Islamic Two-Headed Beast

Islamic Two-Headed Beast
Author: Will Clark
Publisher: CreateSpace
Total Pages: 128
Release: 2015-04-26
ISBN: 9781511898195

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America and all the free world are under two attacks from Islam. Although Islam proclaims itself the religion of peace, nothing could be further from the truth. Throughout the world, one evil head of Islam slaughters thousands of innocent victims without conscience or mercy; while the other evil head, lead by the Muslim Brotherhood, callously imbeds itself into everyday life of unsuspecting cultures; with the goal of destroying those cultures. Revelation, Chapter 17, reveals this religion as a 'woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.' This information was documented in the Bible centuries before Islam was established. Islam evolved from the long-standing pagan moon god in Mecca, which existed long before Muhammad entered Mecca.. Terrorist attacks have happened in America, and the anticipation of more attacks keeps our security forces on high alert to thwart those that are detected. Visible Islamic extremism, terrorism, is only one head of the deadly beast, that ancient serpent that plans to destroy Godliness and freedom throughout the world; especially Israel and the United States. It's the serpent that says it will kill anyone who doesn't convert to what they call their 'religion of peace.' What's most amazing is that many people voluntarily convert into this system, this deadly cult that calls itself a 'religion.' Would the god of any religion demand non-believers be killed, even beheaded? Are Muslim leaders suggesting salvation can be achieved by force, intimidation, and murder? Shouldn't one seek eternal salvation through a calling into that religion - not by force? That forced salvation suggests an evil intent, perhaps led by that ancient serpent. That serpent, that ancient dragon introduced in Genesis, has another head. Our danger is that two-headed serpent. One head guides blatant terrorism; while the other, the Muslim Brotherhood, is more surreptitious in its approach. The Muslim Brotherhood is attacking America, and plans to destroy us, while we watch only for the attack by that more active snake, terrorists. That two-headed snake is playing a deadly game to destroy us. Our leaders, in their efforts to be politically correct, are helping that deceitful snake accomplish its goal. While one head openly and directly attacks; the other head slithers evil into the quietest corners of our nation and our government. This evil one slithers so stealthily he beguiles those tasked to defend our nation against him. This head is the head of a 'woman, ' a religion that 'sits upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.' Revelation 17:3. It's the same woman (religion) 'drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.' Revelation 17:6. Its blood-lust will not be fulfilled until its final desperate attack on Israel; where it will be destroyed.

The Beast and Babylon

The Beast and Babylon
Author: J.B. Whitelaw-Stevens
Publisher: WestBow Press
Total Pages: 395
Release: 2017-07-06
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1512790419

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The Beast and Babylon answers some age-old questions about the two symbolic entities featured in the book of Revelation. These symbols have historically been typified as a revived Roman Empire, and its God-opposing religious counterparts that rise up (in Europe), prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. In contrast, this informative and timely study reveals that the latter-day beast power rises out of not one, but out of three defunct previous empires in the Middle East; knownvia Daniels metaphorsas the lion, bear, and leopard kingdoms. It appears from Daniel 7:1112, that long after the last manifestation of the Roman Empire is destroyed, these three dormant empires are revived for a season and a time. During their rejuvenation, they reappear in Revelation 13 and 17 in the form of a tripartite, seven-headed, political/religious beast power that emerges from the topographies of the ancient Grecian (leopard), Persian (bear), and Babylonian (lion) kingdoms. Furthermore, these combined territories encompass ten sovereign Islamic horn nations that were revealed after the Ottoman Empire was abolished ninety-five years ago. Today, many of these Islamic nations contain embedded terrorist groups whose fanatical Jihadist leaders are determined to resurrect a radical pan-Islamic Caliphate, by which to establish Sharia law throughout the World. To achieve these objectives, the latter-day nascent imperial beast powerin conjunction with ten like-minded insurgent leadersmust initiate a global Jihad to incite war on the people of God, and conspire to destroy a religious city called Mystery, Babylon the Great.

