John Calvin and the Grounding of Interpretation: Calvin’s First Commentaries

John Calvin and the Grounding of Interpretation: Calvin’s First Commentaries
Author: R. Ward Holder
Publisher: BRILL
Total Pages: 326
Release: 2006-01-01
Genre: History
ISBN: 9047417518

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This book considers John Calvin’s interpretation of the Pauline epistles, discussing his interpretive method and the link between biblical interpretation and correct doctrine. It introduces a division between doctrinal hermeneutics and textual exegetical rules clarifying Calvin’s relationship to the antecedent and subsequent traditions. The book portrays Calvin as a theologian for whom the doctrinal and exegetical tasks cohered, especially in the context of the Church in the Reformations. The first section presents the division between hermeneutical principles and exegetical rules, demonstrating each in Calvin’s commentaries. The second section considers the coherence of Calvin’s theological, exegetical and historical efforts. The text is grounded by the inclusion of many instances of Calvin’s interpretation, and his reflections on the nature of biblical interpretation.

John Calvin and the Grounding of Interpretation

John Calvin and the Grounding of Interpretation
Author: R. Ward Holder
Publisher: BRILL
Total Pages: 327
Release: 2006
Genre: Literary Criticism
ISBN: 9004149260

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This book presents a new model for analyzing Calvin's biblical interpretation, rescuing him from the quagmire of anachronistic interpretations. Concentrating upon Calvin's description of biblical interpretation, the book suggests new insights for hermeneutics, exegesis in the Reformations, and Calvin's ecclesiology.

On Genesis

On Genesis
Author: Saint Augustine
Publisher: CUA Press
Total Pages: 213
Release: 2010-04
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 0813211840

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John Calvin's Commentaries On Genesis 1-23

John Calvin's Commentaries On Genesis 1-23
Author: John Calvin
Publisher: Jazzybee Verlag
Total Pages: 944
Release: 2012
ISBN: 3849620808

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This is the extended and annotated edition including * an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life Calvin produced commentaries on most of the books of the Bible. His commentaries cover the larger part of the Old Testament, and all of the new excepting Second and Third John and the Apocalypse. His commentaries and lectures stand in the front rank of Biblical interpretation. This volume covers his commentaries on Genesis 1 - 23. No writer ever dealt more fairly and honestly by the Word of God. He is scrupulously careful to let it speak for itself, and to guard against every tendency of his own mind to put upon it a questionable meaning for the sake of establishing some doctrine which he feels to be important, or some theory which he is anxious to uphold. This is one of his prime excellencies. He will not maintain any doctrine, however orthodox and essential, by a text of Scripture which to him appears of doubtful application, or of inadequate force. For instance, firmly as he believed the doctrine of the Trinity, he refuses to derive an argument in its favor, from the plural form of the name of God in the first chapter of Genesis. It were easy to multiply examples of this kinds which, whether we agree in his conclusions or not, cannot fail to produce the conviction, that he is, at least, an honest Commentator, and will not make any passage of Scripture speak more or less than, according to his view, its Divine Author intended it to speak. Calvin has been charged with ignorance of the language in which the Old Testament was written. Father Simon says that he scarcely knew more of Hebrew than the letters! The charge is malicious and ill founded. It may, however, be allowed that a critical examination of the text of Holy Scripture was not the end which Calvin proposed to himself; nor had he perhaps the materials or the time necessary for that accurate investigation of word and syllables to which the Scriptures have more recently been subjected. Still his verbal criticisms are neither few nor unimportant, though he lays comparatively little stress upon them himself. F5 His great strength, however, is seen in the clear, comprehensive view he takes of the subject before him, in the facility with which he penetrates the meaning of his Author, in the lucid expression he gives to that meaning, in the variety of new yet solid and profitable thoughts which he frequently elicits from what are apparently the least promising portions of the sacred text, in the admirable precision with which he unfolds every doctrine of Holy Scripture, whether veiled under figures and types, or implied in prophetical allusions, or asserted in the records of the Gospel. As his own mind was completely imbued with the whole system of divine truth, and as his capacious memory never seemed to lose anything which it had once apprehended, he was always able to present a harmonized and consistent view of truth to his readers, and to show the relative position in which any given portion of it stood to all the rest. This has given a completeness and symmetry to his Commentaries which could scarcely have been looked for; as they were not composed in the order in which the Sacred Books stand in the Volume of Inspiration, nor perhaps in any order of which a clear account can now be given. He probably did not, at first, design to expound more than a single Book; and was led onwards by the course which his Expository Lectures in public took, to write first on one and then on another, till at length he traversed nearly the whole field of revealed truth.

