show NP-hardness even if each row contains at most three ones. On the positive side, for example, we prove fixed-parameter tractability for the parameter "number of columns" and provide a greedy logarithmic-factor approximation algorithm. We also show empirically that this greedy algorithm performs well on general instances. As a further key result, we prove LOGSNP-completeness for constant gap values. Our fourth task is to redistribute teams of equal size. More precisely, one asks to reduce the number of equal-size teams by dissolving some teams, distributing their team members to non-conflicting non-dissolved teams, and ensuring that all new teams are again of equal size. We formalize this task by a new combinatorial graph model. We show relations to known graph models such as perfect matchings, flow networks, and star partitions. On the negative side, we show that the underlying problem is NP-hard even if the old team size and the team size increase are distinct constants. On the positive side, we show that even our two-party variant of the problem is polynomial-time solvable when there are no conflicts or when the districts to dissolve and the districts to win are known. Furthermore, we show fixed-parameter tractability with respect to treewidth when the old team size and the team size increase are constants. In dieser Dissertation identifizieren und entwickeln wir einfache kombinatorische Modelle für vier natürliche Teamverwaltungsaufgaben und untersuchen bezüglich Berechnungskomplexität handhabbare und nicht handhabbare Fälle. Hierzu analysieren wir die multivariate Komplexität der zu Grunde liegenden Probleme und testen manche unserer Algorithmen auf synthetischen und empirischen Daten. Unsere erste Aufgabe ist es ein Team zu finden, welches von einer Gemeinschaft akzeptiert wird und den Vorstellungen (im Folgenden „Agenda“) eines Chefs entspricht. Wir formalisieren diese Aufgabe mit einem einfachen kombinatorischen Modell, indem wir ein bekanntes Verfahren aus dem Wahlkontext durch ein Agendamodell erweitern. In diesem Modell wird die Gemeinschaft durch Wähler mit je einer „Favoritenmenge“ repräsentiert. Wir zeigen, dass die resultierenden Probleme UNANIMOUSLY ACCEPTED BALLOT und MAJORITYWISE ACCEPTED BALLOT NP-schwer sind, sogar wenn es keine Agenda des Chefs gibt. Hierbei fragt UNANIMOUSLY ACCEPTED BALLOT, ob es ein Team gibt, welches von allen Wählern akzeptiert wird. MAJORITYWISE ACCEPTED BALLOT fragt, ob es ein Team gibt, welches von einer strikten Mehrheit der Wähler akzeptiert wird. Akzeptanz bedeutet in diesem Zusammenhang, dass jeder Wähler die Mehrheit der Teammitglieder unterstützt. Auf der positiven Seite zeigen wir „fixed-parameter tractability“ (FPT) für die Parameter „Anzahl an potentiellen Teammitgliedern“ und „Anzahl an Wählern“. Für den Parameter „maximale Größe der Favoritenmengen“ zeigen wir ein FPT-Ergebnis für UNANIMOUSLY ACCEPTED BALLOT und W[1]-Vollständigkeit für MAJORITYWISE ACCEPTED BALLOT. Unsere zweite Aufgabe ist es eine Menge von Individuen in homogene Gruppen zu partitionieren. Unter Ausnutzung von Konzepten des kombinatorischen Datenanonymisierungsmodells k-ANONYMITY entwickeln wir ein neues Modell, welches diese Aufgabe formalisiert. Dabei werden die Homogenitätsanforderungen jeder potentiellen Gruppe durch einen „Mustervektor“ spezifiziert. Die Informationen über die Individuen sind in einer Matrix gespeichert, wo Individuen durch Zeilen und ihre Attribute durch Spalten repräsentiert werden. Wir zeigen, dass einige Spezialfälle des sich ergebenden Problems HOMOGENEOUS TEAM FORMATION NP-schwer sind während andere FPT-Ergebnisse ermöglichen. Wir übertragen unser „Mustervektorkonzept“ zurück in die Welt der kombinatorischen Datenanonymisierung und zeigen, dass es helfen kann die Nutzbarkeit der anonymisierten Daten zu verbessern. Wir zeigen, dass das zu Grunde liegende Problem NP-schwer ist und ergänzen dies durch ein FPT-Ergebnis bezüglich eines „Homogenitätsparameters“. Aufbauend darauf entwickeln wir sowohl eine ILP-basierte exakte Lösungsmethode als auch eine Heuristik und testen diese in Experimenten mit empirischen Daten. Unsere dritte Aufgabe ist es ein Team effektiv auszubilden, um sicherzustellen, dass aus einer Menge von wichtigen Fähigkeiten jede jeweils von der Mehrheit der Teammitglieder beherrscht wird. Wir formalisieren diese Aufgabe durch ein natürliches Matrixmodifikationsproblem auf binären Matrizen, wobei Teammitglieder durch Zeilen und deren Fähigkeiten durch Spalten repräsentiert werden. Das resultierende Problem ist bekannt als LOBBYING im Kontext von Bestechung in Wahlen. Wir untersuchen wie natürliche Parameter wie „Anzahl an Zeilen“, „Anzahl an Spalten“ oder die „maximale Anzahl an fehlenden Einsen pro Spalte um eine Mehrheit an Einsen zu erhalten“ (im Folgenden „Gap-Wert“) die Berechnungskomplexität unseres Problems beeinflussen. Auf der negativen Seite zeigen wir NP-Schwere, sogar wenn jede Zeile höchstens drei Einsen enthält. Auf der positiven Seite zeigen wir zum Beipiel ein FPT-Ergebnis für den Parameter „Anzahl an Spalten“ und entwickeln eine Heuristik mit logarithmischen Approximationsfaktort und testen diese auf empirischen Daten. Als weiteres Schlüsselergebnis zeigen wir, dass unser Problem LOGSNP-vollständig ist für konstante Gap-Werte. Unsere vierte Aufgabe ist es Teams gleicher Größe neu aufzuteilen. Genauer versucht man die Anzahl gleichgroßer Teams zu reduzieren indem man einige Teams auflöst, deren Mitglieder an nicht in Konflikt stehenden verbleibende Teams verteilt und dabei sicherstellt, dass alle neuen Teams wiederum gleich groß sind. Wir formalisieren diese Aufgabe durch ein neues kombinatorisches Graphmodell. Wir zeigen dessen Beziehungen zu bekannten Graphkonzepten wie Perfekten Matchings, Flussnetzwerken, und Sternpartitionen von Graphen. Auf der negativen Seite zeigen wir, dass das zu Grunde liegende Problem NP-schwer ist, sogar wenn die alte Teamgröße und der Teamgrößenanstieg voneinander verschiedene Konstanten sind. Auf der positiven Seite zeigen wir unter anderem, dass unser Problem in Polynomzeit lösbar ist, wenn es keine Konflikte gibt oder wenn die aufzulösenden und zu gewinnenden Teams bereits bekannt sind.

