Landscape Genetic Analysis and Population Structure of Three Sympatric Amphibians in a Managed Redwood Forest of Northwestern California

Landscape Genetic Analysis and Population Structure of Three Sympatric Amphibians in a Managed Redwood Forest of Northwestern California
Author: Cindy Castaneda
Total Pages: 50
Release: 2015
Genre: Biology
ISBN: 9781369416039

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Timber harvesting of coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) in California has altered habitat that is important to population connectivity of amphibian species. I employed a landscape genetic analysis to reveal landscape features of the redwood forest that influence population genetic structure among populations of coastal giant salamanders (D. tenebrosus), tailed frogs (A. truei), and southern torrent salamanders (R. variegatus). SAMOVA analysis indicated twelve ( K = 12) genetically differentiated populations of tailed frogs where clustering of populations for most watersheds was observed. Low subdivision (K = 2) of coastal giant salamander populations was depicted by SAMOVA and suggested a general north to south clustering. A single haplotype was identified in southern torrent salamanders; hence, no groups were differentiated. Gene flow in tailed frogs was significantly associated with forest structure; however, no landscape features were correlated with gene flow in coastal giant salamanders and southern torrent salamanders. A pattern of isolation by distance was found only in tailed frogs. Results indicate low dispersal in tailed frogs limited by habitat and broad terrestrial movement in coastal giant salamanders that is not spatially restricted.

Colonizing Northern Landscapes

Colonizing Northern Landscapes
Author: Andrée-Michelle D'Aoust-Messier
Total Pages:
Release: 2012

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The genetic structuring of populations can be influenced by present processes and past events. One of the largest historical events to affect the distribution and genetic characteristics of present-day North American biota is the Pleistocene glaciation. Thus, the study of post-glacial colonization patterns of species in northern landscapes can relay important ecological information, as species had to expand their range extensively following the retreat of the glaciers and are often at the terminal end of their expansion. These species consequently exhibit the genetic fingerprints of sequential founder events, in turn decreasing the genetic variation available for adaptation. Using amphibians to investigate post-glacial range expansion is advantageous, as they have limited dispersal abilities revealing fine-scale patterns and they are thought to be one of the first vertebrates to colonize post-glacial habitat. Therefore, to model the phylogeography of a primary colonizer and the population structure of anurans in northern landscapes, population genetics analyses of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) were performed in the James Bay area. Wood frogs were sampled from 17 localities around James Bay and genetic analyses were conducted with seven microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA sequences of the ND2/tRNATRP genes. Results show that the post-glacial recolonization of the James Bay area by wood frogs originated from the putative refugium in western Wisconsin, an area known as the Driftless Area. Two routes were taken by founders to colonize the James Bay area: one north-west of Lake Superior, colonizing western Ontario, and one through the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, colonizing southern and eastern Ontario and western Québec. Interestingly, the meeting of the two lineages south-west of James Bay led to the establishment of a zone of higher genetic variation than expected under the founder effect hypothesis. Additionally, population structure analyses revealed the segregation of three genetic populations east, north-west, and south-west of the bay, the latter showing the highest genetic variation and likely representing a zone of secondary contact. This study shows that past events such as post-glacial range expansions can explain present patterns of genetic variation and population structure, and that studies in northern landscapes may be very useful in understanding genetic patterns throughout the range of a species.

An Integrative Population and Landscape Genomic Approach to Conservation of a Threatened California Amphibian at Multiple Spatial Scales

An Integrative Population and Landscape Genomic Approach to Conservation of a Threatened California Amphibian at Multiple Spatial Scales
Author: Kevin M. Neal
Total Pages: 170
Release: 2019

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Amphibians are threatened world-wide, and due to the elusive, seasonal, and often nocturnal habits of adults, biological assessments of amphibian species are often best conducted via genetic analysis of easily-sampled pond-dwelling larvae. Genetic analysis of amphibian species can benefit their conservation in several ways, including identification of evolutionary lineages and subpopulations as fundamental units of conservation, genetic assessment of demography and diversity, and inference of patterns of gene flow among populations and how patterns are affected by environmental variation. In this dissertation I elucidated the evolutionary relationships and population genetic status of a threatened California amphibian (Spea hammondii) at multiple spatial scales using a combination of genetic, genomic, and environmental data. Chapter one utilized limited genetic data to determine phylogenetic relationships of Spea species and used environmental niche modeling to examine ecological differentiation between two allopatric lineages identified within S. hammondii. Chapter two took advantage of a newer genomic-scale dataset of thousands of SNP markers to look at fine-scale patterns of genetic variation among natural and artificial S. hammondii ponds in a highly urbanized region of Southern California. Chapter three also made use of thousands of markers to validate species-level relationships in Spea and used the added genomic resolution to examine relationships within and among genetic clusters and quantified the potential impacts of urbanization on functional genetic connectivity. Broadly, I found that the nominal taxon S. hammondii likely comprises two species. Populations within each species were highly differentiated from one another and had exceptionally low effective population sizes, such that each species lacks sufficient adaptive potential to thrive without intervention. Overall, this dissertation applied a suite of phylogenetic, population genomic, and landscape genomic tools to analyze patterns of genetic variation in S. hammondii to guide ongoing and future conservation efforts.

