Analyzing Foreign Policy Crises in Turkey

Analyzing Foreign Policy Crises in Turkey
Author: Fuat Aksu
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Total Pages: 270
Release: 2017-05-11
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 1443891738

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This collection explores foreign policy crises and the way the states/leaders deal with them. Being at the juncture of a highly sensitive political zone, consisting of the Middle East, Europe and Central Asia, the Republic of Turkey has been the subject of various foreign policy crises since its foundation. These political, military, economic or humanitarian crises were triggered either by the states themselves or by the NGOs and armed non-state actors. By examining literature in the field of foreign policy crises literature, this volume scrutinizes some of the most prominent Turkish foreign policy crises. Among these, there are protracted crises such as that of Cyprus and the Aegean Sea; a humanitarian one such as the 1989 migration of the Bulgarian Turks; an NGO-triggered crisis, such as the Mavi Marmara Confrontation; and an ongoing case such as the Syrian civil war. Looking at these crises from various aspects, the text sheds light on whether, or how, the reactions of the Turkish ruling elite change while trying to manage these crises. The book is a timely contribution to literature in the field of Politics and International Relations and will be useful to academics, diplomats and historians interested in foreign policy crises in general and Turkish foreign policy crises in particular.

Turkish Foreign Policy in Post Cold War Era

Turkish Foreign Policy in Post Cold War Era
Author: İdris Bal
Publisher: Universal-Publishers
Total Pages: 480
Release: 2004
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 1581124236

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With the end of Cold War discipline the world has entered a new era. Parameters have changed; new handicaps as well as new opportunities have been created for countries. Turkey as a neighbor of former USSR, a member of NATO and located at the center of a sensitive region covered by Caucasus, Balkans and Middle East, has been affected by the end of Cold War radically. Turkey has lost some of her bargaining cards in the new era and therefore has needed new arguments. This need encouraged Turkey to take active steps in Post Cold War era. This book analyzes Turkey s relations with US, EU, Balkans, Middle East, Caucasus, Central Asia, Russia, China and Japan. At the same time, effects of economic crises and domestic developments on foreign policy, Turkish model in Turkish foreign policy, water conflict and Kurdish problem are analyzed as well. To conclude, it is possible to argue that although Turkey lost some of her bargaining cards in Post Cold War era, new developments pushed Turkey to the center of world politics rather then to periphery. Contributors: Meliha Benli Altunisik, Deniz Ülke Aribogan, Hüseyin Bagci, Idris Bal, Zeyno Baran, Fulya Kip Barnard, Erol Bulut, Ibrahim S. Canbolat, Saziye Gazioglu, Ramazan Gözen, Saban Kardas, H. Bülent Olcay, Cengiz Okman, Henry E. Paniev, Victor Panin, Dirk Rochtus, Faruk Sönmezoglu, Gül Turan, Ilter Turan, Mustafa Türkes, Nasuh Uslu.

Critical Readings of Turkey’s Foreign Policy

Critical Readings of Turkey’s Foreign Policy
Author: Birsen Erdoğan
Publisher: Springer Nature
Total Pages: 330
Release: 2022-04-28
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 3030976378

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This book covers selected topics on contemporary Turkish Foreign Policy to understand and critically analyze the ideas, discourses, actors, processes and structures in the foreign policymaking. It provides the readers with a compilation of chapters on the critical analysis of Turkey’s changing positionality and foreign policy identity. In doing so, it draws on the tools and perspectives offered by the critical theories and approaches in International Relations and relevant disciplines. Most of the chapters included in this project deal with the dramatic metamorphoses that took place in Turkish Foreign Policy during the period when the Justice and Development Party ruled and their ongoing consequences.

Turkish foreign policy

Turkish foreign policy
Author: Mustafa Aydın
Total Pages: 140
Release: 2004
Genre: Turkey

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Strategy and Strategic Discourse in Turkish Foreign Policy

Strategy and Strategic Discourse in Turkish Foreign Policy
Author: Hasan Yükselen
Publisher: Springer Nature
Total Pages: 260
Release: 2020-03-03
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 3030390373

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This book provides a critical realist analysis of Turkish foreign policy (TFP), covering various periods from the Turkish National Struggle to the contemporary Justice and Development Party Government. It discusses TFP within the critical realist framework, employing the concept of differences in continuity to demonstrate how agency and structure interacted, and how some discourses arose and others failed in the history of the Turkish Republic. The book also applies the concepts of strategy and strategic discourse to reveal how real-world strategic preferences correspond to the narration. Lastly, the author argues that the underlying structural forces have endured, despite Turkey’s persistence in enhancing the agency’s role, ultimately leading to differentiation between “what is spoken” and “what is actualized”.

