Islam, Peace Or Beast?

Islam, Peace Or Beast?
Author: Rabbi Simon Altaf
Publisher: Createspace Independent Pub
Total Pages: 180
Release: 2013-02-17
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9781482569810

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Released 19, Feb 2015 - What many prophecy writers failed to recognize pointing 180 degrees West when it should have been 180 degrees East. Why are Islamists beheading others. They are marching and planning to kill you but do you even know it? A serious wake up call for the end-times.

Islam Peace Or Beast

Islam Peace Or Beast
Author: Simon Altaf
Total Pages:
Release: 2006
ISBN: 9781599160924

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The Islamic Antichrist

The Islamic Antichrist
Author: Joel Richardson
Publisher: WND Books
Total Pages: 309
Release: 2009
Genre: Antichrist
ISBN: 1935071122

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"In 'The Islamic Antichrist', Richardson exposes Western readers to the traditions of Islam and predicts that the end times may not be far away. His book will stun readers unaware of the similarities between the Antichrisst and the "Islamic Jesus." His research on the relationship between Christian end-time prophecy and Islamic expectations of world domination will shock readers and shape the debate over radical Islam for years to come. This is the book to read to understand Islam's potential role in fulfilling the prophecies of the Bible"--Page 2 of cover.

The Black Muslim Manifesto

The Black Muslim Manifesto
Author: Lukman
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Total Pages: 174
Release: 2009-05
Genre: Black Muslims
ISBN: 1438973357

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"The Black Muslim Manifesto" is the compilation of over ten years of essays addressing events of historical, contemporary and ideological significance. Debates between the author and others, who contested some of his positions, form the basis of several chapters. The essays not only provide Lukman's reflections on some of the most critical issues of the past decade, they also include a critical analysis of American history, a critique of Malcolm X, a biographical sketch of Kwame Ture (partly based on the author's personal relationship with him), Lukman's understanding of the religion of Islam, particularly as it relates to the post 9/11 world; commentaries on Lebanon, Sudan, Gaza, the "ascendancy" of Obama etc. There are countless opinions offered concerning every topic addressed in the "Manifesto", however, that which makes the "Manifesto" unique is it's uncompromising, Black, revolutionary, Islamic perspective. This is a perspective that is totally missing from the ideological discourse, in America, on either the "left" or the "right". The climate of fear engendered by George W's "fatwa" that "you are either with us or you are with the terrorists" has sent Muslim "leadership" in America scurrying behind the mantra "Islam is peace". The fact that Bush codified his "fatwa" with the Patriot Act has left this brand of "leadership" cowering in fear. Those who wish to pass themselves off as Black "leadership" are no better than their Muslim counterparts. The "Manifesto" takes the unabashed position that the "Obamamania", which has been signed onto by most "recognized" Black "leadership", is no more than a corporate controlled deception. It is a deception designed for international as well as domestic consumption. The American ruling class is faced with the "browning of America". They are also confronted with an increasingly non-white, anti-American global population. According to the "Manifesto", "Obamaism" represents the apotheosis of neo-colonialism. Are the views expressed in the two preceding paragraphs controversial? Of course they are and they are reflective of the spirit of the book. That is precisely what makes the "Manifesto" unique. The "uniqueness" of the book is part of the appeal of the "Manifesto". An embattled Muslim world will find a voice, in the Western Hemisphere, who champions their cause. Followers of the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad will see that "Elijah Lives" in its pages. Revolutionary thinkers will find a book written in the spirit of George Jackson's "Blood in my Eye". And, of course, liberals, reformists, "accommodationists" and "assimilationists" will be horrified. But that is precisely the type of debate all intellectuals should welcome.

War and Peace with the Beasts

War and Peace with the Beasts
Author: Brian Griffith
Publisher: Wood Lake Publishing Inc.
Total Pages: 125
Release: 2020-09-01
Genre: Nature
ISBN: 1773431803