Calvin and the Christian Tradition

Calvin and the Christian Tradition
Author: R. Ward Holder
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 313
Release: 2022-06-09
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1009081179

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John Calvin lived in a divided world when past certainties were crumbling. Calvin claimed that his thought was completely based upon scripture, but he was mistaken. At several points in his thought and his ministry, he set his own foundations upon tradition. His efforts to make sense of his culture and its religious life mirror issues that modern Western cultures face, and that have contributed to our present situation. In this book, R. Ward Holder offers new insights into Calvin's successes and failures and suggests pathways for understanding some of the problems of contemporary Western culture such as the deep divergence about living in tradition, the modern capacity to agree on the foundations of thought, and even the roots of our deep political polarization. He traces Calvin's own critical engagement with the tradition that had formed him and analyzes the inherent divisions in modern heritage that affect our ability to agree, not only religiously or politically, but also about truth. An epilogue comparing biblical interpretation with Constitutional interpretation is illustrative of contemporary issues and demonstrates how historical understanding can offer solutions to tensions in modern culture.

John Calvin's Commentaries On The Psalms 1 - 35

John Calvin's Commentaries On The Psalms 1 - 35
Author: John Calvin
Publisher: Jazzybee Verlag
Total Pages: 1046
Release: 2012
ISBN: 3849620743

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This is the extended and annotated edition including * an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life Calvin produced commentaries on most of the books of the Bible. His commentaries cover the larger part of the Old Testament, and all of the new excepting Second and Third John and the Apocalypse. His commentaries and lectures stand in the front rank of Biblical interpretation. This book covers Calvin's commentaries on the Psalms 1 - 35.

John Calvin's Commentaries On The Harmony Of The Gospels Vol. 1

John Calvin's Commentaries On The Harmony Of The Gospels Vol. 1
Author: John Calvin
Publisher: Jazzybee Verlag
Total Pages: 723
Release: 2012
ISBN: 3849620506

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This is the extended and annotated edition including * an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life Calvin produced commentaries on most of the books of the Bible. His commentaries cover the larger part of the Old Testament, and all of the new excepting Second and Third John and the Apocalypse. His commentaries and lectures stand in the front rank of Biblical interpretation. Our Author has exerted a powerful influence on all succeeding expositors. They have found their interest in listening to his instructions, and have been more deeply indebted to him than is generally known. Many valuable interpretations of passages of Scripture appeared for the first time in his writings, and have ever since been warmly approved. In other cases, the views which had been previously held are placed by him in so strong a light as to remove every doubt, and satisfy the most cautious inquiry. And yet the stores, from which so much has been drawn, are far from being exhausted, nor is their value greatly lowered by improvements which have been subsequently made. The department of History presents an analogous case. Documents which had been overlooked are carefully examined. Conflicting evidence is more accurately weighed. Important transactions assume a new aspect, or, at least, are altered in their subordinate details. Still, there are historians, in whose narrative the great lines of truth are so powerfully drawn, that the feebler, though more exact, delineations of other men cannot supply their place. In the chief moral requisite for such a work Calvin is excelled by none. He is an honest interpreter. No consideration would have induced him to wrest the words of Scripture from their plain meaning. Those who may question his conclusions cannot trace them to an unworthy motive. Timid theologians will be occasionally startled by his expositions. Though they may not absolutely impeach the soundness of his doctrine, they will tremble for the fate of some favorite theory or ingenious argument. With such minds he has no sympathy. He examines the Scriptures with the humility of one who inquires at the oracle of God, (2 Samuel 16:23,) and proclaims the reply with the faith of one who knows that the word of the Lord is tried, (Psalm 18:30.)