Turkish Foreign Policy Since 1774

Turkish Foreign Policy Since 1774
Author: William M. Hale
Publisher: Routledge
Total Pages: 362
Release: 2013
Genre: History
ISBN: 0415599865

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This revised and updated version of William Hale's Turkish Foreign Policy 1774-2000 offers a comprehensive and analytical survey of Turkish foreign policy since the last quarter of the eighteenth century, when the Turks' relations with the rest of the world entered their most critical phase. In recent years Turkey's international role has changed and expanded dramatically, and the new edition revisits the chapters and topics covered in light of these changes. Drawing on newly available information and ideas, the author carefully alters the earlier historical narrative while preserving the clarity and accessibility of the original. Combining the long historical perspective with a detailed survey and analysis of the most recent developments, this book fills a clear gap in the literature on Turkey's modern history. For readers with a broader interest in international history, it also offers a crucial example of how a medium sized power has acted in the international environment.

Turkey and the West

Turkey and the West
Author: Kemal Kirisci
Publisher: Brookings Institution Press
Total Pages: 323
Release: 2017-12-12
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 0815730012

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Turkey: A necessary ally in a troubled region With the new administration in office, it is not clear whether the U.S. will continue to lead and sustain a global liberal order that was already confronted by daunting challenges. These range from a fragile European Union rocked by the United Kingdom’s exit and rising populism to a cold war-like rivalry with Russia and instability in the Middle East. A long-standing member of NATO, Turkey stands as a front-line state in the midst of many of these challenges. Yet, Turkey is failing to play a more constructive role in supporting this order--beyond caring for nearly 3 million refugees, mostly coming from the fighting in Syria--and its current leadership is in frequent disagreement with its Western allies. This tension has been compounded by a failed Turkish foreign policy that aspired to establish its own alternative regional order in the Middle East. As a result, many in the West now question whether Turkey functions as a dependable ally for the United States and other NATO members. Kemal Kirisci’s new book argues that, despite these problems, the domestic and regional realities are now edging Turkey toward improving its relations with the West. A better understanding of these developments will be critical in devising a new and realistic U.S. strategy toward a transformed Turkey and its neighborhood. Western policymakers must keep in mind three on-the-ground realities that might help improve the relationship with Turkey. First, Turkey remains deeply integrated within the transatlantic community, a fact that once imbued it with prestige in its neighborhood. It is this prestige that the recent trajectory of Turkish domestic politics and foreign policy has squandered; for it to be regained, Turkey needs to rebuild cooperation with the West. The second reality is that chaos in the neighborhood has resulted in the loss of lucrative markets for Turkish exports—which, in return, increases the value to Turkey of Western markets. Third, Turkish national security is threatened by developments in Syria and an increasingly assertive Russia, enhancing the strategic value of Turkey’s “troubled alliance” with the West. The big question, however, is whether rising authoritarianism in Turkey and the government’s anti-Western rhetoric will cease and Turkey’s democracy restored before the current fault lines can be overcome and constructive re-engagement between the two sides can occur. In light of these realities, this book discusses the challenges and opportunities for the new U.S. administration as well as the EU of re-engaging with a sometimes-troublesome, yet long-time ally.

Analysis Of The ‘‘New’’ Turkish Foreign Policy

Analysis Of The ‘‘New’’ Turkish Foreign Policy
Author: Dr. C. Uğur ÖZGÖKER - Korhan ATAMAN
Publisher: Gündoğan Yayınları
Total Pages: 244
Release: 2013-09-01
Genre: Geopolitics
ISBN: 9755202528

