Higher Audit Quality and Higher Restatement Rates

Higher Audit Quality and Higher Restatement Rates
Author: Stephen P. Rowe
Total Pages: 55
Release: 2019

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A restatement occurs when a previously issued financial statement contains a misstatement and this misstatement is detected and corrected. Higher audit quality lowers restatement probability by reducing misstatements, but it increases restatement probability by increasing the probability that misstatements will be detected and corrected. Most studies focus on misstatement reduction and equate higher audit quality with lower restatement rates. By contrast, we focus on how audit quality increases the probability that previously issued financial statements are restated. We find that Big Four auditees that have historically been associated with higher financial reporting quality, experienced an increase in restatement rates during the late 2000's resulting in Big Four auditees having higher restatement rates than Non-Big Four auditees. The timing of this increase in restatement rates corresponds with a period of higher public scrutiny of Big Four auditors. We also find that the higher Big Four auditee restatement rate is driven by an increase in less material restatements and does not reflect a decrease in underlying financial reporting quality. Our findings underscore the importance of evaluating whether factors that increase audit quality could also increase restatement rates and highlight the bias that less material restatements introduce when evaluating financial reporting quality.

Office Size of Big 4 Auditors and Client Restatements

Office Size of Big 4 Auditors and Client Restatements
Author: Jere R. Francis
Total Pages:
Release: 2014

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Francis and Yu (2009) and Choi, Kim, Kim, and Zang (2010) report evidence that Big 4 audits are of higher quality when the engagement office is of larger size: specifically, client earnings quality is higher and auditors in larger offices are more likely to issue going concern audit reports. We extend this line of research to test if larger Big 4 offices have fewer client restatements. A client restatement provides more direct evidence of a low-quality audit than earnings quality metrics or going concern reports, because a restatement indicates the client's auditor did not effectively enforce the correct application of GAAP at the time the original financial statements were issued. We analyze 2,557 firm-year restatements in a sample of 23,190 financial statements originally issued by U.S. firms in 2003-2008. We find that Big 4 office size is associated with fewer client restatements after controlling for innate client characteristics that may affect restatements (client size, financial performance, industry membership, non-financial measures, off-balance sheet activities, and market-related measures), and a set of controls for other auditor factors such as fees and industry expertise. The study raises important questions about the ability of smaller offices to deliver high-quality audits for SEC registrants.

Auditor Task-Specific Expertise

Auditor Task-Specific Expertise
Author: Jaehan Ahn
Total Pages: 54
Release: 2019

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PCAOB inspections repeatedly indicate deficiencies in audits of FV estimates, resulting in efforts by regulators to improve the related guidance and auditing standards (PCAOB 2017a). Nevertheless, regulators cannot fully resolve the complexity and inherent subjectivity in auditing fair value estimates, and thus, other solutions may be needed. We predict that auditor task-specific FV expertise, gained from work experience during the audit of FV measurements, can contribute to higher audit quality. Utilizing FV-related restatements and comment letters, we find that expertise in auditing Level 3 FV estimates at the office-level is associated with greater FV audit quality. Level 2 FV expertise or national-level FV expertise are not associated with higher FV audit quality. Following the receipt of a comment letter, we further find that auditor FV expertise is associated with lower comment letter remediation costs and higher FV disclosure quality. Finally, we find that the value relevance of Level 3 FV disclosures increases with the extent of auditor FV expertise. Collectively, our results highlight that auditor fair value expertise contributes to the credibility and usefulness of FV disclosures.

Audit Quality

Audit Quality
Author: Jonas Tritschler
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 251
Release: 2013-10-31
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 3658041749

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Arising from the author’s experience as a practicing CPA, this book is quite different from other research in this field, as it confronts the subject of audit quality from a pragmatic perspective. The first goal of Jonas Tritschler is to develop an audit quality metric on national audit firm level. Financial reporting errors, as detected by the German enforcement institutions during examinations, which subsequently are published in the German Federal Gazette by the involved companies, are the data basis for this measurement. Using the developed audit quality metric, the second goal of this study is to analyze audit quality differences of selected audit firms by comparing their deployed audit input factors such as employee’s competence (ratio of certified professionals to total audit staff), experience of employees (average tenure of employees in years) and client-specific experience (client fluctuation rate). Results indicate a correlation between audit quality according to the developed metric and the operationalized audit input factors mentioned above.

Variability of Accounting Restatement Measurement in Audit Quality Research

Variability of Accounting Restatement Measurement in Audit Quality Research
Author: R. Drew Sellers
Total Pages: 37
Release: 2018

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In this research note, we examine the application of three methods used to operationalize the financial restatement variable in empirical archival accounting literature. Research exploring financial reporting and audit quality often employs financial restatements as a proxy for low audit quality. A review of recent articles reveals three distinct variations in operationalizing the restatement variable: announcement date, first occurrence and all occurrences. Using a typical audit quality model and restatement data from 2003-2014 we find statistically distinct results from each of the three measurement choices evaluated. The results suggest an incorrect choice may subject research findings to reductions in explanatory power, risk of type 1 and type 2 errors, and altered direction (sign) of coefficients. Suggestions for applying the findings to select an appropriate measurement approach for a given research question are discussed.

