Gravitational-wave Memory from Black Hole and Neutron Star Mergers

Gravitational-wave Memory from Black Hole and Neutron Star Mergers
Author: Matthew Karlson
Total Pages: 106
Release: 2018
Genre: Black holes (Astronomy)

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The detection of gravitational waves from binary black hole and binary neutron star mergers has ushered in a new age of observational astronomy. Anticipation of detection from these coalescing compact binaries has led to the development of models for comparison using analytical and numerical techniques. Typically, these methods model gravitational-wave signals as small oscillations that grow over time, reach some maximum value, and eventually decay to zero. However, these models are incomplete: compact binaries can emit gravitational waves that decay to a non-zero value. This phenomenon is known as the gravitational-wave memory. In particular, the signal from compact binaries displays a nonlinear memory effect, which arises from gravitational waves produced by the previously emitted gravitational-wave energy. Using a semi-analytic approach we generate nonlinear memory signals for a range of binary black hole parameters, extending previous work. We also, for the first time, compute the nonlinear memory for binary neutron star mergers. Additionally, we perform the first comparison between our semi-analytic approach and full numerical relativity simulations of the nonlinear memory. These waveforms will be useful in future searches of the nonlinear memory in ground and space-based detectors.

The Black Hole-Neutron Star Binary Merger in Full General Relativity

The Black Hole-Neutron Star Binary Merger in Full General Relativity
Author: Koutarou Kyutoku
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 187
Release: 2013-01-11
Genre: Science
ISBN: 4431542019

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This thesis presents a systematic study of the orbital evolution, gravitational wave radiation, and merger remnant of the black hole–neutron star binary merger in full general relativity for the first time. Numerical-relativity simulations are performed using an adaptive mesh refinement code, SimulAtor for Compact objects in Relativistic Astrophysics (SACRA), which adopts a wide variety of zero-temperature equations of state for the neutron star matter. Gravitational waves provide us with quantitative information on the neutron star compactness and equation of state via the cutoff frequency in the spectra, if tidal disruption of the neutron star occurs before the binary merges. The cutoff frequency will be observed by next-generation laser interferometric ground-based gravitational wave detectors, such as Advanced LIGO, Advanced VIRGO, and KAGRA. The author has also determined that the mass of remnant disks are sufficient for the remnant black hole accretion disk to become a progenitor of short-hard gamma ray bursts accompanied by tidal disruptions and suggests that overspinning black holes may not be formed after the merger of even an extremely spinning black hole and an irrotational neutron star.

Neutron Stars, Black Holes, and Gravitational Waves

Neutron Stars, Black Holes, and Gravitational Waves
Author: James J Kolata
Publisher: Morgan & Claypool Publishers
Total Pages: 51
Release: 2019-05-09
Genre: Science
ISBN: 1643274228

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Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, published in 1915, made a remarkable prediction: gravitational radiation. Just like light (electromagnetic radiation), gravity could travel through space as a wave and affect any objects it encounters by alternately compressing and expanding them. However, there was a problem. The force of gravity is around a trillion, trillion, trillion times weaker than electromagnetism so the calculated compressions and expansions were incredibly small, even for gravity waves resulting from a catastrophic astrophysical event such as a supernova explosion in our own galaxy. Discouraged by this result, physicists and astronomers didn't even try to detect these tiny, tiny effects for over 50 years. Then, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, two events occurred which started the hunt for gravity waves in earnest. The first was a report of direct detection of gravity waves thousands of times stronger than even the most optimistic calculation. Though ultimately proved wrong, this result started scientists thinking about what instrumentation might be necessary to detect these waves. The second was an actual, though indirect, detection of gravitational radiation due to the effects it had on the period of rotation of two 'neutron stars' orbiting each other. In this case, the observations were in exact accord with predictions from Einstein's theory, which confirmed that a direct search might ultimately be successful. Nevertheless, it took another 40 years of development of successively more sensitive detectors before the first real direct effects were observed in 2015, 100 years after gravitational waves were first predicted. This is the story of that hunt, and the insight it is producing into an array of topics in modern science, from the creation of the chemical elements to insights into the properties of gravity itself.

Stellar Collapse

Stellar Collapse
Author: Chris L. Fryer
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 454
Release: 2004-04-30
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 9781402019920

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Supernovae, hypernovae and gamma-ray bursts are among the most energetic explosions in the universe. The light from these outbursts is, for a brief time, comparable to billions of stars and can outshine the host galaxy within which the explosions reside. Most of the heavy elements in the universe are formed within these energetic explosions. Surprisingly enough, the collapse of massive stars is the primary source of not just one, but all three of these explosions. As all of these explosions arise from stellar collapse, to understand one requires an understanding of the others. Stellar Collapse marks the first book to combine discussions of all three phenomena, focusing on the similarities and differences between them. Designed for graduate students and scientists newly entering this field, this book provides a review not only of these explosions, but the detailed physical models used to explain them from the numerical techniques used to model neutrino transport and gamma-ray transport to the detailed nuclear physics behind the evolution of the collapse to the observations that have led to these three classes of explosions.

