Language Policy and Discourse on Languages in Ukraine Under President Viktor Yanukovych

Language Policy and Discourse on Languages in Ukraine Under President Viktor Yanukovych
Author: Michael Moser
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Total Pages: 508
Release: 2013-06-24
Genre: Social Science
ISBN: 3838204972

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Declared the country’s official language in 1996, Ukrainian has weathered constant challenges by post-Soviet political forces promoting Russian. Michael Moser provides the definitive account of the policies and ethno-political dynamics underlying this unique cultural struggle.

Language Policy and Discourse on Languages in Ukraine Under President Viktor Yanukovych

Language Policy and Discourse on Languages in Ukraine Under President Viktor Yanukovych
Author: Michael Moser
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Total Pages: 507
Release: 2014-04-15
Genre: Social Science
ISBN: 3838264975

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Declared the country's official language in 1996, Ukrainian has weathered constant challenges by post-Soviet political forces promoting Russian. Michael Moser provides the definitive account of the policies and ethno-political dynamics underlying this unique cultural struggle.

From Antagonism to Partnership

From Antagonism to Partnership
Author: Togzhan Kassenova
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Total Pages: 353
Release: 2007-09-03
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 3838257073

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This book is a study of cooperative security efforts between the United States and Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union. It undertakes an analysis of the Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program and several other programs established by different U.S. Departments. The CTR process demonstrates both, the achievements and limitations of the evolving new framework of interaction between the U.S. and Russia. This investigation is the first attempt to use the CTR process as a case study for U.S.-Russian strategic relations in the post-Cold War international security system. By answering the questions of why this process is prone to some persistent problems of implementation and why it was possible in the first place, it yields significant conclusions regarding the nature of U.S.-Russian relations, and the achievements as well as limitations in the bilateral relationship since the end of the Cold War. "From Antagonism to Partnership" contributes to the existing literature on cooperative threat reduction as a study linking CTR to the wider context of the opportunities, challenges and constraints determining the nature of post-Cold War relations between the U.S. and Russia.

Bulgaria's Democratic Consolidation and the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant

Bulgaria's Democratic Consolidation and the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant
Author: Matthew S. Tejada
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Total Pages: 151
Release: 2005-01-19
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 3838254392

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Bulgaria's post-communist experience has been a fractured transition both politically and economically. How deeply has its democracy been consolidated? Has the residue of Bulgaria's communist era finally been sloughed off? Are there lingering threats to democratic stability that could delay Bulgaria's entry into the EU? And just how genuine a partner has the EU been in helping Bulgaria progress down its transition path? If there is one single issue that can help to illuminate these troubling questions, it is the long and controversial history of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant. With Kozloduy producing perhaps as much as forty percent of Bulgaria's electricity all Bulgarians' fate was inevitably connected with the nuclearplant. That so important a question has not been sufficiently covered in western-language publications is partly due to the fact that information has been so hard to come by, and most researchers did not have the language qualifications necessary to pursue local investigations.Matthew Tejada has interviewed many of those in the Kozloduy saga and has read through archives and other sources not previously made known to western researchers. What he has to say tells us a great deal that is new about a neglected but vitally important issue.

The 2002 Dubrovka and 2004 Beslan Hostage Crises

The 2002 Dubrovka and 2004 Beslan Hostage Crises
Author: John B. Dunlop
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Total Pages: 169
Release: 2006-01-16
Genre: Social Science
ISBN: 3838256085

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This volume contains by far the most complete reports available in English concerning two major terrorist incidents in Russia: the October 2002 seizure of a Moscow theater at Dubrovka and the September 2004 taking of a large school in Beslan in southern Russia. The issues examined are as follows:- the backgrounds of the Muslim extremists who carried out these acts including the de facto leaders of the terrorist assaults, ethnic Chechen Ruslan Elmurzaev and Ingush Ruslan Khuchbarov;- the failure of Russian law-enforcement to prevent these two incidents, documenting both the massive corruption of the Russian security services and police and the absence of the rule of law;- the storming of the Moscow theater building and of the school at Beslan by Russian police, aided by the military, elucidating the reasons for the very large loss of life in both incidents;- the use by the Russian police of a special gas at Dubrovka and of tanks and flamethrowers at Beslan;- the evident fixation of the Putin leadership with portraying these two assaults as incidents of international Islamic terrorism linked to the Al-Qaeda network;- and the repeated attempts on the part of the Russian authorities at the time of these incidents to weaken the influence of moderate Chechen separatists headed by the late Aslan Maskhadov.

Market Without Economy

Market Without Economy
Author: Nicola Melloni
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Total Pages: 157
Release: 2007-01-15
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 3838254074

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The 1998 financial crisis in Russia was one of the most dramatic economic breakdowns and symbolized the failure of the transition process as it had been conducted since the end of the Soviet Union. There is no general agreement on the nature of the rouble collapse; a number of contradictory interpretations have been discussed among economists. This book argues that the Russian 1998 financial turmoil is best predicted by Krugman's and Sargent-Wallace's models. The currency collapse had its origins in the peculiar way in which the transition was managed. In particular, the Russian government became entrapped in the double constraint of a tight monetary policy imposed by the IMF on the one side, and a loose fiscal policy to support the private sector on the other. Those policies were inconsistent, and led to inflationary processes that were postponed through emission of a large amount of Treasury Bonds to finance the fiscal deficit. At the same time, a tight monetary policy retarded the recovery of the industrial sector. While the particular timing of the crisis was co-determined by other factors, such as the Asian financial crisis and the fall of the oil price, it was this incoherent monetary and financial policies mix that constituted the main cause of the rouble's spectacular collapse in August 1998. The book provides extensive coverage of a decade of Russian reforms. It critically analyzes neo-liberal ideology and the course of the transition process supported by the Washington Consensus.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the Modern Russo-Jewish Question