The Beast and False Prophet Revealed

The Beast and False Prophet Revealed
Author: Michael Fortner
Total Pages: 196
Release: 2020-08-26
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9781716625855

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(Version 3.5, August, 2020) Now with important new information and insights. Michael D. Fortner takes a fresh new look at Bible prophecy and presents strong evidence that the coming beast and false prophet of the book of Revelation are based solidly in Islam and Muhammad. When the head of the beast has a fatal wound, it represents the death of the Ottoman Empire in World War 1. Which means it will come back to life again to wage jihad upon the world. The second beast of Revelation is Islam, the two horns representing the two factions: Sunni and Shite. Islam has encoded in its teachings- murder, lying, plunder, slavery, rape, warfare, and even terrorism as part of its official religious doctrine. Jesus said that the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy, and this is exactly what Islam has done from its beginning. No other religion so completely fits the description in the Bible of the beast and false prophet than Islam. Islam is different from all the other religions that do not believe in Jesus, because Islam officially declares that Jesus is not the Son of God (Quran 4:171; 18:4-5), which is the Biblical definition of Antichrist: "Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the Antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22). Islam ruled the second largest empire in history that stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the borders of China. Millions of Christians have already suffered and died under Islam's armies of conquest, and Christians are still dying today in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Sudan, and many other places. The spread of Islam has left a trail of blood, suffering, and destruction like no other ideology in world history. This book includes a history of Islam's war on Christianity. No one could invent a more evil cult. For hundreds of years the Muslims of North Africa captured European ships, and then American ships, and enslaved the passengers and crews. They even raided coastal towns and dragged people out of churches and into slavery where they were beaten and abused in order to pressure them to convert to Islam. This new book presents the history of Islam's war against Christianity to show how and why it is the beast of Revelation. It also includes Daniel 11. The details presented is like no other book.

The Islamic Antichrist

The Islamic Antichrist
Author: Joel Richardson
Publisher: WND Books
Total Pages: 309
Release: 2009
Genre: Antichrist
ISBN: 1935071122

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"In 'The Islamic Antichrist', Richardson exposes Western readers to the traditions of Islam and predicts that the end times may not be far away. His book will stun readers unaware of the similarities between the Antichrisst and the "Islamic Jesus." His research on the relationship between Christian end-time prophecy and Islamic expectations of world domination will shock readers and shape the debate over radical Islam for years to come. This is the book to read to understand Islam's potential role in fulfilling the prophecies of the Bible"--Page 2 of cover.

Mideast Beast

Mideast Beast
Author: Joel Richardson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2012
Genre: Antichrist
ISBN: 9781936488537

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Whereas most students of the Bible have long held that some form of humanism or universalist religion would catapult the Antichrist to world power, this book systematically proves the biblical case for an Islamic Antichrist.

The Beast and False Prophet Revealed

The Beast and False Prophet Revealed
Author: Michael Fortner
Total Pages: 195
Release: 2021-02-19

