Dynamics of a Balloting Projectile in a Moving Gun Tube

Dynamics of a Balloting Projectile in a Moving Gun Tube
Author: K. A. Ansari
Total Pages: 91
Release: 1988

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In recent years, there have been significant strides made in modeling gun dynamics. Current capabilities include the use of flexible gun tube and projectile descriptions. However, modeling the interface conditions between the tube and projectile is still an area of very active research. Highly detailed finite element models, which are currently under development at the BRL and at other agencies will lead to a much better understanding of the important parameters involved in the balloting of projectiles. These models, however, require both substantial computer resources and time. Thus there is a need for the development of simplified tube/projectile interface descriptions which both realistically represent the interface and are easily implemented. The bourrelet/ gun-bore and obturator models incorporated in this study reasonably satisfy these requirements. A nonlinear dynamic analysis of a balloting projectile is presented in this report. The mathematical model used is a six-degree-of-freedom coupled model of the projectile and gun tube system. The effects of obturator flexibility and projectile impact with the gun bore at the bourrelet are included in the analysis, and the nonlinear differential equations of motion of the system are derived using a Lagrangian formulation. Gaussian elimination and Newark's constant-average-acceleration method are employed to obtain a solution. Finally, numerical results for some specific test cases are obtained and discussed. Keywords: Computer simulation; Computer models; Interior ballistics.

Dynamics of a Projectile in a Concentric Flexible Tube

Dynamics of a Projectile in a Concentric Flexible Tube
Total Pages: 81
Release: 1983

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Each of the four main sections in this report deals with the motion, the forces, and the moments experiences by a gun tube with a straight axis and an offset breech, and with certain simple types of support. Section I presents a development of the kinematics of a projectile in a concentric moving flexible tube. Section 2 treats the forces and moments that act on a projectile in terms of kinematic variables of the tube. Section 3 treats the motion of a tapered cantilever tube that is actuated by the projectile and by prescribed motion at the breech. In Section 4, the problem of a rigid curve tube that is hinged at the breech so that it can swing sideways is treated.

Transverse Motion of 8 Inch Projectile, XM673, in the XM201, M2A2 Gun Tube, Mk-16 and MCLG Gun

Transverse Motion of 8 Inch Projectile, XM673, in the XM201, M2A2 Gun Tube, Mk-16 and MCLG Gun
Author: Szu Hsiung Chu
Total Pages: 166
Release: 1973

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The dynamic behavior of a projectile during acceleration in the gun tube requires a quantitative description, since, if balloting becomes excessive, undesirable conditions such as damage to fuzing, shell body engraving, inaccuracy of fire due to yaw, and yaw velocity at the muzzle may result. The approach taken in this report utilizes the equations of motion derived in an earlier report titled, 'Transverse Motion of an Accelerating Shell' to describe the balloting motion of the 8-inch XM673 projectile fired in the MK-16, MCLG gun, XM201 and M2A2 gun tubes. Most previous solutions which have appeared in published works to date discuss the problem in a simple way, or consider separately the main factors that effect projectile motion. Effects of friction forces at the bourrelet and the driving band, changes of the eccentricity and the location of the center of gravity, and the wall thickness of the shell were considered in this formulation. The analysis shows that the contact of the bourrelet on the gun tube is intermittent when the C.G. eccentricity is zero or very small and the contact is continuous when the eccentricity is large and that this parameter is the one that most affects the performance of the projectile and the associated fuze. The analytical results are presented in graphic form.

The Forces of Constraint on a Projectile in a Rifled Gun Bore

The Forces of Constraint on a Projectile in a Rifled Gun Bore
Total Pages: 47
Release: 1988

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The general equations of the six-degree of freedom problem of the lateral (constraint) forces on a projectile traveling in a gun bore are indicated. In general, the bore is not straight, the projectile is imbalanced, and the principal axis of inertia of the projectile is not aligned with the spin axis. Complete equations are derived for two special cases where the rifling is of constant pitch: the first case being that of an imbalanced and misaligned projectile traveling in a perfectly straight bore, and the second case being that of a perfectly balanced and aligned projectile traveling in a crooked bore. Keywords: Spiral wear, Muzzle wear, Secondary wear, Projectile dynamics, Gun dynamics, Balloting, Rifled gun tubes, Tube curvature, Lateral forces on projectiles, Constraint forces on projectiles, Projectile balance, Projectile alignment.