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“The animals that one culture likes are often hated in the next, and it seems that the animals themselves know it well. Basically, one culture’s animal partner is often another culture’s nightmare from hell. “Naturally, I wonder how relations between people and animals got to be so different around the world. How did it happen that some cultures treat bats, snakes, wolves, or ravens as embodiments of evil, while other people treat the same animals with affection or even reverence?” Our wars with the animals go way back. Beyond the light cast by our prehistoric campfires, the eyes glowing in the night seemed to represent a great hostile force. As we began to cultivate crops and husband a few favoured animals, we generally regarded other creatures as threats to our chosen few. Using the logic of war, we sought to maximize the populations of certain creatures, and the destruction of others. In the past, that war effort was our great crusade for the advancement of civilization as we knew it. The war had a frontier, a front line, and an ongoing battle on the home front. Expanding outward from our various cradles of civilization, we progressively “tamed” the forests and grasslands, converting them to monocrop plantations or pastures. Then we had to defend our monocrops from encroaching weeds, insects, and wild animals. In this immediately engaging, story- and fact-filled page-turner of a book, Brian Griffith looks at the range of ways we relate to animals and the stories we tell about them. He asks how we choose whether buddyhood, fearful respect, businesslike predation, or genocidal war is the most appropriate response to each species we meet. He watches how our treatment of “inferior beings” affects our treatment of “inferior people,” and traces some of the chain reactions we unleash when we try to weed out species we don’t like. “Without much hope of making animals fit my personal preferences,” he writes, “I wonder how good our relations can get.”

Islamic Two-Headed Beast

Islamic Two-Headed Beast
Author: Will Clark
Publisher: CreateSpace
Total Pages: 128
Release: 2015-04-26
ISBN: 9781511898195

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America and all the free world are under two attacks from Islam. Although Islam proclaims itself the religion of peace, nothing could be further from the truth. Throughout the world, one evil head of Islam slaughters thousands of innocent victims without conscience or mercy; while the other evil head, lead by the Muslim Brotherhood, callously imbeds itself into everyday life of unsuspecting cultures; with the goal of destroying those cultures. Revelation, Chapter 17, reveals this religion as a 'woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.' This information was documented in the Bible centuries before Islam was established. Islam evolved from the long-standing pagan moon god in Mecca, which existed long before Muhammad entered Mecca.. Terrorist attacks have happened in America, and the anticipation of more attacks keeps our security forces on high alert to thwart those that are detected. Visible Islamic extremism, terrorism, is only one head of the deadly beast, that ancient serpent that plans to destroy Godliness and freedom throughout the world; especially Israel and the United States. It's the serpent that says it will kill anyone who doesn't convert to what they call their 'religion of peace.' What's most amazing is that many people voluntarily convert into this system, this deadly cult that calls itself a 'religion.' Would the god of any religion demand non-believers be killed, even beheaded? Are Muslim leaders suggesting salvation can be achieved by force, intimidation, and murder? Shouldn't one seek eternal salvation through a calling into that religion - not by force? That forced salvation suggests an evil intent, perhaps led by that ancient serpent. That serpent, that ancient dragon introduced in Genesis, has another head. Our danger is that two-headed serpent. One head guides blatant terrorism; while the other, the Muslim Brotherhood, is more surreptitious in its approach. The Muslim Brotherhood is attacking America, and plans to destroy us, while we watch only for the attack by that more active snake, terrorists. That two-headed snake is playing a deadly game to destroy us. Our leaders, in their efforts to be politically correct, are helping that deceitful snake accomplish its goal. While one head openly and directly attacks; the other head slithers evil into the quietest corners of our nation and our government. This evil one slithers so stealthily he beguiles those tasked to defend our nation against him. This head is the head of a 'woman, ' a religion that 'sits upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.' Revelation 17:3. It's the same woman (religion) 'drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.' Revelation 17:6. Its blood-lust will not be fulfilled until its final desperate attack on Israel; where it will be destroyed.

American Dervish

American Dervish
Author: Ayad Akhtar
Publisher: Little, Brown
Total Pages: 256
Release: 2012-01-09
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 0316192821

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From the author of Homeland Elegies and Pulitzer Prize winner Disgraced, a stirring and explosive novel about an American Muslim family in Wisconsin struggling with faith and belonging in the pre-9/11 world. Hayat Shah is a young American in love for the first time. His normal life of school, baseball, and video games had previously been distinguished only by his Pakistani heritage and by the frequent chill between his parents, who fight over things he is too young to understand. Then Mina arrives, and everything changes. American Dervish is a brilliantly written, nuanced, and emotionally forceful look inside the interplay of religion and modern life.

