Parametric Design and Performance Validation of Low-cost, Low-pressure Drip Emitters and Irrigation Systems

Parametric Design and Performance Validation of Low-cost, Low-pressure Drip Emitters and Irrigation Systems
Author: Julia Alexandrovna Sokol
Total Pages: 175
Release: 2020

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This thesis proposes and validates methods to reduce the cost and energy use of drip irrigation systems, with the aim of increasing their adoption among smallholder farmers. By 2050, the growing world population will require a 55% increase in food production above 2010 levels. Yet, agriculture already places a large strain on the earth’s resources, occupying 47% of habitable land area and comprising 70% of freshwater withdrawals. Thus, agricultural intensification needs to occur through increased efficiency, rather than increased resource consumption. While irrigation is an effective means to increase food production over rainfed land, traditional surface and overhead irrigation systems--such as flood, furrow, and sprinkler--have low water use efficiencies. Drip irrigation, which distributes water through a pressurized pipe network and slowly releases it through emitters in the immediate root zone of each crop, has been shown to increase water efficiency by 25-65% over flood or furrow irrigation. However, adoption of drip irrigation is limited by several factors, including high initial cost compared to conventional practices. To address the cost barrier to drip irrigation adoption, this work focuses on modeling, designing, and validating drip components and systems that operate at low pressures, reducing energy consumption and the costs of pumps and power systems. These savings are enabled by pressure-compensating (PC) emitters--which maintain a constant flow rate with variations in pressure--specifically designed for low-pressure operation. The first part of this thesis experimentally validates the ability of low-pressure PC online emitters (used for tree crops) designed by the MIT Global Engineering and Research Lab to reduce pumping power and energy in a series of field trials in the Middle East and North Africa. With a minimum operating pressure of 0.15 bar, these online emitters are shown to reduce pumping energy by at least 43% compared to commercial emitters with higher operating pressures, without compromising water distribution uniformity. The next section focuses on the design of low-pressure PC inline emitters (used for vegetable crops), which are bonded to the interior of irrigation tubing. While inline emitters are manufactured widely, their design in industry occurs largely by trial-and-error, which may limit product performance. To address this gap, this section presents a new, fully-analytical, parametric model for predicting the activation pressure and flow rate of typical inline PC emitters from their geometry and material properties of the membrane. The model’s utility is demonstrated by systematically redesigning a commercial emitter to reduce its minimum compensating pressure from 0.4 bar to 0.15-0.25 bar, depending on the membrane used, while maintaining a similar flow rate. The last section of this thesis places low-pressure emitter designs in a system-level context to evaluate their impact and suggest further research directions. Concurrently, it presents a flexible, parametric model for designing cost-optimal drip irrigation systems with grid and off-grid power sources for any farm location, size, and crop. When applied to case studies representative of typical farms in Morocco, the model shows potential reductions of up to 20% in initial cost and up to 9% in lifetime system cost with optimized low-pressure drip systems, compared to conventional system designs. The results are used to identify and recommend opportunities for further system cost reduction.

Modeling and Designing the Future of Drip Irrigation

Modeling and Designing the Future of Drip Irrigation
Author: Pulkit Shamshery
Total Pages: 74
Release: 2016

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Drip irrigation is a means of distributing the exact amount of water a plant needs by dripping water directly onto the root zone. It can produce up to 90% more crops than rain-fed irrigation, and reduce water consumption by 70% compared to conventional flood irrigation. In the coming years, the demand for new, low-cost, low-power drip irrigation technology will continue to grow, particularly in developing countries. It will enable millions of poor farmers to rise out of poverty by growing more and higher value crops, while not contributing to overconsumption of water. The key inhibitor to drip adoption has been the high initial investment cost. A cost and pressure analysis revealed that a reduction in activation pressure of pressure compensating (PC) drip emitters - which can maintain a constant flow rate under variations in pressure, to ensure uniform water distribution on a field - can reduce the cost of off-grid drip systems by up to 50%. These emitter have been designed and optimized empirically in the past. In this thesis, I present a parametric model that describes the fluid and solid mechanics that govern the behavior of a common PC emitter architecture, which uses a flexible diaphragm to limit flow. The model was validated by testing nine prototypes with geometric variations, all of which matched predicted performance to within R2 = 0.85. This parametric model was then coupled with a genetic algorithm to achieve a lower activation pressure of 0.15 bar for not only the 8.2 lph emitter, but also the 4, 6, 7 lph emitters. These new drip emitters, with attributes that improve performance and lower cost, are a step closer to making drip irrigation economically accessible to all throughout the world.