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(Version 3.5, August, 2020) Now with important new information and insights. Michael D. Fortner takes a fresh new look at Bible prophecy and presents strong evidence that the coming beast and false prophet of the book of Revelation are based solidly in Islam and Muhammad. When the head of the beast has a fatal wound, it represents the death of the Ottoman Empire in World War 1. Which means it will come back to life again to wage jihad upon the world. The second beast of Revelation is Islam, the two horns representing the two factions: Sunni and Shite. Islam has encoded in its teachings-- murder, lying, plunder, slavery, rape, warfare, and even terrorism as part of its official religious doctrine. Jesus said that the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy, and this is exactly what Islam has done from its beginning. No other religion so completely fits the description in the Bible of the beast and false prophet than Islam. Islam is different from all the other religions that do not believe in Jesus, because Islam officially declares that Jesus is not the Son of God (Quran 4:171; 18:4-5), which is the Biblical definition of Antichrist: "Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the Antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22). Islam ruled the second largest empire in history that stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the borders of China. Millions of Christians have already suffered and died under Islam's armies of conquest, and Christians are still dying today in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Sudan, and many other places. The spread of Islam has left a trail of blood, suffering, and destruction like no other ideology in world history. This book includes a history of Islam's war on Christianity. No one could invent a more evil cult. For hundreds of years the Muslims of North Africa captured European ships, and then American ships, and enslaved the passengers and crews. They even raided coastal towns and dragged people out of churches and into slavery where they were beaten and abused in order to pressure them to convert to Islam. This new book presents the history of Islam's war against Christianity to show how and why it is the beast of Revelation. It also includes Daniel 11. The details presented is like no other book. For example: The verses of the Quran are called, "miraculous signs," and Rev. 13 says that the false prophet deceives people with "miraculous signs" (NIV). Fortner's interpretation of Revelation is truly eye-opening. The mark of the beast is also presented with new and enlightening information. Even the image of the beast has a surprising new interpretation. But the beast's empire will not rule the entire planet. The author proved that there will never be a one-world government, many times over, in Book One. This is Book Two in the Bible Prophecy Revealed series. You will get the most out of this book if you have read the first one, titled Discoveries in Bible Prophecy, but it is not required. There are other books out that correlate what Islam teaches with the expected Antichrist, but they do not have the details found in this book. The author actually proves that some of the details in the other books are wrong. For example, he proves that the new theory on the mark of the beast taught by Walid Shoebat and Joel Richardson is totally wrong. IntroductionChapter 1 The Beast of EmpireChapter 2 The Quran and HadithChapter 3 A Brief History of IslamChapter 4 The Ottoman EmpireChapter 5 The Scarlet BeastChapter 6 Civilization JihadChapter 7 The False ProphetChapter 8 The Mark, Name, & Number of the BeastChapter 9 Historical ViewsChapter 10 The AntichristChapter 11 Final WordsSelected Bibliography

Islamic Humanism

Islamic Humanism
Author: Lenn E. Goodman
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Total Pages: 292
Release: 2005-11-24
Genre: History
ISBN: 0199885001

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This book is an attempt to explain how, in the face of increasing religious authoritarianism in medieval Islamic civilization, some Muslim thinkers continued to pursue essentially humanistic, rational, and scientific discourses in the quest for knowledge, meaning, and values. Drawing on a wide range of Islamic writings, from love poetry to history to philosophical theology, Goodman shows that medieval Islam was open to individualism, occasional secularism, skepticism, even liberalism.

Islam's Bloodthirsty Sword

Islam's Bloodthirsty Sword
Author: Will Clark
Publisher: CreateSpace
Total Pages: 106
Release: 2015-09-22
ISBN: 9781517457235

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The purpose for this book is to identify the beast described in the book of Revelation and to explain the horrendous danger this beast poses to our survival as a nation and as a world. The Apostle John described this danger from visions he was given from Christ while he was exiled on the Island of Patmos, near the ancient city of Ephesus. Those descriptions become clearer with each passing day. This book explains why that self-proclaimed religion, Islam, is not a religion of peace. It's simply a beast with two heads. One head, identified as the whore in Revelation, has demonstrated its goal is total destruction of anything not approved by Satan. It carries a bloodthirsty sword. The other head is more silent and subtle, slithering into halls of governments to fulfill Satan's plan from within. It destroys as blight overwhelms a beautiful flower. Both heads are evil, determined to destroy all that is good. Both heads of Islam are designed to destroy. Their final goal is power and world domination, having nothing to do with worship or religion. As the author and historian Serge Trifkovic states: "The refusal of the Western elite class to protect their nations from jihadist infiltration is the biggest betrayal in history." This Islamic religion is only one of the two religions described as women, in Revelation. These two women are very clearly defined. The two heads of Islam are introduced in Revelation 6:4: "And there went out another horse that was red; and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another." This identifies one rider with two heads. That rider is identified further in 17:3, where a woman sat upon that scarlet colored beast. Verse 5 describes her as the mother of harlots. Verse 16 explains that mother will hate that whore and will kill her; describing: "and that they should kill one another." The subtle and slithering head will fight against that bloodthirsty whore. The other woman, Christianity, is revealed in Chapter 12 of Revelation. The first verse announces the arrival, "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun." Verse 2 introduces the concept of Jesus, "And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered." Verse 5 connects that birth to God, "And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne." Chapter 17, Verse 6 connects these two women, and shows the bloodlust of Islam against Christianity, "And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." This book also identifies the Antichrist, the beast, and the False Prophet to help make Revelation more understandable.