Population and Conservation Genetic Structure of the Cascades Frog, Rana Cascadae Throughout the Species' Range

Population and Conservation Genetic Structure of the Cascades Frog, Rana Cascadae Throughout the Species' Range
Author: Kirsten J. Monsen
Total Pages: 208
Release: 2002
Genre: Cascades frog

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A major goal of conservation biology is to elucidate the population genetic structure in threatened species and assess the relative importance of the evolutionary forces that shape that population genetic structure. I conducted three studies in the declining amphibian Rana cascadae to assess levels of population genetic differentiation and the relative importance of gene flow versus random genetic drift throughout the species' range. In the first study, 1 examined phylogeographic structure on a species-wide geographic scale with both mitochondrial and nuclear molecular markers. I found three mitochondrial groups within R. cascadae that are as divergent at the mitochondrial DNA as sister species. However, I only found two nuclear groups within R. cascadae, suggesting there are two Distinct Population Segments and three Management Units within the species' range. In the second study, I compared sequence data from mtDNA and nuclear DNA of the three R. cascadae mtl)NA groups to several closely related Pacific Northwestern ranid species. I found the surprising result that the mtDNA of R. aurora aurora is more closely related to the mtDNA of' R. cascadae than to the mtDNA of its own subspecies R. aurora drayloni. The nuclear data support the sub-specific relationship between R. aurora aurora and R. aurora draytoni. This result is most likely due to incomplete lineage sorting of ancestral mtDNA alleles. Finally, in the third study, I examined the relative importance of gene flow versus random genetic drift on a fine geographic scale using microsatellite loci. Additionally, I estimated the long-term effective population sizes and genetic neighborhood size for 11 R. cascadae populations. Rana cascadae shows extreme isolation by distance with very little gene flow occurring past a distance of 10 km. Long-term effective population sizes were unrealistically large for current effective population sizes, but the estimates oF genetic neighborhood size are consistent with those expected based on current census population size and genetic neighborhood size in other amphibians. My research suggests Rana cascadae should be managed as three separate groups corresponding to the Olympic Peninsula, the Cascades of Washington and Oregon, and Northern California. Additionally, R. cascadae exhibits extreme isolation by distance with reduced gene flow at distances greater than 10 km, suggesting metapopulation structure is weak, and populations that go extinct are unlikely to be re-colonized quickly despite the presence of nearby R. cascadae populations.

Integrating Niche Modeling and Landscape Genetics to Study Species' Responses to Climate Change

Integrating Niche Modeling and Landscape Genetics to Study Species' Responses to Climate Change
Author: Sarah Lynn Emel
Total Pages:
Release: 2015

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Global climate change is expected to shift species' suitable habitat toward the poles over this century and beyond. Amphibians and other dispersal-limited taxa may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change due to inability to track suitable habitat. Rhyacotriton kezeri and R. variegatus are two species of torrent salamanders with specific habitat needs and small geographic ranges. This dissertation had three objectives: 1) review and synthesize the results of recent studies of population genetic structure in amphibians, 2) characterize the level of genetic structure and identify landscape features correlated with genetic distance among populations of R. kezeri and R. variegatus, and 3) predict the future distributions of R. kezeri and R. variegatus with climate change through the integration of landscape resistance into range shift models. In Chapter 1, I reviewed 139 studies of amphibians published between 2001-2010 estimating genetic structure, and a meta-analysis revealed that conservation status was the only factor showing a significant relationship with genetic distance. In Chapter 2, I discerned high genetic structure among populations of R. variegatus. Models of landscape resistance revealed that high genetic structure was correlated with low stream and forest cover, high solar radiation, and short growing season. In Chapter 3, I expanded upon Chapter 2 to include R. kezeri and test additional variables, determining that despite subtle differences between species, forest cover, roads, streams, and a correlate of soil moisture best explained patterns of gene flow in both. Lower average genetic diversity in R. kezeri populations is likely due to greater habitat fragmentation. Finally, in Chapter 4, I predicted range shifts of R. kezeri and R. variegatus in response to climate change, incorporating habitat resistance based on the results of Chapter 3 to simulate movement from the current distributions into projected suitable habitat. Although range contraction is only expected for R. kezeri , simulations suggested that neither species would reach a large proportion of its potential range by 2070. Overall, this dissertation demonstrates the importance of understanding the constraints of habitat resistance on dispersal and its consequences for amphibian conservation in the contexts of habitat fragmentation and global climate change.