Development and Validation of a Systems-level Cost Optimization Tool for Solar-powered Drip Irrigation Systems for Smallholder Farms

Development and Validation of a Systems-level Cost Optimization Tool for Solar-powered Drip Irrigation Systems for Smallholder Farms
Author: Fiona R. Grant
Total Pages: 113
Release: 2019

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Drip irrigation is a micro-irrigation technology that has been shown to conserve water and significantly increase crop yield. This technology could be particularly beneficial to the world's estimated 500 million smallholder farmers, but these systems tend to be financially inaccessible to this population. Drip systems require costly components including a pipe network, emitters, a pump and a power system; due to limited access to electricity, many smallholder farmers would require off-grid solutions. Designing reliable, low cost, off-grid drip irrigation systems for smallholder farms could significantly reduce the barrier to adoption. This thesis presents a comprehensive model that holistically simulates the system behavior and cost-optimizes the system design. A custom, low pressure emitter is used in the hydraulic network of these systems. This design tool produces low cost, solar powered drip irrigation systems that are tuned for a specific geographic location and crop type. The model simulates the agronomic, hydraulic, pump and power system behaviors. A PSO algorithm is used along with local economic data to optimize for either the lowest cost design or the design that produces the highest profit from crop yield over the lifetime of the system. The design must include a properly sized pump and solar panels, and may include energy storage in the form of a battery, a tank or both. The reliability of the design is assessed by simulating its performance over a growing season using local weather and crop data. The extent of the model is explored through sensitivity analysis and a series of sample cases for field sizes ranging from 0.125 to 2 ha. It is shown that the optimization can reduce the life cycle cost of a system by 62% compared to the conventional method for sizing solar powered drip irrigation systems. The potential of the model to inform emitter design and pump selection is also explored. The simulation portion of the model is validated through a set of field trials where two solar powered drip systems were installed and run on small farms in Jordan and Morocco for a full growing season. Future iterations of the model will include an optimized hydraulic network layout and irrigation operation scheme, as well as more flexible pump selection criteria. Future field work will validate the optimized operation scheme, which will be used along with feedback from the farmers to design a custom controller.

Lowering the Cost of Solar-powered Drip Irrigation Systems for Smallholder Farmers Through Systems-level Modeling, Optimization, and Field Testing

Lowering the Cost of Solar-powered Drip Irrigation Systems for Smallholder Farmers Through Systems-level Modeling, Optimization, and Field Testing
Author: Carolyn Sheline
Total Pages: 102
Release: 2019

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The objective of this research is to lower the cost of solar-powered drip irrigation systems and thus make them more accessible to smallholder farmers, who operate farms that are less than 2 ha and normally located in rural communities. Current solar-powered drip irrigation systems that are conventionally sized are expensive due to their oversized pumps and many solar panels. These systems are generally not utilized by smallholder farmers because they are cost prohibitive. Although other irrigation technologies can be less expensive to the farmer, drip irrigation has been shown to reduce water waste and increase yields more than other irrigation methods, two benefits that could impact the livelihood of smallholder farmers, who manage 475 million farms worldwide. Previous work has been conducted to lower the cost of these systems including developing low pressure drip irrigation emitters and cost optimizing a model of the system. The work presented combines the use of low pressure emitters with a unique system-level model and optimization to lower the cost even further. The necessary components that make up a solar-powered drip irrigation system were explored and a model was created that predicts life cycle cost and performance of the system. It was found that the components that make up the system could be grouped into modules, and that these modules were highly interdependent. Thus, the modules were detailed extensively so that a holistic and flexible model could be created. The model was then optimized and a sensitivity analysis was conducted to investigate the key parameters that affected the system's cost and design for a baseline case of a 1 ha olive orchard in Morocco. The optimization was built to either minimize the system cost or to maximize the farmer's profit. For the same sample case this optimization was shown to reduce the life cycle cost by 62% compared to a conventionally sized system. The results of the analysis demonstrated that for smallholder farms direct-drive systems, or systems that do not use energy storage options, were cost optimal. Additionally, a reliability metric could be imposed that allowed for a 7-13% reduction in cost for 10% reduction in reliability. This reduction in reliability led to negligible reduction in yield for the water stress resistant crop of olives that was used. The designs that were built to maximize profits for the smallholder farms each had a reliability between 0-10% due to this reduction in cost. Additionally, the robustness of the model was tested by ensuring the repeatability of the convergence and executing the optimization for various weather conditions. The system model was validated through field trials that took place over a year with one solar-powered drip irrigation system set up on an olive orchard in Morocco and another on a citrus orchard in Jordan. For the trials the systems were oversized to ensure that the irrigation demand was met with 100% reliability for unforeseeable weather variations. The measured results of the system's delivered water as well as the operational pressure, flow, and power were similar to those predicted in simulation. The differences between what was measured and what was simulated were mostly due to unaccounted pressure and flow variations in the system as well as a mismatch between the simulated crop water demand and the irrigation delivered, which was calculated by local research staff and then input into the pump controller. Further testing will need to be conducted in order to validate the optimization of the model.