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the Modern Russo-Jewish Question
Author: Nathan Larson
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Total Pages: 176
Release: 2014-02-25
Genre: Literary Criticism
ISBN: 3898214834

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Will the Russian and Jewish nations ever achieve true reconciliation? Why is there such disparity in the interpretations of Russo-Jewish history? Nobel Laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn has focused on these and other thorny questions surrounding Russia’s Jewish Question for the last ten years, culminating in a two-volume historical essay that is among his final literary offerings: Two Hundred Years Together. In this essay, Solzhenitsyn seeks to elucidate Judeo-Russian relations while also promoting mutual healing between the two nationalities, but the polarized reception of Solzhenitsyn's work reflects the passionate sentiments of Jews and Russians alike. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the Modern Russo-Jewish Question puts Two Hundred Years Together within the context of anti-Semitism, nationalism, Russian literature, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's prolific, influential life. Nathan Larson argues that as a writer, political thinker, and religious voice, Solzhenitsyn symbolizes Russia's historically ambivalent relationship vis-à-vis the Jewish nation.

Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives on Nationalism

Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives on Nationalism
Author: Taras Kuzio
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Total Pages: 437
Release: 2007-12-17
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 3838258150

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This volume brings together 15 articles divided into four sections on the role of nationalism in transitions to democracy, the application of theory to country case studies, and the role played by history and myths in the forging of national identities and nationalisms. The book develops new theories and frameworks through engaging with leading scholars of nationalism: Hans Kohn's propositions are discussed in relation to the applicability of the term 'civic' (with no ethno-cultural connotations) to liberal democracies, Rogers Brubaker over the usefulness of dividing European states into 'civic' and 'nationalizing' states when the former have historically been 'nationalizers', Will Kymlicka on the applicability of multiculturalism to post-communist states, and Paul Robert Magocsi on the lack of data to support claims of revivals by national minorities in Ukraine. The book also engages with 'transitology' over the usefulness of comparative studies of transitions in regions that underwent only political reforms, and those that had 'quadruple transitions', implying simultaneous democratic and market reforms, as well as state and nation building. A comparative study of Serbian and Russian diasporas focuses on why ethnic Serbs and Russians living outside Serbia and Russia reacted differently to the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the USSR. The book dissects the writing of Russian and Soviet history that continues to utilize imperial frameworks of history, analyzes the re-writing of Ukrainian history within post-colonial theories, and discusses the forging of Ukraine's identity within theories of 'Others' as central to the shaping of identities. The collection of articles proposes a new framework for the study of Ukrainian nationalism as a broader research phenomenon by placing nationalism in Ukraine within a theoretical and comparative perspective.

Historical Legacies and the Radical Right in Post-Cold War Central and Eastern Europe

Historical Legacies and the Radical Right in Post-Cold War Central and Eastern Europe
Author: Michael
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Total Pages: 207
Release: 2014-04-15
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 3838261240

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The transformation process in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) after 1989 is often clothed in terms of historical and geographical categories, either as a 'return of history' or as a 'return to Europe', or both. Either way, the radical right in CEE claims a prominent place in this politics of return. Studies of the radical right echo the more general concern, in analyses of the region, with historical analogies and the role of legacies. Sometimes parallels are discovered between the post-1989 radical right and interwar fascism. They imply a 'Weimarization' of the transformation countries and the return of the pre-socialist, ultranationalist, or even fascist past—the 'return of history'. Another interpretation argues that since some CEE party systems increasingly resemble their West European counterparts, so does the radical right, at least where it is electorally successful - the 'return to Europe'. A third line of thought states that the radical right in the region is a phenomenon sui generis, inherently shaped by the historical forces of state socialism and the transformation process. As a result, and in contrast to Western Europe, it is ideologically more extreme and anti-democratic while organizationally more a movement than a party phenomenon. This book provides insight into the role of historical forces in the shaping and performance of the current radical right in CEE. It conceptualizes 'legacies' both as a contextual factor, i.e. as part of structural and cultural opportunities for new movements and parties in the region, and as textual factors, i.e. as part of the ideological baggage of the past which is revived—and reinterpreted—by the radical right. An introductory essay by Michael Minkenberg puts the topic and the concept of legacies into a larger research perspective. Articles by Lenka Bustikova and Herbert Kitschelt as well as John Ishiyama employ the role of legacies as context, whereas the contributions by Timm Beichelt, Sarah de Lange and Simona Guerra as well as James Frusetta and Anca Glont treat legacies as text.

Ethnic Belonging, Gender, and Cultural Practices

Ethnic Belonging, Gender, and Cultural Practices
Author: Ulrike Ziemer
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Total Pages: 262
Release: 2011-08-01
Genre: Social Science
ISBN: 3838201523

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How are youth cultural identities rooted in gender, ethnicity, and place? What resources do young people from ethnic minorities use in creating their cultural identities? Drawing upon interdisciplinary research, Ulrike Ziemer's case study demonstrates the different ways in which young people from ethnic minorities respond to the social, political, and cultural transformations of post-Soviet Russia and provides a detailed analysis of how local vs. global relations are experienced outside the West. Relying on extensive ethnographic fieldwork, Ziemer explores the complex processes of identity formation and cultural experiences among young Armenians in Krasnodar krai and young Adyghs in the Republic of Adyghea. Both ethnic groups, Armenians and Adyghs, have a minority status in Russia, yet Adyghs are indigenous to the region while Armenians constitute a diaspora people. This book is the first specific examination of Armenian and Adygh youth identities in the context of everyday life experiences in post-Soviet Russia.