Implications of Environmental and Landscape Change for Population Connectivity and the Persistence of Aridland Amphibians

Implications of Environmental and Landscape Change for Population Connectivity and the Persistence of Aridland Amphibians
Author: Meryl Mims
Total Pages: 183
Release: 2015

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The study of how population structure and persistence are shaped by attributes of species and the environment is a central scientific pursuit in ecology and conservation. In this dissertation, I explore four themes central to this pursuit. First, I examined the extent to which species' ecological strategies - their life histories, biology, and behavior - predict patterns and drivers of population connectivity. This research represents a critical step in evaluating the potential of multi-taxa inference in landscape genetics. I examined a suite of hypothesized relationships between genetic connectivity and landscape connectivity for three desert anuran species and found a positive relationship between population differentiation and water dependency, e.g. longer larval development periods and site fidelity for reliable water sources. I also found that aquatic connectivity is important across all species, particularly when considered with topography (slope). Second, I built upon the work of my first chapter and proposed more general traits-based frameworks to enhance the utility of landscape genetics in multispecies conservation. I proposed guiding principles for the formal development, testing, and generalization of traits-based frameworks to advance the utility, efficiency, and effectiveness of genetic inference in contemporary ecology and conservation. Third, I employed population genetic techniques to examine the population structure, diversity, and connectivity of Hyla wrightorum, an anuran native to the southwestern United States and Mexico. Hyla wrightorum exists as a Distinct Population Segment (DPS) in the Huachuca Mountains and Canelo Hills of southeastern Arizona, USA. Due to concerns about declining observations of the species within the DPS, its small geographic and isolated extent within the Huachuca Mountains and Canelo Hills, and presumably small population sizes, the DPS is currently a candidate for federal protection under the Endangered Species Act. I found evidence of larger than expected effective population sizes, significant genetic differentiation between populations, and an isolation-by-distance pattern among populations. These results suggest that the DPS may be less vulnerable to extirpation than previously expected, but some small effective population sizes and the limited geographic extent of the DPS justify current concern for the persistence of this DPS. Finally, I used a spatially-explicit individual based model to simulate the response of the Arizona Treefrog (Hyla wrightorum) to reductions in breeding habitat availability in an isolated portion of its range. I found that reductions in breeding habitat resulted in population declines, with the greatest population declines for H. wrightorum associated with both a reduction in breeding habitat availability and recruitment failure. Reduced breeding habitat also resulted in increased synchrony and decreased variability through time, which likely indicates a transition from a metapopulation to isolated populations. Taken together, the four chapters of this dissertation advance the use of landscape and population genetics in multispecies conservation, and they will contribute directly to the conservation of dryland aquatic species.

Landscape and Conservation Genetics of Amphibians and Reptiles in California

Landscape and Conservation Genetics of Amphibians and Reptiles in California
Author: Erin Maurine Toffelmier
Total Pages: 147
Release: 2019

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Examining patterns of diversity at fine and global spatial scales is an important component of to inferring underlying evolutionary mechanisms, understanding species distributional patterns, and informing conservation. Globally, amphibians and reptiles are among the fastest declining taxonomic groups, and now more than ever, it is necessary to quantify diversity and its spatial drivers in order to most effectively conserve species. In this dissertation, I examine the population, landscape, and conservation genomics of several species along a continuum of endangerment, from highly endangered and on the brink of extinction to widespread and abundant. Throughout, I use large-scale molecular data sets coupled with spatial analyses to examine spatial genetic diversity in these varied species. My goals were to contribute to our understanding of how genetic diversity is distributed across a multitude of landscapes and to provide genetic context for the conservation of these species. In Chapters 1 and 2, I examined how genetic diversity is spread across the limited ranges of two ecologically disparate species, California tiger salamanders, Ambystoma californiense, in Santa Barbara County, and the Panamint alligator lizard, Elgaria panamintina, found only in the isolated desert mountain ranges of eastern California, and found surprising parallels. In both, I found populations with exceedingly low levels of genetic diversity and genetic effective population sizes. For tiger salamanders, genetic diversity and divergence is strongly correlated with the number of suitable breeding habitats in regional neighborhoods and presence of natural vernal pools, while divergence across the range of E. panamintina is primarily mediated by geographic distance. In both cases, our findings have important implications for how management and mitigation efforts may more effectively assist the recovery and/or protection of these groups. In Chapter 3, I examined the drivers of spatial genetic structure in the widespread southern alligator lizard, Elgaria multicarinata. I found that patterns of genetic isolation are driven primarily by geographic distances, but that regional ecological niches have also diverged. Collectively, my work demonstrates the utility of integrating genetic and spatial analyses across spatial scales to help elucidate how genetic diversity is distributed across variable landscapes.