Characterization of Drip Emitters and Computing Distribution Uniformity in a Drip Irrigation System at Low Pressure Under Uniform Land Slopes

Characterization of Drip Emitters and Computing Distribution Uniformity in a Drip Irrigation System at Low Pressure Under Uniform Land Slopes
Author: Deba Prasad Dutta
Total Pages:
Release: 2010

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Characteristics of emitters under low pressure are essential for designing drip irrigation systems. Low pressure data for drip emitters are not available from manufacturers. A laboratory test was conducted to evaluate the performance of five types of newly manufactured drip tapes, especially under a low pressure distribution system. The five drip products that were tested were (i) Toro Drip in PC (PCS 1810-18- 100), (ii) T-Tape (TT15-1245-0100), (iii) Mister_LS (MLD-HDT100), (iv) Mister_PS (MLD-1PC 25), and (v) Netafim (Techline CV 560 050). Drip tapes tested in this study have design discharge rates of 4.00 L/hr @ 206.84 Kpa (1.06 gph @ 30 psi), 1.02 L/hr @ 55.16 Kpa (0.27 gph @ 8 psi), 3.785 L/hr @ 172.37 Kpa (1.00 gph @ 25 psi), 3.785 L/hr @172.37 Kpa (1.00 gph @ 25 psi), and 0.984 L/hr @ 206.84 Kpa (0.26 gph @ 20psi), respectively. All of them, except T-Tape, were pressure compensating (PC) emitters; the T-Tape was non-pressure compensating (NPC). For all products, except Toro, the emitter spacing was 0.305 m (12 inches) and for Toro, it was 0.46 m (18 inches). Mister_PS (MLD-1PC 25) was the point source (PS) emitter and all others were line source emitters. Drip products were tested with 15 different operating pressures ranging from 5.97 KPa (0.87 psi) to 344.74 KPa (50.00 psi). From an evaluation of 60 emitters from each product, the Toro brand showed an average uniformity coefficient (UC) of 91.24 %, with a coefficient of variation (Cv) of 0.06, T-Tape drip products showed an average UC of 96.63 % with a Cv of 0.04, Mister_ LS showed an average UC of 93.12 % with a Cv of 0.08, Mister_PS showed an average UC of 96.33 % with a Cv of 0.04, and Netafim showed an average UC of 97.92 % with a Cv of 0.02. Flow rate vs. pressure head (Q-H) curves were also developed for each drip emitter tested. From emitter exponent values it was observed that all of the pressure compensating (PC) products behaved like NPC emitters at low pressures, although they behaved like PC emitters under normal operating pressures. From statistical analysis, it was determined that except for Netafim product, all other tested products were effective under low operating pressures as were under high operating or recommended pressures. Netafim product had no emission under low pressures. Using the measured average emission rate and developed Q-H curves, the distribution uniformities of all products except Netafim were calculated under low pressure ranges of 5.97 KPa (0.87 psi) to 23.88 KPa (3.50 psi) for different lengths of laterals and under 0%, 1%, 2% uniform land slopes. The range of distribution uniformity (DU) was from about 70% to 90%, which can be classified as "good" to "excellent."