A General Theory of Optimal Algorithms

A General Theory of Optimal Algorithms
Author: Joseph Frederick Traub
Total Pages: 376
Release: 1980
Genre: Mathematics

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The purpose of this monograph is to create a general framework for the study of optimal algorithms for problems that are solved approximately. For generality the setting is abstract, but we present many applications to practical problems and provide examples to illustrate concepts and major theorems. The work presented here is motivated by research in many fields. Influential have been questions, concepts, and results from complexity theory, algorithmic analysis, applied mathematics and numerical analysis, the mathematical theory of approximation (particularly the work on n-widths in the sense of Gelfand and Kolmogorov), applied approximation theory (particularly the theory of splines), as well as earlier work on optimal algorithms. But many of the questions we ask (see Overview) are new. We present a different view of algorithms and complexity and must request the reader's

Randomized Algorithms for Analysis and Control of Uncertain Systems

Randomized Algorithms for Analysis and Control of Uncertain Systems
Author: Roberto Tempo
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 363
Release: 2012-10-21
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 1447146107

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The presence of uncertainty in a system description has always been a critical issue in control. The main objective of Randomized Algorithms for Analysis and Control of Uncertain Systems, with Applications (Second Edition) is to introduce the reader to the fundamentals of probabilistic methods in the analysis and design of systems subject to deterministic and stochastic uncertainty. The approach propounded by this text guarantees a reduction in the computational complexity of classical control algorithms and in the conservativeness of standard robust control techniques. The second edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect recent research and new applications with chapters on statistical learning theory, sequential methods for control and the scenario approach being completely rewritten. Features: · self-contained treatment explaining Monte Carlo and Las Vegas randomized algorithms from their genesis in the principles of probability theory to their use for system analysis; · development of a novel paradigm for (convex and nonconvex) controller synthesis in the presence of uncertainty and in the context of randomized algorithms; · comprehensive treatment of multivariate sample generation techniques, including consideration of the difficulties involved in obtaining identically and independently distributed samples; · applications of randomized algorithms in various endeavours, such as PageRank computation for the Google Web search engine, unmanned aerial vehicle design (both new in the second edition), congestion control of high-speed communications networks and stability of quantized sampled-data systems. Randomized Algorithms for Analysis and Control of Uncertain Systems (second edition) is certain to interest academic researchers and graduate control students working in probabilistic, robust or optimal control methods and control engineers dealing with system uncertainties. The present book is a very timely contribution to the literature. I have no hesitation in asserting that it will remain a widely cited reference work for many years. M. Vidyasagar

Measurement and Multivariate Analysis

Measurement and Multivariate Analysis
Author: Shizuhiko Nishisato
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 347
Release: 2013-11-11
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 4431659552

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Diversity is characteristic of the information age and also of statistics. To date, the social sciences have contributed greatly to the development of handling data under the rubric of measurement, while the statistical sciences have made phenomenal advances in theory and algorithms. Measurement and Multivariate Analysis promotes an effective interplay between those two realms of research-diversity with unity. The union and the intersection of those two areas of interest are reflected in the papers in this book, drawn from an international conference in Banff, Canada, with participants from 15 countries. In five major categories - scaling, structural analysis, statistical inference, algorithms, and data analysis - readers will find a rich variety of topics of current interest in the extended statistical community.