Advances in Passive Neutron Instruments for Safeguards Use

Advances in Passive Neutron Instruments for Safeguards Use
Total Pages: 15
Release: 1994

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Passive neutron and other nondestructive assay techniques have been used extensively by the International Atomic Energy Agency to verify plutonium metal, powder, mixed oxide, pellets, rods, assemblies, scrap, and liquids. Normally, the coincidence counting rate is used to measure the 24°Pu-effective mass and gamma-ray spectrometry or mass spectrometry is used to verify the plutonium isotopic ratios. During the past few years, the passive neutron detectors have been installed in plants and operated in the unattended/continuous mode. These radiation data with time continuity have made it possible to use the totals counting rate to monitor the movement of nuclear material. Monte Carlo computer codes have been used to optimize the detector designs for specific applications. The inventory sample counter (INVS-III) has been designed to have a higher efficiency (43%) and a larger uniform counting volume than the original INVS. Data analyses techniques have been developed, including the ''known alpha'' and ''known multiplication'' methods that depend on the sample. For scrap and other impure or poorly characterized samples, we have developed multiplicity counting, initially implemented in the plutonium scrap multiplicity counter. For large waste containers such as 200-L drums, we have developed the add-a-source technique to give accurate corrections for the waste-matrix materials. This paper summarizes recent developments in the design and application of passive neutron assay systems.

Safeguards Techniques and Equipment

Safeguards Techniques and Equipment
Author: International Atomic Energy Agency
Total Pages: 146
Release: 2011
Genre: Environmental sampling
ISBN: 9789201189103

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The 1990s saw significant developments in the global non-proliferation landscape, resulting in a new period of safeguards development. The current publication, which is the second revision and update of IAEA/NVS/1, is intended to give a full and balanced description of the safeguards techniques and equipment used for nuclear material accountancy, containment and surveillance measures, environmental sampling, and data security. New features include a section on new and novel technologies. As new verification measures continue to be developed, the material in this book will be reviewed periodically and updated versions issued.

Development of a Portable Neutron Coincidence Counter for Field Measurements of Nuclear Materials Using the Advanced Multiplicity Capabilities of MCNPX 2.5.F and the Neutron Coincidence Point Model

Development of a Portable Neutron Coincidence Counter for Field Measurements of Nuclear Materials Using the Advanced Multiplicity Capabilities of MCNPX 2.5.F and the Neutron Coincidence Point Model
Author: Angela Lynn Thornton
Total Pages:
Release: 2010

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Neutron coincidence counting is an important passive Nondestructive Assay (NDA) technique widely used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of nuclear material in bulk samples. During the fission process, multiple neutrons are simultaneously emitted from the splitting nucleus. These neutron groups are often referred to as coincident neutrons. Because different isotopes possess different coincident neutron characteristics, the coincident neutron signature can be used to identify and quantify a given material. In an effort to identify unknown nuclear samples in field inspections, the Portable Neutron Coincidence Counter (PNCC) has been developed. This detector makes use of the coincident neutrons being emitted from a bulk sample. An in-depth analysis has been performed to establish whether the nuclear material in an unknown sample could be quantified with the accuracy and precision needed for safeguards measurements. The analysis was performed by comparing experimental measurements of PuO2 samples to the calculated output produced using MCNPX and the Neutron Coincidence Point Model. Based on the analysis, it is evident that this new portable system can play a useful role in identifying nuclear material for verification purposes.

Implementation of Neutron Counting Techniques at US Facilities for IAEA Verification of Excess Materials from Nuclear Weapons Production

Implementation of Neutron Counting Techniques at US Facilities for IAEA Verification of Excess Materials from Nuclear Weapons Production
Total Pages: 9
Release: 1995

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The U.S. Nonproliferation and Export Control Policy, announced by President Clinton before the United Nations General Assembly on September 27, 1993, commits the U.S. to placing under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Safeguards excess nuclear materials no longer needed for the U.S. nuclear deterrent. As of July 1, 1995, the IAEA had completed Initial Physical Inventory Verification (IPIV) at two facilities: a storage vault in the Oak Ridge Y-12 plant containing highly enriched uranium (HOW) metal and another storage vault in the Hanford Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) containing plutonium oxide and plutonium-bearing residues. Another plutonium- storage vault, located at Rocky Flats, is scheduled for the IPIV in the fall of 1995. Conventional neutron coincidence counting is one of the routinely applied IAEA nondestructive assay (ND) methods for verification of uranium and plutonium. However, at all three facilities mentioned above, neutron ND equipment had to be modified or developed for specific facility needs such as the type and configuration of material placed under safeguards. This document describes those modifications and developments.