Closed Circuit Trickle Irrigation Design

Closed Circuit Trickle Irrigation Design
Author: Megh R. Goyal
Publisher: Apple Academic Press
Total Pages: 375
Release: 2015-07-30
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9781771881166

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Closed circuit trickle irrigation is a form of micro irrigation that increases energy and water efficiency by using closed circuit drip irrigation systems designs. Modifications are made to traditional micro irrigation methods to reduce some of the problems and constraints, such as low compressor water at the end of irrigation lines. This approach has proved successful for the irrigation of fruit trees and some vegetable and field crops. Closed circuits of drip irrigation systems require about half of the water needed by sprinkler or surface irrigation. Lower operating pressures and flow rates result in reduced energy costs, and a higher degree of water control is attainable as well. Plants can be supplied with more precise amounts of water, and disease and insect damage is reduced because plant foliage stays dry. Fertilizers can also be applied through this type of system, which can result in a reduction of fertilizer and fertilizer costs. This new volume in the Research Advances in Sustainable Micro Irrigation book series presents a diverse collection of research on closed circuit irrigational technology and design and provides studies of its use on such crops as wheat, maize, yellow corn, soybeans, rice, and snap peas. The book explores: • Soil moisture and salinity distributions under modified sprinkler irrigation • Performance of sprinkler irrigation • Design considerations for closed circuit drip irrigation systems • Performance of bubbler irrigation • Energy and water savings of drip irrigation systems • Automation of mini-sprinkler and drip irrigation systems • Water and fertilizer use efficiencies for drip irrigated maize • Evaluation of emitter clogging for drip irrigated systems This book will be valuable for those interested in irrigation planning and management, namely, researchers, scientists, educators, upper-level students, agricultural extension services, and others.

Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Author: Peter Waller
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 747
Release: 2015-11-18
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3319056999

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This textbook focuses specifically on the combined topics of irrigation and drainage engineering. It emphasizes both basic concepts and practical applications of the latest technologies available. The design of irrigation, pumping, and drainage systems using Excel and Visual Basic for Applications programs are explained for both graduate and undergraduate students and practicing engineers. The book emphasizes environmental protection, economics, and engineering design processes. It includes detailed chapters on irrigation economics, soils, reference evapotranspiration, crop evapotranspiration, pipe flow, pumps, open-channel flow, groundwater, center pivots, turf and landscape, drip, orchards, wheel lines, hand lines, surfaces, greenhouse hydroponics, soil water movement, drainage systems design, drainage and wetlands contaminant fate and transport. It contains summaries, homework problems, and color photos. The book draws from the fields of fluid mechanics, soil physics, hydrology, soil chemistry, economics, and plant sciences to present a broad interdisciplinary view of the fundamental concepts in irrigation and drainage systems design.

Practices of Irrigation & On-farm Water Management: Volume 2

Practices of Irrigation & On-farm Water Management: Volume 2
Author: Hossain Ali
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 563
Release: 2011-01-11
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 144197637X

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The comprehensive and compact presentation in this book is the perfect format for a resource/textbook for undergraduate students in the areas of Agricultural Engineering, Biological Systems Engineering, Bio-Science Engineering, Water Resource Engineering, and Civil & Environmental Engineering. This book will also serve as a reference manual for researchers and extension workers in such diverse fields as agricultural engineering, agronomy, ecology, hydrology, and meteorology.

Irrigation Technology Transfer in Support of Food Security

Irrigation Technology Transfer in Support of Food Security
Author: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Publisher: Food & Agriculture Org.
Total Pages: 208
Release: 1997
Genre: Social Science
ISBN: 9789251040720

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Thin Plates and Shells

Thin Plates and Shells
Author: Eduard Ventsel
Publisher: CRC Press
Total Pages: 688
Release: 2001-08-24
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 9780203908723

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Presenting recent principles of thin plate and shell theories, this book emphasizes novel analytical and numerical methods for solving linear and nonlinear plate and shell dilemmas, new theories for the design and analysis of thin plate-shell structures, and real-world numerical solutions, mechanics, and plate and shell models for engineering appli