All Things Gravitational Waves

All Things Gravitational Waves
Author: Arnab Dhani
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2022

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Following the first direct detection of gravitational waves (GWs) from the merger of two (almost) equal mass black holes, the number of gravitational-wave detections have grown exponentially with increasing detector sensitivities. To date, tens of binary black hole and a handful of binary neutron star and neutron star - black hole binaries have been observed. These observations have been used to understand the underlying physical processes, both astrophysical and fundamental. Precise and accurate modeling of gravitational waves from such systems are paramount to the unbiased extraction of subtle effects in the gravitational-wave signal. Recent studies modeling a binary black hole ringdown signal have shown that including overtones in a ringdown waveform can model the signal closer to the merger. In this dissertation, we model a binary black hole ringdown signal including overtones, mirror modes, and subdominant modes. We show that the inclusion of mirror modes can further improve the match of the ringdown model with numerical relativity simulations. It is also shown that this more detailed model can more accurately recover the mass and spin of the final black hole. We also elucidate the role of different basis functions on the sphere, specifically, the effect of decomposing the waveform in spherical harmonics, which is the natural basis to use in a numerical simulation, versus spheroidal harmonics, which is the basis in which the radial and angular part of the signal separates. Information about the nuclear equation of state (EoS) is imprinted in the gravitational-wave signal from a binary neutron star in the form of tidal interactions between the two companion stars. Current analysis methods for extracting the tidal deformability or radii of a neutron star rely on the use of EoS-independent quasi-universal relations that relate the tidal deformabilities of the two individual stars with each other. Such quasi-relations are very useful in extracting the maximum information from a signal by reducing the dimensionality of the parameter space. However, by virtue of being quasi-relations, they contain systematic errors which become important for future observatories and, possibly, while stacking multiple current observations. We develop a methodology to mitigate these systematic errors for an unbiased and precise model selection among various equations of state. We show that unmodeled systematics can lead to the inference of the incorrect equation of state. Our method enables the use of rapid Bayesian model selection of the nuclear EoS using gravitational-wave observations. In addition to being probes of dense matter and high curvature regimes, transient gravitational-wave sources are also standard sirens. They can, therefore, act as a cosmic distance ladder that can map out distances in the Universe. When complemented by a redshift measurement from a gravitational-wave source, GWs can inform us of the evolutionary history of the Universe. Following this, GWs can provide a complimentary measurement of the Hubble constant, thus enabling the resolution of Hubble tension. We show that a sub-population of binary black hole sources, observable in current and future detector networks, can be localized to a volume in space that contains only a single galaxy on average. An electromagnetic follow-up of such sources can give a Hubble constant measurement at a precision that resolves the Hubble tension. Future observatories can probe beyond the nearby Universe and will be able to constrain other cosmological observables such as the dark matter energy density and the late-time evolution of dark energy. We contrast and compare the bounds that can be placed on various cosmological models using an electromagnetic counterpart to measure the redshift and a counterpart-less method where the redshift is measured using the tidal information between neutron stars in a binary. In the event that the independent measurement of the Hubble constant using gravitational-wave sources is in accordance with the supernova measurements, one can then use the two separate distance ladders to directly probe the electromagnetic and gravitational-wave luminosity distances. Current methods rely on restricting the modification to the luminosity distance to the gravitational sector and uses the redshift - luminosity distance relation to obtain the electromagnetic luminosity distances given a redshift measurement. We propose a method for the direct comparison of the two luminosity distances using a spatially coincident supernova measurement following a gravitational-wave event. This would be an independent and novel constrain on the variation of the two distances. We, additionally, argue that the same can be achieved with standardized kilonovae and place the first direct constraints on the variation of the two distances using the first multi-messenger observation of a binary neutron star merger GW170817. We, thereby, make the case for improved standardization modeling for kilonovae.

Gravitational Wave Detection and Data Analysis for Pulsar Timing Arrays

Gravitational Wave Detection and Data Analysis for Pulsar Timing Arrays
Author: Rutger van Haasteren
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 149
Release: 2013-09-12
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3642395996

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Pulsar timing is a promising method for detecting gravitational waves in the nano-Hertz band. In his prize winning Ph.D. thesis Rutger van Haasteren deals with how one takes thousands of seemingly random timing residuals which are measured by pulsar observers, and extracts information about the presence and character of the gravitational waves in the nano-Hertz band that are washing over our Galaxy. The author presents a sophisticated mathematical algorithm that deals with this issue. His algorithm is probably the most well-developed of those that are currently in use in the Pulsar Timing Array community. In chapter 3, the gravitational-wave memory effect is described. This is one of the first descriptions of this interesting effect in relation with pulsar timing, which may become observable in future Pulsar Timing Array projects. The last part of the work is dedicated to an effort to combine the European pulsar timing data sets in order to search for gravitational waves. This study has placed the most stringent limit to date on the intensity of gravitational waves that are produced by pairs of supermassive black holes dancing around each other in distant galaxies, as well as those that may be produced by vibrating cosmic strings. Rutger van Haasteren has won the 2011 GWIC Thesis Prize of the Gravitational Wave International Community for his innovative work in various directions of the search for gravitational waves by pulsar timing. The work is presented in this Ph.D. thesis.