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The book examines Turkey’s new foreign policy operating in the new international system. Especially with the AKP government, Turkish foreign policy principles have been changed and/or modified radically. Therefore, new foreign policy mentality has to be analyzed in detail. The book also focuses on the “strategic depth” paradigm of Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu. In his book, Davutoglu inspects the Turkey’s place within the world politics and its relations neighboring countries through historical-religious lense. In order to understand this new mentality in the Turkish foreign policy, historical developments of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic has been covered. The book mainly focuses on following subjects: analysis of Turkish foreign policy framework, changes in Turkish government’s foreign policy paradigm, reflections of new approaches in the Turkish foreign policy, Turkey’s shifting foreign policy and the new Turkish foreign policy’s future, continuity and change in Turkish foreign policy and lastly implications of Turkey’s new foreign policy doctrine. Türk dış politikası uzun yıllar gündem yaratma yerine, başka aktörlerin oluşturduğu gündemleri takip etme ve müttefiklik adı altında ülke çıkarları ile örtüşmeyen, hatta zaman zaman çelişen seçeneklerin peşine takılma çizgileri arasında sıkışıp kalmıştır. Özellikle son on yılda Türk dış politikasındaki önceliklerin değiştiğine, Türkiye'nin pasif dış politika gömleğini üzerinden çıkardığına tanıklık ediyoruz. 2002 yılından itibaren onu uluslararası sistemde düzen kurucu merkez bir ülke konumuna taşıyacak alt yapının inşa edildiği siyasi istikrar yanında kaydedilen ekonomik büyüme ve kalkınma Türkiye'nin kendine güvenini artırdı. Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın sık sık altını çizdiği "kendine güven" vurgusu dış politika kararlarının alınmasında önemli bir dayanak oldu. Avrupa Birliği, ortak bir dış politika inşasında üyeleri arasındaki belirsizliklerle ve ekonomik krizlerle mücadele ederken, ABD başlattığı ve sürdürdüğü savaşların aşındırdığı imajını tamir etme çabası sürdürürken, Türkiye kaybettiği yılları Afrika, Balkanlar ve Güney Amerika açılımlarıyla telafi etmeyi başardı. Stratejik derinlik, merkez ve düzen kurucu ülke olmak, komşularla sıfır sorun, proaktif dış politika gibi kavramları siyasete dönüştüren ve uygulamaya koyan yeni Türk dış politikasının tasarımcısı Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu, gündemi takip eden değil önceden belirleyen bir liderlik sergilemektedir. Dış politika tutumlarına göre ülkeler iddialı ve iddiasız olarak basitçe ikiye ayrılabilir. Tahmin edileceği üzere ikinci grup hayli kalabalık olduğu halde, birinci gruba ABD gibi, Rusya gibi, Çin gibi sayılı ülkeler girer... Türkiye'nin son on yılda izlediği dış politika tutumu ve hamleleri ikinci gruptan çıkıp birinci gruba girme çabası içinde değerlendirilebilir. Türkiye’nin tarihi, coğrafyası, sahip olduğu kültürel değerler onu böyle bir konuma doğal olarak itmekle beraber, Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu’nun danışman olduğu dönemden beri savunduğu ''stratejik derinlik'' felsefesi bu kabul üzerine oturuyor. Türkiye'nin getirmiş olduğu yeni dış politika anlayışı sayesinde bölgesinde artan jeoekonomik etkinliğini hisseden Arap ülkeleri, komşularla sıfır problem modelinin açmış olduğu fırsat alanlarına nüfus etmeye başlamışlardır. Türkiye, Ürdün, Lübnan ve Suriye'yi içine alan Yüksek Düzeyli Stratejik İşbirliği Konseyi tesis edilmesi ve bu ülkeler arasında serbest ticaret ve dolaşım alanı oluşturulması ve vizelerin kaldırılmasının altında bahsetmiş olduğumuz yeni güvenlik kültürünün dinamizmi yatmaktadır. Bu tür girişimler ilişkilerin doğasını sıfır toplamlı oyun politikasından kazan kazan politikasına dönüştürmektedir. Özellikle ülkeler arası ekonomik bağımlılığın artması ise bizi ilerde yaşanacak olan bölgesel krizlerin çabuk ve düşük maliyetlerle aşılmasını sağlayacak mekanizmalar geliştirmesine zemin hazırlayacak ve potansiyel çatışma alanlarının devreye girme ihtimalini miminuma çekecektir. Bu anlamda Türkiye'nin son dönemde jeo-ekonomik anlamda kazanmış olduğu dinamizmin bölgesel aktörler tarafından dikkatle izlendiği bilinmektedir.

