CNN 互動英語 2022 年 5 月號 No.260 【有聲版】

CNN 互動英語 2022 年 5 月號 No.260 【有聲版】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Total Pages:
Release: 2022-05-01
Genre: Foreign Language Study

Download CNN 互動英語 2022 年 5 月號 No.260 【有聲版】 Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle

政治 Not Backing Down 絕不退縮:CNN專訪烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基 Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky Speaks about the Russian Invasion 俄國大軍入侵,烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基表示自己與國家會奮戰到底,他也請求各國伸出援手,保衛烏克蘭。 社會 A Symbol of War 俄軍戰車上的Z符號代表什麼意思? Russians Are Displaying the Letter Z to Support Their Troops 俄烏戰爭中俄軍戰車上的Z字符號是什麼意思,各方眾說紛紜,但許多跡象顯示,俄國將其視為支持入侵烏克蘭行動的符碼。 科技 To Space on a Budget 平價3D列印火箭將改變航太工業? Could 3D Printing Be the Future of Rocket Production? 火箭的建造曠日耗時、所費不貲,而3D列印技術可大幅降低火箭生產的時間和經濟成本,可望為航太工業帶來劃時代的革命。 體育 A Spectacular End 北京冬奧落幕——疫情之下的感動、淚水與爭議 Beijing Caps Off the Winter Olympics with a Breathtaking Closing Ceremony 儘管事前不被看好,2022年北京冬季奧運仍順利落幕。本文回顧本屆奧運中的爭議事件及重要亮點。 環境 A New-Age Power Plant 新世代發電廠 把垃圾變能源 Richard Quest Explores the Future of Waste Management 哥本哈根一座垃圾焚化爐身兼發電廠,還附設娛樂設施供民眾休憩使用,成為新世代廢棄物處理的典範。 保育 Diving with Sharks 海洋生態健康的守護者——鯊魚 Scientists Track and Protect the Ocean’s Greatest Predators 鯊魚不僅是海洋食物鏈中頂端的掠食者,在生態系的平衡和全球氣候的調節上均扮演重要角色,因此保護鯊魚對環境生態的健康極為關鍵。 美食 Food from the Heart 在舌尖跳舞的道地泰國料理 Sampling the Tantalizing Tastes of Thailand 出身皇室的泰國名廚向CNN特派員示範道地冬蔭功湯的作法,展現泰國料理深厚的底蘊。 社會 Treasures Threatened 止戰之殤 烏克蘭緊急搶救文化遺產 Protecting the National Heritage of Ukraine during the War 面對無情的砲火,烏克蘭一間博物館緊急將館藏文物打包撤離,盼能保全珍貴的文化遺產。 科技 Fitness Level Up 運動結合虛擬實境 健身趣味再升級 Gear Up for a Virtual Reality Workout 健身房將重訓結合虛擬實境遊戲,讓枯燥痛苦的鍛鍊變得有趣,也提升了會員來運動的意願。 旅遊 Row Like a Venetian 乘著貢多拉船體驗水都威尼斯風情 Richard Quest Tours Venice in a Traditional Gondola 對威尼斯人來說,搭貢多拉船不只是觀光活動,更是日常生活的一部分。一起搭乘這種狹長的鳳尾船徜徉在美麗的威尼斯運河,體驗水都風情吧! CNN 全球瞭望 South Korea Elects New Leader 南韓選出新任領袖 Inflation Hits 40-Year High 通膨達到四十年來新高 Blood Test to identify Brain Injuries 血液檢測將可辨識大腦損傷程度 全方位理解CNN Poland Struggles with Influx of Refugees 俄烏戰爭未歇 波蘭邊境小鎮湧入難民 CNN主編教你唸 海洋生物 單字聯想地圖 海洋世界 新聞片語通

Live互動英語 2022 年 12 月號 No.260 【有聲版】

Live互動英語 2022 年 12 月號 No.260 【有聲版】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Total Pages: 98
Release: 2022-11-25
Genre: Study Aids

Download Live互動英語 2022 年 12 月號 No.260 【有聲版】 Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle

4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 焦點話題 10 大師名作選 A String of Blue Beads 〈一串藍色珠鍊〉 14 焦點人物 The Many Faces of Lady Gaga 女神卡卡:百變天后 18 克漏字 Feeling Irritable? It Might Be Time for a Snack 心情煩躁嗎?也許該吃點零食囉 20 英語聽力測驗1 21 主題式會話 Swinging by the Convenience Store 去趟便利商店 24 食物文化 Baguettes: The Iconic French Bread 長棍麵包:最能代表法國的麵包 28 動物趣聞 How a Flightless Bird Spread around the World 不會飛的鳥如何遍布世界各地? 32 健康教育素養 Why Our Stomachs Make Noises 肚子為什麼會咕嚕咕嚕叫 35 閱讀素養專欄 How to Make a Vision Board (and Achieve Your Goals!) 如何製作願景板並達成目標! 38 生活情境對話 The Season of Shopping 年終購物季 41 英語聽力測驗2 42 在地臺灣 Bopiliao Historic Block: A Relic in Plain Sight 走訪剝皮寮歷史街區 46 科技創新 MIT's Paper-Thin Technology Turns Any Surface into a Speaker 麻省理工打造輕薄如紙的喇叭 48 唱歌學英語 Studying English with Songs: CP 查理 ft. BTS 柾國: 〈Left and Right〉 49 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 52 科技辯論 De-extinction: Should We Bring Species Back from the Dead? 去滅絕:我們應該讓滅絕的物種復活嗎? 56 健康科學 COVID-19 Reinfections: What We Know and How We Can Protect Ourselves 染疫非免疫:如何預防重複感染新冠肺炎 60 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題 62 看預告片學英文 63 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題解答 65 中文翻譯與解答

ABC互動英語 2024 年 2 月號 No.260 【有聲版】【基礎、活用】

ABC互動英語 2024 年 2 月號 No.260 【有聲版】【基礎、活用】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Total Pages: 97
Release: 2024-02-01
Genre: Foreign Language Study

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ABC Interactive English No. 260 February, 2024 Contents 每日一句 Wishes for Special Occasions 特殊場合的祝賀實用句 玩味生活 All About Tiny Houses 迷你屋大全 活用ABC Shopping for Groceries 購物英語:食品雜貨篇 世界好望角 Fun Chinese New Year Celebrations 饒富趣味的春節慶典 本月焦點 Valentine’s Day Gifts 情人節禮物 To My Valentine 完美的情人節禮物 畫中有話 Sorting the Trash 垃圾分類 品格英語 Staying Calm Under Pressure 保持冷靜,擊敗壓力 流行最前線 Taiwan’s Strawberry Season 季節限定的「莓」好時光 文法補給站 What Can and Can’t You Do? 可以做和不能做的事 I Need Some Advice 我需要一些建議 短篇故事集 Rip Van Winkle 〈李伯大夢〉 安妮信箱 Are Sports Important? 運動重要嗎? 小地方大玩意 A Trip to Fisherman’s Wharf in Tamsui 淡水漁人碼頭輕旅行 悠遊文化 Why Do Some Nations Drive on the Left? 為什麼有些國家是靠左行駛? ABC長知識 Do Goldfish Really Have a Three-Second Memory? 金魚只有三秒記憶? 聽說圖寫 Campus Bulletin Board 校園布告欄 本月之星 瑋瑋黃挺瑋

Our Black Year

Our Black Year
Author: Maggie Anderson
Total Pages: 322
Release: 2012-02-14
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1610390245

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Maggie and John Anderson were successful African American professionals raising two daughters in a tony suburb of Chicago. But they felt uneasy over their good fortune. Most African Americans live in economically starved neighborhoods. Black wealth is about one tenth of white wealth, and black businesses lag behind businesses of all other racial groups in every measure of success. One problem is that black consumers--unlike consumers of other ethnicities-- choose not to support black-ownedbusinesses. At the same time, most of the businesses in their communities are owned by outsiders. On January 1, 2009 the Andersons embarked on a year-long public pledge to "buy black." They thought that by taking a stand, the black community would be mobilized to exert its economic might. They thought that by exposing the issues, Americans of all races would see that economically empowering black neighborhoods benefits society as a whole. Instead, blacks refused to support their own, and others condemned their experiment. Drawing on economic research and social history as well as her personal story, Maggie Anderson shows why the black economy continues to suffer and issues a call to action to all of us to do our part to reverse this trend.