The Beast and False Prophet Revealed

The Beast and False Prophet Revealed
Author: Michael D. Fortner
Total Pages: 190
Release: 2014-06-13
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9780615967349

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(Version 2, 2017) Book 2 of the series presents new and enlightening discoveries from 30 years of research into Bible prophecy. This new look at Bible prophecy presents strong evidence that the coming beast and false prophet of the book of Revelation are based solidly in Islam and Muhammad. When the head of the beast has a fatal wound, it represents the death of the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire in World War 1. Which means this is the "head" that will come back to life again to wage jihad upon the world. The second beast of Revelation is Islam, the two horns representing the two factions: Sunni and Shite. Islam has encoded in its teachings- murder, lying, plunder, slavery, rape, warfare, and even terrorism as part of its official religious doctrine. Jesus said that the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy, and this is exactly what Islam has done from its beginning. No other religion so completely fits the description in the Bible of the beast and false prophet than Islam. Islam is different from all the other religions that do not believe in Jesus, because Islam officially declares that Jesus is not the Son of God (Quran 4:171; 18:4-5), which is the Biblical definition of Antichrist: "Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the Antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22). Islam ruled the second largest empire in history that stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the borders of China. Millions of Christians have already suffered and died under Islam's armies of conquest, and Christians are still dying today in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Sudan, and many other places. The spread of Islam has left a trail of blood, suffering, and destruction like no other ideology in world history. This book includes a history of Islam's war on Christianity. No one could invent a more evil cult. For hundreds of years the Muslims of North Africa captured European ships, and then American ships, and enslaved the passengers and crews. They even raided coastal towns and dragged people out of churches and into slavery where they were beaten and abused in order to pressure them to convert to Islam. This book shows how and why the beast of Revelation is based in Islam. It also includes Daniel 11. The details presented is like no other book. For example: The verses of the Quran are called, "miraculous signs," and Rev. 13 says that the false prophet deceives people with "miraculous signs" (NIV). Fortner's interpretation of Revelation is truly eye-opening. The mark of the beast is also presented with new and enlightening information. Even the image of the beast has a surprising new interpretation. But the beast's empire will not rule the entire planet. The author proved that there will never be a one-world government, many times over, in Book One. This is Book Two in the Bible Prophecy Revealed series. You will get the most out of this book if you have read the first one, titled Discoveries in Bible Prophecy, but it is not required. There are other books out that correlate what Islam teaches with the expected Antichrist, but they do not have the details found in this book. The author actually proves that some of the details in the other books are wrong. For example, he proves that the new theory on the mark of the beast taught by Walid Shoebat and Joel Richardson is totally wrong. Chapter 1: The Beast of Empire 2: A Brief History of Islam 3: The Scarlet Beast 4: The Two-Horned Beast 5: The Mark, Name, & Number of the Beast 6: Historical Views 7: The Antichrist 8: The Muslim Brotherhood's Plan 9: A Summary of the Great Tribulation 10: Final Words

What Is the Antichrist-Islam Connection?

What Is the Antichrist-Islam Connection?
Author: Roland L. Back
Total Pages: 230
Release: 2006-11-26
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 184728504X

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A scholarly study of the symbols in Daniel and Revelation specifically addressing what role the religion of Islam will play in the rise of the Antichrist.