The Effects of Independent Audit Committee Member Characteristics and Auditor Independence on Financial Restatements

The Effects of Independent Audit Committee Member Characteristics and Auditor Independence on Financial Restatements
Author: Vineeta Divesh Sharma
Total Pages:
Release: 2006
Genre: Corporations

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The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) continues to reform the corporate governance mechanisms in order to improve the quality of financial reporting and thus, enhance the confidence of investors in the stock market and in the accounting profession. Despite the efforts of the SEC, financial reporting scandals continue with record numbers of financial restatements documented by the General Accounting Office. A financial restatement is a correction of a previously misstated financial statement. There is a small volume of literature examining the effects of corporate governance mechanisms on financial restatements. The results of these studies however, are mixed and possibly explained by their narrow focus and omitted variables that could influence the effectiveness of audit committees. Consequently, this study examines the effects of independent audit committee member characteristics and auditor independence on financial restatements. Specifically, this study investigates the relationship between the likelihood of financial restatements and: (1) the expertise of the independent audit committee members, (2) the expertise and diligence of the independent audit committee members, (3) the reputation of the independent audit committee members, (4) the interaction effect of expertise, diligence and reputation, (5) the tenure of the independent audit committee members, and (6) the cash compensation paid to independent audit committee members. Prior studies have not investigated some of these variables or the interaction effects of independent audit committee member characteristics on financial restatements. This study also investigates the association between auditor independence and financial restatements. The SEC alleges that an increasing number of audit failures are due to the lack of auditor independence. One of the major sources of the lack of auditor independence is the auditor's economic dependency on the client. The provision of non-audit services increases the financial reliance of the auditor on the client. As a result, the auditor may become reluctant to raise issues with the preparation of the financial statements at the risk of foregoing the lucrative non-audit services fees. The SEC believes that longer audit firm tenure can also impair auditor independence and Section 203 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act suggests periodic audit firm rotation. Therefore, auditor independence was measured as: (1) fees paid to the auditor, and (2) audit firm tenure. Finally, this study extends the prior literature by studying the interaction effects of independent audit committee member characteristics and auditor independence on financial restatements. This interaction effect is important because the external auditor and the audit committee are regarded vital governance mechanisms that interact and exchange dialogue in the performance of their respective oversight of the financial reporting process. Prior research has not investigated this important interaction effect. The sample of the study comprises 69 U.S. publicly listed companies that announced their restatement from 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2002. These companies were matched with 69 non-restatement companies based on industry and size. The data for the study is derived from SEC filings such as Form 10-K and DEF 14A, and Compustat. The univariate results show that compared to restatement firms, non-restatement firms generally have effective audit committee characteristics. The audit committees of non-restatement firms have members who are experts, diligent, reputable and appropriately compensated. They also pay lower non-audit services and total fees, and have audit firms with longer tenure. The multivariate results show that after controlling for other governance structures and firm specific non-governance variables, the likelihood of financial restatements is related to independent audit committee member characteristics and auditor independence. Specifically, the likelihood of financial restatements decreases when independent audit committee members are: (1) experts, (2) experts and diligent, (3) reputable, (4) experts, diligent and reputable, and (5) appropriately compensated. The audit committee member tenure variable is insignificant. In relation to the auditor independence variables, the multivariate results show that the likelihood of financial restatements increases when the non-audit services and total fees generated by the client are higher. On the other hand, the likelihood of financial restatements decreases when audit firm tenure is longer. The empirical results of this study suggest that independent audit committees are more effective overseers of the corporate financial reporting and auditing processes when: they comprise majority experts, they meet regularly, their members are reputable, and audit committee members are appropriately compensated. On the other hand, external auditors are not deemed to be effective overseers of the corporate financial reporting process when the non-audit services and total fees generated by the client are higher but are effective when audit firm tenure is long. The results support the SEC's concerns regarding the provision of non-audit services impairing auditor independence. The results also support the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 which under Section 201 prohibits external auditors from providing certain non-audit services to its audit client. Overall, these results support the regulatory efforts to increase the quality of financial reporting by enhancing the corporate governance process related to audit committees and auditor independence. However, the results do not support calls to limit the tenure of the auditor. The results of the multivariate interaction effects suggest that, after controlling for other governance structures and firm specific non-governance variables, when the non-audit services and total fees generated by the client are higher, the likelihood of financial restatements increases under conditions when the audit committee is not effective (a non expert audit committee, an audit committee that does not meet regularly, an audit committee whose members are not reputable or an audit committee that is not appropriately compensated). The implication of this result is that it provides evidence of conditions under which restatements take place. Knowledge of such conditions could aid regulators further improve the financial reporting process and corporate governance. This knowledge will support regulators in revising policies that ensure audit committee members are not only independent but also comprise other critical qualities. These improvements to the audit committee coupled with the existing regulations on the provision of non-audit services suggest a company's governance will be more effective. Overall, the results extend current knowledge in the sparse but growing literature related to financial restatements and corporate governance, and extend our understanding of the effectiveness and interaction of governance mechanisms in reducing financial restatements.