Islam's Bloodthirsty Sword

Islam's Bloodthirsty Sword
Author: Will Clark
Publisher: CreateSpace
Total Pages: 106
Release: 2015-09-22
ISBN: 9781517457235

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The purpose for this book is to identify the beast described in the book of Revelation and to explain the horrendous danger this beast poses to our survival as a nation and as a world. The Apostle John described this danger from visions he was given from Christ while he was exiled on the Island of Patmos, near the ancient city of Ephesus. Those descriptions become clearer with each passing day. This book explains why that self-proclaimed religion, Islam, is not a religion of peace. It's simply a beast with two heads. One head, identified as the whore in Revelation, has demonstrated its goal is total destruction of anything not approved by Satan. It carries a bloodthirsty sword. The other head is more silent and subtle, slithering into halls of governments to fulfill Satan's plan from within. It destroys as blight overwhelms a beautiful flower. Both heads are evil, determined to destroy all that is good. Both heads of Islam are designed to destroy. Their final goal is power and world domination, having nothing to do with worship or religion. As the author and historian Serge Trifkovic states: "The refusal of the Western elite class to protect their nations from jihadist infiltration is the biggest betrayal in history." This Islamic religion is only one of the two religions described as women, in Revelation. These two women are very clearly defined. The two heads of Islam are introduced in Revelation 6:4: "And there went out another horse that was red; and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another." This identifies one rider with two heads. That rider is identified further in 17:3, where a woman sat upon that scarlet colored beast. Verse 5 describes her as the mother of harlots. Verse 16 explains that mother will hate that whore and will kill her; describing: "and that they should kill one another." The subtle and slithering head will fight against that bloodthirsty whore. The other woman, Christianity, is revealed in Chapter 12 of Revelation. The first verse announces the arrival, "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun." Verse 2 introduces the concept of Jesus, "And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered." Verse 5 connects that birth to God, "And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne." Chapter 17, Verse 6 connects these two women, and shows the bloodlust of Islam against Christianity, "And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." This book also identifies the Antichrist, the beast, and the False Prophet to help make Revelation more understandable.

Why We Left Islam

Why We Left Islam
Author: Susan Crimp
Publisher: WND Books
Total Pages: 213
Release: 2008
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 0979267102

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Records the testimonies of former Muslims who have left the Islamic faith, recording their reasons for leaving the religion and the consequences that they have faced as a result.

Islam Attacks the Whore

Islam Attacks the Whore
Author: Will Clark
Publisher: CreateSpace
Total Pages: 180
Release: 2015-05-23
ISBN: 9781512343038

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The Bible Book of Revelation tells a story that has two endings. One is of survival; the other is of salvation for those who do not follow the Beast; Islam, and accept his mark. One ending is for those who remain on earth. The other is for those who are resurrected through the Word of God. But, there are many codes to understand before these stories reveal themselves. The first Revelation code is broken by uncovering the concept that the first woman described in Revelation; 'in pain with a child to be delivered, ' was Christianity. She was identified as Christianity when in 350 A.D. Constantine the Great (two wings of a great eagle) protected her, then formed the Roman Catholic Church. That protection ended after another 350 years. That's when the Islamic religion was founded from Muhammad's teachings. Muhammad began slaughtering Christians and others under the guise of killing only for the purpose of defense. History proves Muhammad murdered many by self-initiation to fulfill his prophesies of having a world where only Muslims would exist. He called himself a prophet, taking the place of Christ; and his followers believed him and supported him. They still do. That's the purest definition of an antichrist. 'Antichrist' means to take the place of Christ; not one against Christ. This concept is further verified by the fact that Muhammad suffered a mortal head injury from which he recovered. This was prophesied in Revelation 700 years before it happened, to describe the coming Beast. Once this code is understood, other codes are more easily deciphered. The next important code is in Chapter 17. The Islamic religion is clearly revealed in Revelation, Chapter 17: "And I saw the woman (religion) drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." Verse 5 identifies that woman as 'Babylon the Great.'Since Islam was founded in 700 A.D. it has continued to wage war against Christians; the 'remnant of her seed.' of that first woman described as Christianity. Islam fulfills the general identification of the 'Beast' throughout Revelation. It was prophesied that 'through peace he shall conquer many.' Islam vehemently claims it is a 'religion of peace' which is one of the greatest deceptions of mankind. Still, today, Islamists are slaughtering thousands of innocents, including children, especially in the Middle East and Africa. That causes the rider of the red horse to 'take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another, ' as they are now doing. Muslims are killing one another in the Middle East. Muslims are now attacking the most radical part of Islam - their 'whore.' That 'rider of the red horse' is a religion, not a person. "And, power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another." These verses from Revelation and many more are unveiled in this book; including the identities of the riders of the Four Horses of the Apocalypse. The most surprising revelation in this book is that the rider of the red horse includes both the Islamic religion and the Babylon whore. That's just one of the many surprises you will find within the contents of this book. It contains many more equally surprising revelations.