Modern Data Acquisition, System Design, and Analysis Techniques and Their Impact on the Physics-based Understanding of Neutron Coincidence Counters Used for International Safeguards

Modern Data Acquisition, System Design, and Analysis Techniques and Their Impact on the Physics-based Understanding of Neutron Coincidence Counters Used for International Safeguards
Author: Angela Simone Moore
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2019
Genre: Amplifiers (Electronics)

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Neutron coincidence counting is a technique widely used in the field of international safeguards for the mass quantification of a fissioning item. It can exploit either passive or active interrogation techniques to assay a wide range of plutonium, uranium, and mixed oxide items present in nuclear facilities worldwide. Because neutrons are highly penetrating, and the time correlation between events provides an identifiable signature, when combined with gamma spectroscopy, it has been used for nondestructive assays of special nuclear material for decades. When neutron coincidence counting was first established, a few system designs emerged as standards for assaying common containers. Over successive decades, new systems were developed for a wider variety of inspection assays. Simultaneously, new system characterization procedures, data acquisition technologies, and performance optimizations were made. The International Atomic Energy Agency has been using many of these original counters for decades, despite the large technological growth in recent years. This is both a testament and an opportunity. This dissertation explores several topics in which the performance of neutron coincidence counting systems is studied such that their behavior may be better understood from physical models, and their applications may be expanded to a greater field of interest. Using modern list mode data acquisition and analysis, procedures are developed, implemented, and exploited to expand the information obtained of both these systems and sources in question in a common measurement. System parameters such as coincidence time windows, dead time, efficiency, die-away time, and non-ideal double pulsing are explored in new ways that are not possible using traditional shift register logic. In addition, modern amplifier electronics are retrofitted in one model, the Uranium Neutron Coincidence Collar, to allow for a count rate-based source spatial response matrix to be measured, ultimately for the identification of diversion in a fresh fuel assembly. The testing, evaluation, and optimization of these electronics is described; they may serve as a more capable alternative to existing electronics used in IAEA systems. Finally, with a thorough understanding of the system characteristics and performance, neutron coincidence counters may be used to self-certify calibration sources with superior precision to national metrological laboratories.


Total Pages:
Release: 2007


In this paper we describe use of the Aquila active well neutron coincidence counter for nuclear material assays of 235U in multiple analytical techniques at Savannah River Site (SRS), at the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), and at Argonne West National Laboratory (AWNL). The uses include as a portable passive neutron counter for field measurements searching for evidence of 252Cf deposits and storage; as a portable active neutron counter using an external activation source for field measurements searching for trace 235U deposits and holdup; for verification measurements of U-Al reactor fuel elements; for verification measurements of uranium metal; and for verification measurements of process waste of impure uranium in a challenging cement matrix. The wide variety of uses described demonstrate utility of the technique for neutron coincidence verification measurements over the dynamic ranges of 100 g-5000 g for U metal, 200 g-1300 g for U-Al, and 8 g-35 g for process waste. In addition to demonstrating use of the instrument in both the passive and active modes, we also demonstrate its use in both the fast and thermal neutron modes.

Passive Measurement of Organic-Scintillator Neutron Signatures for Nuclear Safeguards Applications

Passive Measurement of Organic-Scintillator Neutron Signatures for Nuclear Safeguards Applications
Total Pages:
Release: 2012

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At nuclear facilities, domestically and internationally, most measurement systems used for nuclear materials' control and accountability rely on He-3 detectors. Due to resource shortages, alternatives to He-3 systems are needed. This paper presents preliminary simulation and experimental efforts to develop a fast-neutron-multiplicity counter based on liquid organic scintillators. This mission also provides the opportunity to broaden the capabilities of such safeguards measurement systems to improve current neutron-multiplicity techniques and expand the scope to encompass advanced nuclear fuels.

Correlated Neutron Counting for the 21st Century

Correlated Neutron Counting for the 21st Century
Total Pages:
Release: 2010

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Correlated neutron counting techniques, such as neutron coincidence and multiplicity counting, are widely employed at nuclear fuel cycle facilities for the accountancy of nuclear material such as plutonium. These techniques need to be improved and enhanced to meet the challenges of complex measurement items and future nuclear safeguards applications, for example; the non-destructive assay of spent nuclear fuel, high counting rate applications, small sample measurements, and Helium-3 replacement. At the same time simulation tools, used for the design of detection systems based on these techniques, are being developed in anticipation of future needs. This seminar will present the theory and current state of the practice of temporally correlated neutron counting. A range of future safeguards applications will then be presented in the context of research projects at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

The Impact of Gate Width Setting and Gate Utilization Factors on Plutonium Assay in Passive Correlated Neutron Counting

The Impact of Gate Width Setting and Gate Utilization Factors on Plutonium Assay in Passive Correlated Neutron Counting
Total Pages: 9
Release: 2015

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In the field of nuclear safeguards, passive neutron multiplicity counting (PNMC) is a method typically employed in non-destructive assay (NDA) of special nuclear material (SNM) for nonproliferation, verification and accountability purposes. PNMC is generally performed using a well-type thermal neutron counter and relies on the detection of correlated pairs or higher order multiplets of neutrons emitted by an assayed item. To assay SNM, a set of parameters for a given well-counter is required to link the measured multiplicity rates to the assayed item properties. Detection efficiency, die-away time, gate utilization factors (tightly connected to die-away time) as well as optimum gate width setting are among the key parameters. These parameters along with the underlying model assumptions directly affect the accuracy of the SNM assay. In this paper we examine the role of gate utilization factors and the single exponential die-away time assumption and their impact on the measurements for a range of plutonium materials. In addition, we examine the importance of item-optimized coincidence gate width setting as opposed to using a universal gate width value. Finally, the traditional PNMC based on multiplicity shift register electronics is extended to Feynman-type analysis and application of this approach to Pu mass assay is demonstrated.