Opening the Black Box of Audit Quality

Opening the Black Box of Audit Quality
Author: Derrald Stice
Total Pages: 58
Release: 2017

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This study examines the effect of individual auditor quality (below the partner level) on overall audit quality. We aggregate audit employee-level performance evaluations to create a measure of auditor quality at the office level. We find that high quality audit offices are associated with a lower likelihood of client restatement, fewer client abnormal accruals, and a higher likelihood of a client receiving a going concern opinion. We partition employees into low, medium, and high level, based on job title, in order to investigate which employee levels drive these results. We find that the restatement results are driven by high quality high-level employees (Senior Managers/Directors), while the going concern results are driven by high quality low-level employees (Seniors). Furthermore, we find evidence that high quality audit teams are associated with all aspects of audit quality and the magnitude of these team effects are much larger than those of the effects for any individual employee type. These findings are consistent with higher-level auditors preventing the most serious financial statement deficiencies, low-level employees contributing to audit firm independence, and overall team quality creating synergy which has the strongest effect on all aspects of audit quality. Overall, our empirical results suggest that individual auditor quality is associated with higher quality audits, and that employees at all levels affect audit outcomes.

Does Company Reputation Matter for Financial Reporting Quality? Evidence from Restatements

Does Company Reputation Matter for Financial Reporting Quality? Evidence from Restatements
Author: Ying Cao
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2011

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In this study, we explore the association between company reputation and the likelihood of a financial statement restatement (i.e., a revealed misstatement). We focus on restatements because they are one of the most visible forms of impaired financial reporting quality, and we suggest that company reputation concerns will influence the reporting process and reduce financial statement misstatements (and ultimately restatements). We proxy for company reputation using measures based on Fortune's America's Most Admired Companies List. For a sample of 8,081 observations from 1995 through 2009, we find that companies with higher reputation scores are less likely to misstate their financial statements after controlling for CEO tenure, corporate governance, and audit fees (a proxy for audit effort). In addition, we find that companies with higher reputations have better accruals quality. We also find that company reputation is positively associated with audit fees even after controlling for corporate governance. These results are consistent with company reputation having an important effect on financial reporting quality and with the effect of reputation being distinct from that of corporate governance.

Why Higher Levels of Auditor-Provided Tax Services Lower the Likelihood of Restatements

Why Higher Levels of Auditor-Provided Tax Services Lower the Likelihood of Restatements
Author: Kevin A. Diehl
Total Pages: 18
Release: 2014

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Kinney et al. (2004) ask in the Journal of Accounting Research: Why do higher levels of auditor-provided tax services lower the chances of restatements? In resolving this question, this paper investigates the relationship between auditor-provided tax services and restatements with proxies to represent the motivations of the audit committee and chief financial officers. Because Sarbanes-Oxley requires audit committee preapproval for these tax services, the necessity for including these variables is obvious. Logistic regression of seven specifications show that higher levels of auditor-provided tax services, financial experts, and long-term compensation are inversely and statistically significantly related to all restatements and (more strongly) to tax-influential restatements. The cash effective tax rate directly and statistically significantly relates to those specifications, showing that just increasing spending on these tax services cannot signal high-quality financial reporting in the absence of effective utilization.

Incumbent Audit Firm-Provided Tax Services and Clients with Low Financial Reporting Quality

Incumbent Audit Firm-Provided Tax Services and Clients with Low Financial Reporting Quality
Author: H. Gin Chong
Total Pages:
Release: 2017

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This study investigates whether incumbent audit firm-provided tax services enhance or impair the likelihood of acknowledging client companies' low financial reporting quality. In particular, we examine the association between tax-related fees and the likelihood of timely restatements, and internal control weakness disclosures among a sample of US companies that all have misstatements in financial information. The empirical findings indicate that companies paying higher tax-related fees are less likely to disclose SOX 404 internal control weakness disclosures, implying that underlying control problems are unacknowledged when incumbent audit firm provided tax-related fees are higher. However, the findings suggest that just providing both audit and tax-related services does not have an impact on audit quality per se, but rather it is the magnitude of the tax-related fees in particular that counts. We also find some evidence suggesting that companies paying higher tax-related fees have higher likelihood of restatement lags, whereas companies paying smaller tax-related fees to their audit firm restate financial statements in a timelier manner. Overall, the findings suggest that audit scrutiny of client companies with low quality financial reporting is weaker when the magnitude of tax-related fees is higher.