Insight Turkey / Summer 2019 - Turkey In A Changing World

Insight Turkey / Summer 2019 - Turkey In A Changing World
Author: SETA
Publisher: SET Vakfı İktisadi İşletmesi
Total Pages:
Release: 2019-09-01
Genre: Comics & Graphic Novels

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Since the end of the Cold War, the world system has been going through a comprehensive transformation. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has remained the only superpower in the world, which began to behave as the only hegemon and accordingly pursued unilateral policies towards other international actors. The U.S. considers most global developments and international institutions established by the U.S. as detrimental for the continuation of its global hegemony; therefore, it started to undermine international norms, principles, and rules. The U.S. faces difficulties in maintaining order at both global and regional levels. Eventually, other global powers and regional actors began to follow different, if not conflictual, policy orientations and to play their own games. As a regional actor who wants to play a global role, similar to other global actors, Turkey has been undertaking foreign policy initiatives under the AK Party government over the past two decades. However, there are too many global challenges as well as regional crises for Turkey to overcome. One such instance being that Turkey was forced to redefine its relations with its Western allies. More importantly, the U.S. has decided to redefine its relations with all of its partners, including Turkey. Therefore, one of the first challenges for Turkey to overcome is the resistance against the American otherization. Russia and China have created alternatives to international institutions established with the American initiative and invite other countries to be a part of these alternative institutions. Turkey also, at least tactically, chose to be a part of some of these platforms, a move which is not welcomed by Western countries. On the other hand, there are many regional crises such as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Syrian crisis, and the state failures in the Middle East which have significant implications for the domestic and foreign policy of Turkey. Turkey has recently begun to establish different institutions and initiated different processes in order to be able to undertake international responsibilities. Besides traditional actors, new institutions such as the Yunus Emre Institute (YEE, established in 2007), the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD, established in 2009), and the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB, established in 2010); had also restructured institutions such as the Turkish Crescent, Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA, established in 1992), and the Diyanet Foundation (TDV, established in 1975), emerged as influential actors of Turkey’s soft power in its foreign policy implementation. Eventually Turkey became one of the leading countries in the world for providing developmental and humanitarian aid to the less developed countries. After years of high growth rates and rapid economic development, Turkey had reclaimed more of its independence within its foreign policy and began to act as a more autonomous actor. Throughout the long-term political stability of the AK Party government, Turkey redefined its bilateral relations with both global and regional players. As a member of some significant international platforms such as the NATO and the G20, Turkey positioned itself into a new global role and attempted to develop an alternative inclusive political discourse. Today, Turkey is taken into consideration within the global balance-of-power calculations as a regional power and as a game-changing actor. This new issue of Insight Turkey highlights some of the various regional developments around Turkey and discuss various movements of new actors and instruments, crises and progresses, from economy to culture, and how Turkey responds to these ever-changing regional dilemmas. This issue aims to enlighten readers about ongoing current events with three commentaries, five articles, and five off-topic pieces devoted to discussing these issues more in depth. As observed by careful voyeurs of the changing international system, Turkey positions itself advantageously as a pillar of strength with a global voice to be heard. Burhanettin Duran invites us into the discussion with a masterplan of President Erdogan’s foreign diplomacy and how a new chapter has emerged to further a practical, humanitarian-focused, but militarily strong Turkey through the various international challenges it continues to face. Faruk Kaymakcı enlightens us on how the European Parliamentary Elections were avidly followed by the Turkish public, who are eagerly hoping that this could be the beginning of much needed repairs for European-Turkish relations. The challenge of attaining EU membership being one of the ongoing unresolved topics was particularly focused upon, with the hope that European political changes can mean positive change for Turkey. Meanwhile Muharrem Kılıç highlights that it is not just Europe with ongoing political changes as Turkey itself has made a complete overhaul on their judicial system. Capturing a snapshot of a large judicial reform package highlights a shift to modernize and update the judicial progress of Turkey to one compatible with domestic and international affairs. This move had won praise from all parties within Turkey, and the result of which sees a legal aligning