Sectarianism in Iraq

Sectarianism in Iraq
Author: Fanar Haddad
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Total Pages: 307
Release: 2014-05-03
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 019023797X

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Viewing Iraq from the outside is made easier by compartmentalising its people (at least the Arabs among them) into Shi'as and Sunnis. But can such broad terms, inherently resistant to accurate quantification, description and definition, ever be a useful reflection of any society? If not, are we to discard the terms 'Shi'a' and 'Sunni' in seeking to understand Iraq? Or are we to deny their relevance and ignore them when considering Iraqi society? How are we to view the common Iraqi injunction that 'we are all brothers' or that 'we have no Shi'as and Sunnis' against the fact of sectarian civil war in 2006? Are they friends or enemies? Are they united or divided; indeed, are they Iraqis or are they Shi'as and Sunnis? Fanar Haddad provides the first comprehensive examination of sectarian relations and sectarian identities in Iraq. Rather than treating the subject by recourse to broad-based categorisation, his analysis recognises the inherent ambiguity of group identity. The salience of sectarian identity and views towards self and other are neither fixed nor constant; rather, they are part of a continuously fluctuating dynamic that sees the relevance of sectarian identity advancing and receding according to context and to wider socioeconomic and political conditions. What drives the salience of sectarian identity? How are sectarian identities negotiated in relation to Iraqi national identity and what role do sectarian identities play in the social and political lives of Iraqi Sunnis and Shi'as? These are some of the questions explored in this book with a particular focus on the two most significant turning points in modern Iraqi sectarian relations: the uprisings of March 1991 and the fall of the Ba'ath in 2003. Haddad explores how sectarian identities are negotiated and seeks finally to put to rest the alarmist and reductionist accounts that seek either to portray all things Iraqi in sectarian terms or to reduce sectarian identity to irrelevance.

Harry Styles - Every Piece of Me

Harry Styles - Every Piece of Me
Author: Louisa Jepson
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Total Pages: 258
Release: 2013-02-28
Genre: Biography & Autobiography
ISBN: 1471128490

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Harry Styles is 1/5 of the global boy band sensation that is One Direction. Made up of bandmates Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson and Harry himself, 1D came to prominence in the 2010 series of X Factor UK. Since then they've played to sold out arenas as they toured the world, topped the charts across the globe and broken numerous records. Initially auditioning as separate contestants, the band were put together by Simon Cowell who thought they would stand a much better chance as a group. Simon was proved right as the five boys went on to finish 3rd in the competition. Born 1 February 1994 in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, Harry is often considered the favourite of 1D fans. Known for his trademark cute boyish looks and gorgeous curly hair, girls all over the world are falling head over heels in love with him and will do anything to get his attention. Lifting the lid on life as a member of the world's biggest band, this is the inspirational and sensational story of a how a boy from Cheshire followed his dreams to become an international star and heartthrob to millions of devoted fans.

The Legal Doctrines of the Rule of Law and the Legal State (Rechtsstaat)

The Legal Doctrines of the Rule of Law and the Legal State (Rechtsstaat)
Author: James R. Silkenat
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 366
Release: 2014-05-28
Genre: Law
ISBN: 3319055852

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This book explores the development of both the civil law conception of the Legal State and the common law conception of the Rule of Law. It examines the philosophical and historical background of both concepts, as well as the problem of the interrelation between the two doctrines. The book brings together twenty-five leading scholars from around the world and provides both general and specific jurisdictional perspectives of the issue in both contemporary and historical settings. The Rule of Law is a legal doctrine the meaning of which can only be fully appreciated in the context of both the common law and the European civil law tradition of the Legal State (Rechtsstaat). The Rule of Law and the Legal State are fundamental safeguards of human dignity and of the legitimacy of the state and the authority of state prescriptions.

I Wanted to Run Away

I Wanted to Run Away
Total Pages:
Release: 2021-03-18
ISBN: 9781623138950

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Globalization and Health

Globalization and Health
Author: Ronald Labonté
Publisher: Routledge
Total Pages: 340
Release: 2009-05-07
Genre: Health & Fitness
ISBN: 1135850097

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Contemporary globalization has had tremendous impact on health equity across the globe. However, no volume has systematically analyzed the relationship between globalization and global trends in health outcomes. This book consolidates and updates the findings of a global research project undertaken by the Globalisation Knowledge Network (GKN) of the World Health Organization’s Commission on Social Determinants of Health. Chapters examine such questions as: How has trade liberalisation affected the social determinants of health? How has globalization affected food security, nutrition and equitable access to water and sanitation? How well do present global governance structures take account of the health equity effects associated with the social determinants of health? This landmark volume will be a necessary addition for researchers and scholars studying the field of globalization, health and social policy, and public health across the social sciences.