Use of an Instrumented 120MM Projectile for Obtaining In-Bore Gun Dynamics Data

Use of an Instrumented 120MM Projectile for Obtaining In-Bore Gun Dynamics Data
Author: D. W. Lodge
Total Pages: 11
Release: 2001

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Simulation work undertaken by DERA to investigate the dynamic behaviour of gun systems during firing has predominantly used the existing package of SIMBAD. In-bore behaviour of the projectile has had little experimental data to increase confidence in the modelling predictions. A programme of work was started in 1996 for the UK MoD with the aim of designing, building and firing a number of instrumented projectiles, the final objective being to obtain data with which to validate a model of the Challenger 2 MBT L30 gun system. The UK design consists of a 16 channels data-logger, which captures the information during in-bore motion together with a specially designed battery assembly. Data is stored on board and downloaded once the projectile has been recovered. Instrumentation consists of six accelerometers and six displacement transducers for the purposes of measuring overall projectile motion as well as in-bore balloting of the projectile relative to the barrel. Three projectiles were fired from a smoothbore 120 mm L30 gun system in March 2000 and retrieved using over-water recovery. The last round was fired with a muzzle velocity of 1550 m/s resulting in a peak acceleration of 42,000 g. All data-loggers and accelerometers survived the launch along with a number of the displacement transducers. Although the data gathered proved insufficient for full model validation purposes, important lessons were learnt regarding instrumentation components, particularly battery design and assembly. These lessons are being incorporated into a series of instrumented firings planned for a 90 mm electro-magnetic launcher.

Corroborative Measurements of the Transverse Motion of a Gun Tube During Firing

Corroborative Measurements of the Transverse Motion of a Gun Tube During Firing
Author: T. E. Simkins
Total Pages: 27
Release: 1986

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This work presents new measurements of transverse motion of the 30 mm (GAU-8) gun tube first reported at the Third Gun Dynamics Symposium in 1982. The measurements are unique and fully corroborated through the use of two independent measuring devices. In particular, the work discusses three items of interest. First, there definitely exists a 'base-line' transverse tube movement, the cause of which has yet to be determined. The magnitude of this motion is of the same order as that due to other causes intentionally introduced for study. Second, intentionally introducing an eccentric breech mass produces muzzle displacements in good agreement with theoretical models, provided the 'base-line' component is accounted for. Finally, the muzzle rotation created by the moving projectile - though insignificant when operating alone - is strongly coupled to, and capable of greatly modifying the rotation due to other causes. This coupling does not appear to strongly affect muzzle displacement. It is concluded that predictions from gun dynamics models which agree well with displacement measurements, may err greatly when used to predict muzzle rotation, the quality of which is of central interest.

An Approximate Analysis of Balloting Motion of Railgun Projectiles

An Approximate Analysis of Balloting Motion of Railgun Projectiles
Total Pages: 26
Release: 1991

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This is the final of three reports dealing with the in-bore balloting motion of a projectile fired from an electromagnetic railgun. Knowledge of projectile in-bore motion is important to its design and the design of the railgun. It is a complicated problem since many parameters are involved and it is not easy to determine the interacting relationships between them. To make the problem easier to understand it was analyzed on several levels. Beginning from the basic simple model which computed only the axial motion, more complicated models were introduced in upper levels that included the more significant lateral forces and gun tube vibration effects. This report deals with the approximate analysis of balloting motion. This model considers the effects of the propulsion force, the friction force of the projectile package (projectile and armature), air resistance, gravity, the elastic forces, and the projectile/ barrel clearance. To simplify the modeling, a plane motion configuration is assumed. Though the projectile is moving with a varying yaw angle, the axes of the barrel and the projectile package, and the projectile center of gravity are always considered in a plane containing the centerlines of the rails. Equations of motion are derived and solved. A sample computation is performed and the results plotted to give a clearer understanding of projectile in-bore motion.

Variation in Shot Impacts Due to Controlled Bending of a Gun Tube

Variation in Shot Impacts Due to Controlled Bending of a Gun Tube
Total Pages: 42
Release: 1996

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It is possible that a given lot of ammunition fired at the same aim point by two different tanks will produce center of (shot) impacts, COIs, that differ in magnitude by several times the lot's dispersion. It is difficult to discern what fraction of this variation is due to barrel differences, alone, since changing tubes alters both the mounting conditions and the occasion. A means has been devised to 'change tubes' without altering the mount, or the occasion, by merely changing the shape of a given tube within the same mount. This is accomplished by localized control of the barrel's axial thermal expansion, implemented through a series of temperature-controlled heating pads adhered to the outer barrel wall. Using this technique, it was found that a simple, yet very common, bow-shaped curvature to the right vs. left, for example, produced a significant shift in the COl, the magnitude of which was on the order of the ammunition dispersion. In particular, inducing a right bow moved the muzzle to the left, as expected, but had the opposite, and perhaps unexpected, effect on the shot impacts--moving them to the right. Conversely, forming a left bow moved the muzzle to the right and the shot impacts to the left. An attempt to gain an understanding of the observed COl-centerline dependence through modeling the effects of projectile-barrel interaction (using the gun dynamics code Rascal) did not succeed. It appears that a more comprehensive model is needed before a predicative capability is possible.