closer to Europe. Also calling for change but within the economic realm would be Mehmet Bulut and Cem Korkut who bring us back to how old Ottoman cash waqfs (foundations) can provide modern solutions for the difficult financial times the world faces. Bringing back an alternative to capitalism, and reintroducing an older system that had worked for over 500 years, cash waqfs provide protection to the individual ensuring equilibrium between the state, system, and the individual. This protection thus served better for humanity with its poverty reduction and partnership models, helped pioneer the microcredit mechanism the world has ever started to rely on. Federico Donelli focuses on a relatively new dimension of Turkish foreign policy and reminisces on how foreign policy is rather a cultural affair. National branding and the use of culture as a diplomatic tool are seen as successful outlets of an emerging soft power. Turkey, being a modern example of broadcasting its image globally, utilizing its own high-culture and pop-culture to try to shift its international position, despite external circumstances trying to paint another picture. As an example of a sub-governmental actor in Turkish foreign policy, Erman Akıllı and Bengü Çelenk emphasize the increasing effectiveness of TİKA and highlight that foreign aid can be a fine example of a nation branding tool. Turkey outstretching itself into the global realm allows us to examine TİKA as one of the largest successes that revitalizes the spirit of pre-war Turkey creating a peace-belt diplomatically among many diverse nations. Advocating truthfulness, global power, and generosity, TİKA is bustling with positive bilateral relations, proving an international success of Turkey’s charitable image. Abdurrahman Babacan focuses on the consolidation of democracy in Turkey during the AK Party period and takes us on a journey into the core of AK Party political maneuvers especially within its first two election periods. Detailing the ebbs and flows of democracy building in a world where priorities need to be met from the internal minorities, its military factor, and to the external expectations of the EU. Thus, ushering Turkey into a new positive course and pushing human rights to the forefront, while modernizing the legal system despite various domestic setbacks from terrorist groups ISIS, PKK, and FETÖ all within the same time span. There is no doubt the importance energy has played amongst Turkey’s highest priorities these days, and Remziye Yılmaz-Bozkuş explores this importance among Turkey’s relationship with the Black Sea Energy Cooperation (BSEC). Its framework stretching beyond energy into various political sectors has made for a diverse agenda of difficult decision-making. Though being the most active negotiator amongst its regional partners, Turkey lends hope that the BSEC can be a stability factor within this region of former rivals despite numerous limitations and economical shortcomings the organization faces. One of the two off-topic commentaries focusing on regional actors, Mohammed Nuruzzaman showcases a new regional challenger in the case of Saudi Arabia. Creating a new type of foreign policy, aggressive, and proactive in response to a growing Iran contrasts the pro-democratic leanings of the region. Critiquing what is called the “Salman Doctrine,” for its lack of success in diplomacy and military affairs, due mainly to its lack of strategy. While Saudi Arabia intends to diversify away from its reliance on oil and modernize through a grand strategy, regional stability will be the price that pays for it. In the other off-topic commentary, Shamkhal Abilov and Beyrak Hajiyev bring us to Azerbaijan and the importance neutrality can really play when in the middle of diverse great powers and how Azerbaijan neutrality can actually be an advantage for the EU. What threatens this balanced policy is the U.S. withdrawal in the region and the power vacuum that will persist in the region. Whether Azerbaijan is able to protect itself and remain neutral is a hard-hitting speculation offered. The remaining three articles focus on various issues in international politics. H. Sonmez Atesoglu develops a model calling attention as to how vital economic power is for international security and where that power comes from initially. The recipe for building international security goes in depth about the interplay of economics, trade, maximizing military power, population and technical capabilities. From the Black Sea region a success story brings us to Radka Havlova and Zbyněk Dubský who take us to Ukraine to discuss strategic culture and conflict resolution and how instrumental the OSCE was for de-escalating the East Ukrainian conflict. Resolving a lot of the nuances that anarchical international systems often create lead to a collaborative strategic culture of nations lead by commonality, inclusivity and interconnected security. Alper Çakmak and M. Ali Sevgi conclude our journal with a holistic Muslim migration analysis touching upon the importance of language and the ongoing struggle for identity among four Turkish migrants who had gone to Germany for varying reasons. Following them with an anthropological approach to discover the inner depth of hardship and experience that goes into being an outlander. We are confident that this issue of Insight Turkey entitled as “Turkey in a Changing World: Responses to Domestic and Regional Dynamics” will provide timely analyses about Turkey’s new instruments and actors of foreign policy, and about different issue areas of international politics.