John Calvin's Bible Commentaries On The Harmony Of The Gospels Vol. 1

John Calvin's Bible Commentaries On The Harmony Of The Gospels Vol. 1
Author: John Calvin
Publisher: Jazzybee Verlag
Total Pages: 384
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 3849678288

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Calvin produced commentaries on most of the books of the Bible. His commentaries cover the larger part of the Old Testament, and all of the new excepting Second and Third John and the Apocalypse. His commentaries and lectures stand in the front rank of Biblical interpretation. Our Author has exerted a powerful influence on all succeeding expositors. They have found their interest in listening to his instructions, and have been more deeply indebted to him than is generally known. Many valuable interpretations of passages of Scripture appeared for the first time in his writings, and have ever since been warmly approved. In other cases, the views which had been previously held are placed by him in so strong a light as to remove every doubt, and satisfy the most cautious inquiry. And yet the stores, from which so much has been drawn, are far from being exhausted, nor is their value greatly lowered by improvements which have been subsequently made. The department of History presents an analogous case. Documents which had been overlooked are carefully examined. Conflicting evidence is more accurately weighed. Important transactions assume a new aspect, or, at least, are altered in their subordinate details. Still, there are historians, in whose narrative the great lines of truth are so powerfully drawn, that the feebler, though more exact, delineations of other men cannot supply their place. In the chief moral requisite for such a work Calvin is excelled by none. He is an honest interpreter. No consideration would have induced him to wrest the words of Scripture from their plain meaning. Those who may question his conclusions cannot trace them to an unworthy motive. Timid theologians will be occasionally startled by his expositions.

Calvin's Complete Commentary on the Bible

Calvin's Complete Commentary on the Bible
Author: Calvin, John
Publisher: Delmarva Publications, Inc.
Total Pages: 24355

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All 46 of the original volumes are included in this one volume. There are two linked indexes in this volume, a main index at the front of this volume that will take you to the beginning each of the books of the bible and another index at the beginning of each book there is a linked scripture index leading to the particular subject. John Calvin is considered as the first truly great scholar of the Reformation. Indeed, he has even been seen by some to be one of history’s greatest Christian biblical scholars. He had an incredible command of the Bible, and his interpretations were not based on just one or two passages. He combined pastoral insight with solid exegesis to form a strong interpretation of the scriptures. However, some of his views on the prophetic interpretation, such as in the book of Daniel, are controversial. He put forth a purist view and believed that the prophecies in the book of Daniel applied solely to the history between the time of the prophet Daniel (530 BC) and Jesus’ first coming (30 AD). Nevertheless, John Calvin was a force to be reckoned with, and is considered to have a unique insight which enabled him to find the true meaning of the Bible. Dutch theologian Jacobus Arminius, after whom the anti-Calvinistic movement Arminianism was named, states that, “Next to the study of the Scriptures which I earnestly inculcate, I exhort my pupils to peruse Calvin’s Commentaries, which I extol in loftier terms than Helmich himself (a Dutch divine, 1551–1608); for I affirm that he excels beyond comparison in the interpretation of Scripture, and that his commentaries ought to be more highly valued than all that is handed down to us by the library of the fathers; so that I acknowledge him to have possessed above most others, or rather above all other men, what may be called an eminent spirit of prophecy. His Institutes ought to be studied after the (Heidelberg) Catechism, as containing a fuller explanation, but with discrimination, like the writings of all men.” During his life, Calvin produced commentaries on 48 books of the Bible, a total of 45 published volumes. He intended to put out a complete commentary of the Bible, but his death prevented this. The books of Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, 2 & 3 John, and Revelation were unfortunately not completed. He did, however, write a two volume commentary of the Harmony of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) as well as a separate commentary for the gospel of John. Likewise, he also wrote a two volume series on the Harmony of the Law (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). Calvin’s own exegesis of the original text allowed him to bring out a unique and pleasing interpretation. He begins each section of scripture with his own translation of the text and then further expounds upon it, point by point, making it an excellent resource for ministers and teachers alike. After more than 400 years, Calvin’s commentaries are still a relevant and essential tool for Christians.

John Calvin's Bible Commentaries - Psalms 1 - 35

John Calvin's Bible Commentaries - Psalms 1 - 35
Author: John Calvin
Publisher: Jazzybee Verlag
Total Pages: 508
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 3849686183

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alvin produced commentaries on most of the books of the Bible. His commentaries cover the larger part of the Old Testament, and all of the new excepting Second and Third John and the Apocalypse. His commentaries and lectures stand in the front rank of Biblical interpretation. This book covers Calvin's commentaries on the Psalms 1 - 35.